The following is a list of frequently asked questions about the company and its product: Open eLMS.

tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > access > self service
How is access set up to reports so learners can access them?
Reports can be assigned to users so that they can access them at any time.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > amalgamated reporting > summary
Does the Open eLMS LXP provide comprehensive (holistic) reports?
Custom reports are produced with a Word Processing preview windows which allows authors to combine data views, graphs and text to produce professional management reports which can be exported as pdfs. These reports can be distributed within Open eLMS by assigning them icon buttons which can be added to any user’s role.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > assessment data > review data
How does Open eLMS manage test assessment content?
Results from assessments are stored and reported on. The data can be used to assign further learning assignments by the use of queries.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > audit > audit trail
Does Open eLMS keep the entire history of content for changes over time?
Open eLMS has an audit section where every interaction within the system (inputs and outputs) are recorded. This data, due to size considerations, is automatically archived (when it gets to 5,000,000 records) but can be restored and viewed at any time.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > audit > system activity
Is all system activity is audited?
All system activity (inputs and outputs) are tracked and added to the audit table within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > automated > scheduled reports
Is the Open eLMS LXP able to schedule reports?
All reports can be scheduled to run periodically with a copy kept of each data snapshot. This allows reviewers to see changes over time.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > basic functions > delete report
Is the Open eLMS LXP able to delete a report?
Reports can be deleted only by administrators. Deletion rights can be assigned to other users if required.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > basic functions > edit report
Can Open eLMS LXP edit report templates?
Any custom report can be edited by administrators. Deletion rights can be assigned to other users if required.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > basic functions > view report
Who has visibility of reports in the system?
Administrators can view all reports in the system, administrators can give access to any report in the system to other personnel.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > certificates > access certificates
Can learners access their certificates of learning?
All roles can access certificates for their learning.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > completed courses > review data
Can learners still view completed courses?
Completed courses remain on each learners’ eportfolio for future access at any time.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > control access > assigned reports
Can administrators control which content can be printed?
All reports can be limited to access data for certain departments, organizations etc. by assigning them directly to each user group.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > custom reports > graph widgets
What data graphics are available in the Open eLMS LXP?
Graphs and data widgets are also available from inside Open eLMS via a configurable data dashboard.
The above data is created via a server side task which can be configured to run every minute.
True live business information capability (this brings together data from a number of sources) is available via an integration with Power BI (Open eLMS feeds data directly into any client’s Power BI dataset.) This allows for the combination with other data sources and drilling down into the data for further analysis thus giving true Business Analytics.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > custom reports > succession planning
Does Open eLMS support succession planning: Allow users to learn about other roles in the Organization
E.g. View and understand the Career Path?
Would need to create a custom report which allows users to select career paths and see the skills, knowledge and behaviours required.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > eportfolio > report portability
Does Open eLMS have self-service features for recording development and uploading and storing copies of certificates of qualification?
Learners can upload any certificates etc. into the system. These can be uploaded as files (pdfs etc.) or web links.
Learners can contribute work examples and certificates to their ePortfolio of learning throughout their learning lifetime by uploading projects, example work, documents in any format.
The ‘pack and go’ functionality allows learners to take any work with them after leaving your organisation, which can henceforth be shown to employers etc.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > eportfolio > summary
Does Open eLMS LXP store training records/certificates?
The entire learning portfolio record is available to each learner and manager.
This includes:
Learning resource performance (status and certificates)
Lesson performance
Progress with learning programmes (in terms of assets completed, criteria covered and time spent)
Gamification (leaderboard compared with peers)
Badges – badges awarded using the Open Badges standard.
Any of this data can be combined into a customised report available to any user of the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > exporting > formats
Does the system export to Excel?
All reports can be exported as Excel files (from Power BI and Open eLMS directly).
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > exporting > xml
Does Open eLMS have XML reports?
Open eLMS does export to XML where it is necessary (i.e. where linked information is exported). This can be seen in the case of exporting the Individualised Learner Record (the Export ILR button in the screenshot above).
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > filters > header filtering
Does Open eLMS filter on screen data?
Filters exist to refine the data selected. The headers contain filters which can be saved with each report.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > filters > role profiles
Can Open eLMS filter data views using the role profile?
The role profile is used as a search/filter field on management interfaces and reports (custom and default).
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > filters > save filters
Can users save filtered results as a report?
Filter statuses can be saved with each report.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > forms > access control
How are reports managed in the system?
Reports can be managed so only appropriate data is visible to each user.
Custom reports can be produced and data restricted in accordance with business rules (i.e. managers can only see data for their direct reports, company administrators can only see data for their company etc.)
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > integration > Microsoft integration
Does Open eLMS LXP interface with the Microsoft 365 suite of applications?
Open eLMS interfaces with the Microsoft 365 suite of applications and Azure Power applications.
Learners have instant access to their trainers and colleagues (assigned to similar learning programmes) for direct contact via Teams (should users have suitable Teams IDs).
Teams is integrated into live lessons when using Open eLMS Classroom.
Individual events can be exported into MS Outlook calendar, or it can be applied system wide (as a backend setting so no user action is needed).
Such events generate outlook invites via email (along with Teams webinar invites if selected).
Finally Office 365 documents can be tracked as web links within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > management information > multiple criteria
Does Open eLMS generate training reports across the enterprise by one or more criteria (such as by department and/or team, etc.)?
Multiple criteria can be selected to define a report across the enterprise. A live feed can also be created to Microsoft’s Power BI to generate management information reporting.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > management information reporting > Infographic reports
Are there infographic style reports in different formats?
The client has the option to export reports using the Power BI or Google Data Studio (no license needed), which produces a highly configurable infographic style report.
These reports can be configured to the client requirements and use AI to mine the data and produce a report with management conclusions.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > management information reporting > options
Is Power BI integration supplied with Open eLMS?
A client has the option to export all data to Microsoft Power BI (as well as Google Data Studio); this is an ‘out of the box’ integration which just needs the Authority’s credentials stored in the system and then all data is automatically updated. For more details on how to integrate Micorosoft Services see the knowledge base article –
Once a connection to this management information system is set up there is no need to log into and export the data from inside Open eLMS. The linked Power BI datasets can be used to generate any reports from the data. The system can even be linked with other data sources for further meta-analysis.
These reports can be accessed either via a computer terminal or via the Power BI app.
Alternative Management Reporting Systems can be integrated and Open eLMS would be happy to integrate them as part of the implementation process.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > Overview > summary
Is there a comprehensive reporting suite available with Open eLMS LXP, including a range of standard pre-built reports?
Open eLMS features default reporting for Learning Programmes and Learning Resources.
Default Data Views:
Learning Programme Default reports include:
Cost analysis
Manager progress
Managers falling behind
Learner progress
Learners falling behind
Training impact
Learning Resource Default Reports
Learning performance
Skill scans
Skills matrix
Task assessment reports
Training impact
Training schedule
The report data when run, previews on screen. This data can be filtered using the filters at the top of the screen and is then printed out, exported to Excel or used to create an email list to send a bulk email.
Bespoke Data Views:
Custom reports can be built from a choice of nearly 100 different fields (applied to both filters and report fields). These reports can be edited at any time.
Open eLMS has its own graph engine which can produce graphs which can be inserted into any data view or custom reports.
Custom Reports:
These reports are produced with a Word Processing preview windows which allows authors to combine data views, graphs and text to produce professional management reports which can be exported as pdfs. These reports can be distributed within Open eLMS by assigning them icon buttons which can be added to any user’s role.
Power BI, Google Data Studio, Dashboards, Dashlets:
Live feeds can be set up to give a live view of the data. These dashboards display key metrics and graphs directly within Open eLMS. Reports can also be generated, exporting the data to MS Power BI or other business information systems (eg Google Data Studio.
Scheduling Reports:
Reports can be run as scheduled reports so performance can be examined over time. These reports remain in the system and can be emailed to recipients.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > printing > basic description
Can administrators, managers, instructors and students print allowed content?
Reports can be printed, used as a basis for sending out email queries, exported to Excel or Power BI.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > properties > drill down
Can users drill-down within a report?
Where appropriate, reports allow for the drilling down into data for more granular details.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > qualifications > enrollment records
Does the system include an enrolment status report?
Enrollments (and enrollment sign-off) are recorded by the system and can be included on custom reports. In this case the filter simply shows enrolled users.
These reports can be produced that are customisable via frequency. (reports to be customisable via frequency i.e. weekly, quarterly , yearly and to be both raw data (excel format) as well as dashboard/graph format)
Data dashboards can be created within Open eLMS (in preference over Power BI). The widgets selected and their layout are configurable.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > qualifications > report building
Does Open eLMS include intuitive report building functionality for non-technical users?
Report building is as easy as selecting fields (for filters and the report body) and saving the results.
Graphs, tables and values can be combined into custom reports.
This adds a new custom report to the list which can be distributed to selected personnel.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report fields > ILR
Does reporting exist to find out who has completed training based on certain characteristics, including but not limited to: demographic characteristics, role-specific characteristics, hierarchy, employment start date (these should feed to the LXP directly
Open eLMS follows the UK Government’s ILR standard (Individualised Learner Record) which records demographic characteristics, role-specific characteristics, hierarchy, employment start date, and much more. There are over 200 fields which are recorded, just some of these are shown below.
A CRON task (automated server side processing) will be created to periodically synchronise the data in HR systems. This includes data such as: new employees, Leavers, name changes, job title changes, structure changes, Line manager changes, demographic information, and qualification information.
All fields described can be used as filters in custom reports or selected for use within the report itself.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > achievement scale
Does Open eLMS LXP create an achievement scale to measure success of student data?
The system will report on the leaderboard and awarded badges.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > assessment score
Does the Open eLMS LXP run an assessment score report?
Assessment reporting exists out of the box.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > attendance report
Does the Open eLMS LXP run an attendance report: Expectation:
– scheduled attendees vs actual attendees
– arrived late
Reports can be ran on event attendance along with authorised absence and reasons for non-attendance.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > certification expiration
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a certification expiration report:
This would be a custom report which would look at expired certificates.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > certification list
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a certification list report:
This is a custom report which would be created within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > classroom schedule
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a classroom schedule report:
A classroom schedule report can be ran. Management have the option to filter by trainer, date etc.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > compliance reporting
Does the Open eLMS LXP cover compliance reporting?
Compliance reporting can be set up to consider mandatory training (as shown below) or otherwise.
A filter can be used to see performance on a single individual (note the data in the attached screenshots is randomly generated dummy data and contains no PII).
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > course enrolments
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a course enrollments report?
A report on events would list the enrollment status, attendees, dates of event(s) etc.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > course progress
Does the Open eLMS LXP contain compliance reporting?
This is a standard default report in the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > curriculum list
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a curriculum list report?
Report can be produced directly from the curriculum list.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > curriculum progress
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a curriculum progress report?
This is a standard default report in the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > custom report
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a custom report? The expectation is:
Must be able to report on any combination of data
Report audience must include an one, or more, or group, or all LMS users
Custom reports an be constructed from a list of 80+ report and 80+ filter fields.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > drill down
Is there automated reporting which can drill down on roles or levels not engaging with training?
Reports can be set up to drill down on roles or levels not engaging with training. Open eLMS can measure the ‘Last Learning Access Date’, ‘Criteria Completion’, ‘Time Falling Behind’, etc. which can be used to filter for learners not engaging with the training.
The data can be set up to run as an automated report and be sent out to management personnel on a periodic basis if required. Reports are also stored on the system for access at any time so trends can be detected.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > enrollment activity
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a enrollment activity report?
This is a custom report which would be created within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > enrollment summary
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a enrollment summary report?
This is a custom report which would be created within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > instructor schedule
Does the Open eLMS LXP run an instructor schedule report?
Schedule reports can be filtered for individual managers. Instructors/managers will have a schedule report built into their management interface; they can print the current data view.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > instructor utilization
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a instructor utilization report?
This is a custom report which would be created within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > instructor’s vendor
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a instructors vendor (department) report?
Would need to add filter to the report for the instructor’s company.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > interaction summary
Does the Open eLMS LXP run an interaction summary report?
A custom report will be produced.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > keywords or tags
Can the Open eLMS LXP create reports by 1 or more tags (keywords), expectation:
Report on progress by Role and Student?
Any report can be saved with multiple queries added to the filter (allowing for reporting by role and student etc.)
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > logon summary
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a logon summary report?
No such report exists. An analysis for the audit report will produce this information if forensic analysis of the data is needed.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > multi-dimensional revenue
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a multi-dimensional revenue report?
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a report on Revenue by all available objects in the LMS.
Revenue by Period (year, quarter)
Revenue by Customer Segment
Revenue by Profitabili
This would usually be ran via the third party payment system (i.e. Stripe). Financial reporting is a sophisticated requirement. This report would need to be added as a customisation.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > profile roster
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a profile roster summary report?
Open eLMS produces a report on the upcoming schedule of learning. This can be ran for a single learner or a group of learners.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > template reports
Does the Open eLMS LXP create template reports?
Report templates (Word documents) can be added to the system with place holders for fields. These can then be printed off (e.g. contracts, certifications etc.)
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > training hours
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a training hours report by multiple criteria? Expectation:
Group of tasks
A report on events would list the enrollment status, attendees, dates of event(s) etc.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > user permissions
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a user permissions report?
With +250 permissions for each role, this report will produce a lot of data. A custom report will be produced to match this requirement.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > user progress
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a user progress course report?
Progress reports are available at all levels from curricula to individual learning resources. Default reports exist to enable users to focus specifically on learners or managers falling behind.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > user transcript
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a user transcript report?
A complete record of all user activity can be produced.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report types > waiting lists
Does the Open eLMS LXP run a wait list report?
This is a custom report which would be created within the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > report wizard > summary
Does Open eLMS contain real time performance reporting?
User role types such as system admin/performance role, can be given access to the built in report wizard that can be customised, as well as being able to build reports from scratch. This can be done via the ‘Review’ link on the top right hand corner of the screen.
Note that data access can be controlled so that certain users (e.g. line managers) will only get access to personnel data for which they have responsibility, whilst super users will have access to all personnel data. Permission levels can also be assigned per report, which allows strict control over access to specific reports.
These reports can be printed, used as a filter for sending emails, or exported to Excel or a management information system (e.g. Power BI).
The system can also build customized reports with nearly a 100 reports and filter fields to select from.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > reviewing data > team reporting
Does the Open eLMS LXP contain team overview reporting for line managers?
Team overview reporting is available from the Review option in the top right of the screen. Here more sophisticated default and customised reports can be created, forming the basis for exporting or creating emails or reports.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > summary > overview
Does the system deliver meaningful MI?
Open eLMS has a sophisticated reporting engine which allows managers and administrators to use default reports and create new reports within the system (see the report builder below).
Graphs and data widgets are also available from inside Open eLMS via a configurable data dashboard which give management insight into key learning measures.
Further insight can be made available via an integration with Power BI (Open eLMS feeds real time data directly into any client’s Power BI dataset.) This allows for the combination with other data sources and drilling down into the data for further analysis thus giving true Business Analytics.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > tracking > attendance reporting
Does the Open eLMS LXP automatically track attendance on online events?
Attendance can be automatically tracked within predefined parameters, namely the percentage of time on call as opposed to published time to qualify as “attended”.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > tracking > content interactions
Does the Open eLMS LXP track content interactions inside and outside of the lms?
Content interactions can be tracked on a case by case basis by the learner or manager (added as ‘Evidence’).
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > tracking > content reporting
Does the Open eLMS LXP track progress of each training component within a module, within a course, within a curriculum?
Users can drill down on progress data to see progress at each level of learning. Progress is graphically represented by gauges which are color coded to indicate if users are falling behind where they are expected to be.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > tracking > status reporting
Does the Open eLMS LXP track progress by one, more, group, or all users? Expectation:
Track by Status where Status could be:
– not started,
– complete,
– partially complete,
– certificates awarded
– fail rate
Progress tracking can be filtered for all statuses and custom reporting functionality can filter for certificates awarded.
Fail rates will need to be added via the custom reporting functionality.
tenders > Open eLMS > reporting > tracking > types of learning
Does the Open eLMS LXP track scheduled content, in a calendar, within the lms? Expectation
Content refers to imported or created work such as:
– Courses
– Assignments
– Tests
– Curriculum
– Surveys
The following are all tracked:
* Courses
* Assignments
* Tests
* Curriculum
* Surveys
This learning is visible in a calendar including event dates and due dates for the any learning resource (this is a configurable setting if required.)