


FAQs: Open eLMS Creator

helpdesk > Open eLMS Creator > how to > create learning > Create elearning from an imported script


how to create elearning from an imported script?


Open eLMS allows you to create an elearning course directly by importing a script into the system, no design or coding needed.


Follow these steps.

Create a script which follows this format – you will need to open it in Google Docs to edit it. OpeneLMSCreator20220111ExampleImportScript. First examine the columns of the script, note how to define the columns, if you do not follow this format then the import will fail.


Please note the numbering in the Number Column in the document …

… corresponds to the ScreenID in Open eLMS Creator.

Where the small numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, … 18) refer to the first screen in each topic …

And the larger numbers (301, 401, 502, 503 etc) refer to sub screens inside that topic (e.g. 603 would be the 3rd sub-screen or 4th overall screen in the 6th Topic: 6, 601, 602, 603).


This is the title of each topic i.e. screens 1 to 18. This title appears on the menu in the above image and at the top of each topic sequence. Only enter a value here at each topic – leave this blank for subscreens i.e. (301, 401, 502, 503 etc).


This is the text that will appear on screen verbatim in the Content area of the screen. Try to keep this to a minimum of 50-60 words and two paragraphs (usually a sentence for each.) Any more than this and scrollbars will be see in the interface.


This column is used for Background images. Insert jpegs into the script of at least 1200 x 800 pixels. If no image has been defined then the system reuses the image from the previous screen or subscreen.

Login as an Administrator and go to Learning Library > Import Google Doc Script into eLMS Creator.

ALTERNATIVELY Login as a Curriculum Developer and go to select Import Google Doc Script into eLMS Creator.

Enter the Course Name and enter your shared Google Doc name e.g. into the Full Google Doc Share URL. Then press Continue.

This will show a preview of the import, review it and then press Import to complete the process.

Make further edits to the course using Open eLMS Creator.

Use Open eLMS Creator to add animation, video and further design features. Try to keep the text font and size consistent.

For further details see

helpdesk > Open eLMS Creator > how to > edit elearning > Move screens in Open eLMS Creator


how to move screens in open elms creator?


You may wish to move screens around in a course when editing it. You can do this using Open eLMS Creator in the following way.


Follow this step by step guide.

Open the course is Open eLMS Creator.

Highlight the appropriate screen.

Use the Cut, Copy and then Paste buttons to find a new location to paste the screen. Note the system always pastes the screen after the currently highlighted screen.

Any links from buttons will be recalibrated if screen IDs have changed as a result of moving any screen.

See for details.

helpdesk > Open eLMS Creator > how to > elearning > Create new elearning


how to create new elearning?


New elearning can be created from within Open eLMS by using the embedded Open eLMS Creator elearning authoring system. It’s 100% online, twice as easy to use as Captivate and Articulate and the end product is twice as impressive (see software independent review).


Login as an Administrator and open the Learning Library.

If a Curriculum Developer then access the Learning Library from the main dashboard as shown.

Press on [+ Add Learning Resources] and select the second option Add Open eLMS Creator Resource.

Select a template from the options on the left and start to create your new elearning resource.

Click on the help button on the screen for a tour of how to use Open eLMS Creator.

For more information see

helpdesk > Open eLMS Creator > troubleshooting > start up > Troubleshooting: Open eLMS Creator not opening


What to do if Open eLMS Creator does not open?



Open eLMS Creator does not work on a corporate intranet, but works fine at home etc.


The company’s proxy server needs updating. Add your LMS’s domain (e.g. “” to a new rule on the server that stops any effect on SSL traffic to that URL. It should be a straight pass-thru.

Still need help? Raise a support issue via our incident management system. Use this system to monitor progress on issues through to resolution.

Alternatively – if you are a client – you may wish to request a future upgrade to the system