Morpheus (February 2021)
The following updates were made in the period from 01 November 2020 to 18 February 2021.

Open eLMS
- Update YouTube import process
- Upgrade mailserver to ensure mail is less likely to be spammed
- Buttons locations and label nomenclature made consistent throughout the system
- Added role permissions
- Trainers can now only see students assigned to them when creating events
- Author of lessons is now recorded
- Attached files now have icons included
- Updated help walkthrough videos on site and in application to reflect interface changes
- Facebook and Google ID logins updated
- Add events (Lessons and meetings) using new calendar interface directly from the learner’s interface
- Adding groups to events will not import multiple copies of the same user (if belonging to different groups)
- Group categorisation of report fields enabled to make it easier to create custom reports
- Accessibility and responsive adaptability changes (in progress)
- Resources available for self enrolment now have an icon to signify this is the case
New Configuration Options Open eLMS
Open eLMS has now over 150 configuration options, these can be found by logging in as an administrator and going to Admin > Site Setup > Defaults > Configuration. Use the information below to make sure your settings are configured to utilise these latest features.
This hides the curriculum schedule from all users.
This hides the curriculum schedule from users in Learner’s interface
When enabled will not show “Select an existing learning resource or add new” dialogue when uploading in Learners interface, will go straight to uploading
Custom launch text in Learners interface. Empty value to have default “Launch resource”.
Enable Google Two Factor Authentication
Contact eLearning WMB for details on integrating Salesforce with Open eLMS.
Show Criteria completion percentages in learner and administrator interface, usable for Open eLMS for Apprenticeships
Category landing page will have its name centred.
If this has been defined then this course will play on start up whenever a new user accesses the system i.e. This will no longer show IF the course status = Completed. When this is the case the user will go into the home page as normal.
On learners interface, thumbnails shown will be displayed with image on one side and name on another, all enclosed with white background.
Possible values can be: “Arial”, “Roboto”, “Times New Roman”, “Times”, “Courier New”, “Courier”, “Verdana”, “Georgia”, “Palatino”, “Garamond”, “Bookman”, “Comic Sans MS”, “Candara”, “Arial Black”, “Impact”
Setting this variable to true will allow the learner to navigate to the Home screen (where categories are displayed if activated) when pressing on the resources link in the header bar.
Add code for Google Analytics in Value field. To get this code:
Sign in to your Analytics account.
Click Admin.
Select an account from the menu in the ACCOUNT column.
Select a property from the menu in the PROPERTY column.
Under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.
Open eLMS Creator
- There is the option to make the menu tab larger
- Now 27 different language options for autonarration from Amazon Polly engine
- Previous button can now be added in the options setting
Open eLMS Catalogue
- New microaggressions course
The following list of features has been planned for the next quarter to end of July 2021 …
- Enhancements to Open eLMS Classroom
- Update of Open eLMS elearning app
- Learning assignment based on a query builder (e.g. start a Learning Programme if Learning Resource/Course/Lesson etc. is complete
- Customisable button sets for Open eLMS Creator
- Create proprietary bulletin board (v’s implementing third parties)
User Groups
We are inviting clients to create user groups where you can communicate with other clients and explore and share your ideas with us, If you are interested please contact your account manager or for further details.