


FAQs: Curriculum Developer

helpdesk > curriculum developer > calendar > events > off the job hours


How to Add Off the Job Hours to Lessons


All learning can be tracked against a predefined learning programme or qualification. To do this you will need to link it to the programme.

Follow these instructions:

Set up a live lesson or meeting in the usual way.

Select the Add Learning button, and select Standards (this may be labelled ‘Programmes’, “Subjects” or something similar.

Then select the appropriate standard or programme that the learner is on.

You can go one step further and assign it to a particular Outcome or Criteria of that programme.

Any work done now (including hours spent) on that lesson will be tracked against the learning programme.

The learner must be previously assigned to that programme, else none of the tracking will be recorded against their record.

See for further details.

helpdesk > curriculum developer > how to > create learning > Creating ‘Tracked’ and ‘Untracked’ Learning Resources



how to creating ‘tracked’ and ‘untracked’ learning resources



When creating learning resources, you can choose whether to have them tracked (i.e. a status is attached which can be signed off by the learner and manager/tutor) or untracked (i.e. the resource is given an ‘Information Only’ status and does not require sign off by learner and/or manager/coach)


1. As an Administrator or Curriculum Developer – Go to ‘Add Learning Resources’ in Learning Library

Click on Add Learning Item and Add Learning Resources

2. If you want to create a resource which the learner needs to sign off, then ensure the ‘Track this learning resource’ box is ticked

3. If you also require your managers/tutors to sign off the resource then ensure the following box is unticked:

4. If you want to create a resource that requires no sign off at all then ensure the ‘Track this learning resource’ box is unticked and the ‘Does not require management sign off’ is ticked:

This allows you to create different combinations for your resources i.e. you can create a resource that you want your learners/employees to sign off but does not require managers/tutors to sign off as well as resources that require no sign off (i.e Information Only).

For further information see

helpdesk > curriculum developer > how to > learning library > Configure Open eLMS to use H5P



how to configure open elms to use h5p



H5P makes it easy to create, share and reuse microlearning elements such as interactive videos, 360 degree images, interactive stories, quizzes etc. H5P empowers everyone to create rich and interactive web experiences more efficiently.


Set up an account in H5P

To link the systems together, it is necessary to set up an account within H5P at Create a master account.

Go to Manage Organisation.

Go to “Connect LMS”

Use the following URL endpoint:, then copy the key and secret from the connection details in the list below.

Configure Open eLMS to use H5P

Log into Open eLMS as an administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration

Enter the key (copied from H5P) into the H5P_CLIENT_ID

Enter the Secret (copied from H5P) into the H5P_CLIENT_SECRET

Enter the URL endpoint for LTI (displayed in the LTI 1.1 instructions from H5P) into the H5P_LTI_URL

Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel’s color or style, select one of the options in the menu.

See for further details.

helpdesk > curriculum developer > how to > lessons > Add Off the Job Hours to Lessons



how to add off the job hours to lessons



All learning can be tracked against a predefined learning programme or qualification. To do this you will need to link it to the programme.


Follow these instructions

Set up a live lesson or meeting in the usual way.

Select the Add Learning button, and select Standards (this may be labelled ‘Programmes’, “Subjects” or something similar.

Then select the appropriate standard or programme that the learner is on.

You can go one step further and assign it to a particular Outcome or Criteria of that programme.

Any work done now (including hours spent) on that lesson will be tracked against the learning programme.

The learner must be previously assigned to that programme, else none of the tracking will be recorded against their record.

See for further details.

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Alternatively – if you are a client – you may wish to request a future upgrade to the system