Coeus Release
The following updates have been made in the period from 01 August 2022 – May 2023 – the changes added below are included in the Coeus release following an extensive testing process (Release Management Process).
This page will be regularly updated to display the features in each release. It is important if you are a client to review these regularly, particularly configuration options which you may need to turn on. We release updates in this way – wherever possible – so clients can control changes where it may interfere with the user’s interface and forewarn appropriately.

Open eLMS
The following is a summary of the more significant updates inherent in Coeus.
- New reporting engine
- Customisable report engine
- Customisable Graph engine
- SQL query builder added (for autocompletion of form field values and assigning of learning)
- Artificial Intelligence:
- Integration with allowing for the production of eLearning using AI
- Integration with Open eLMS Chat (AI/Chat GTP powered help system)
- Enhanced learning recommendations
- Skill Monitor Programmes (monitors skills across learning programmes)
- Skills Library allows for the definition of skills and linked learning
- Enhanced Open eLMS API
- Customisable Loading Animations
- Product tour
- Yammer Integration
- Enhanced data importing
- Enhanced learner interface options
- Enhanced data logs
- Enhanced field formatting and file attachment functionality for learner input
Detailed Configuration Changes
Configuration Name | Configuration Key | Configuration Value (default) | Configuration Description (default – this is changed to aid readability) |
Enable Impersonate Learners by Admin functionality. | enableImpersonate | TRUE | Set this value to true to allow Administrators to impersonate Learners. This is useful if the administrator needs to log in to troubleshoot a learner’s issues. This functionality can be accessed by the administrator from the System Setup > Organisation > Users > Actions > Impersonate User. We recommend setting this value to true. |
Single Sign On Button URL | SingleSignOnButtonURL | Add a URL here to create a button on the login page which will take users to the system via SSO ( e.g.[YOURDOMAIN]/saml ). If you have SSO activated on your system then it is recommended to define this value. There will be situations where users who have SSO access will reach this registration page and need an access point to the system. | |
Allow Unique Email For User. | uniqueEmailPerUser | TRUE | The email field is unique in user table by default, set this to false to allow importing multiple users with same email. In most cases this value should be set to true. |
Allow Learners to customise dates on their prorgammes | allowLearnerAdjustDates | FALSE | Set this value to true to allow learners to customise dates on their programmes. Generally you will want management to control delivery dates, but you in case you want users to select their own deadlines from the Progress view of their data, then set this to true. |
Send Civica Data | allowSendCivicaData | FALSE | If set to true, then a data dump of all sales via civica are sent to a named party. Define CivicaManagerEmail to receive this data. Define CivicaFrequencyDays to define how frequently this csv file is sent. |
Civica Manager Email | CivicaManagerEmail | Define CivicaManagerEmail to receive Civica data periodically. See allowSendCivicaData to activate this functionality. Define CivicaFrequencyDays to define how frequently this csv file is sent. | |
Civica Frequency Days | CivicaFrequencyDays | Define CivicaFrequencyDays to define how frequently this csv report is sent out. See allowSendCivicaData to activate this functionality. Define CivicaManagerEmail to record where the data is sent to. | |
Show reset custom completion dates button | showResetCustomDatesButton | none | Selecting the role level (admin or manager) which will add a button to allow the user to edit all custom completion dates for all users in a given programme. The button shows up in the learning program/edit modal window. This is useful for bulk editing the dates assigned to learners on the learning programme, normalising them for all learners. It is advised that this is only used to correct data errors, rather than making it a permanent feature of the system. |
Custom functionality to replace usercode field value data | fixUserCodeOnImport | FALSE | Should you need to replace an employee ID that starts with 1xxx…into 01xxx… then activate this option. This is required in many council HR systems in the UK, where the first ‘0’ is stripped from the import by Excel during processing. It is very rare that this value will need to be made true. See fixUserNameOnImport too. |
Show reset custom completion dates button for users | showUserResetCustomDatesButton | FALSE | Set this value to true, to show the button which allows managers to reset all custom completion dates for a particular user in a given assigned learning programme to those dates specified by the programme’s original timings. This value should generally be set to false in order to cause confusion. The main reason for having this function is to correct data errors within the system and generally will not be needed. |
Optional Programme selection | optionalResourceProgrammeLink | FALSE | When a learner uploads a document etc. – if using programmes and this value is false – then the document must be matched to a programme before the upload can be completed. Set this value to false to allow documents to be uploaded without this being necessary. Set this value to true if not using programmes to sort your ePortfolio, instead relying on the filtering of learning by categories. It is a good discipline to leave this value false, to mandate the proper sorting of the eportfolio by the learner. |
This is the start time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS | CalendarStartTime | 800 | This is the start time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS. This value defaults to 0800 if not set. |
This is the end time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS | CalendarEndTime | 1800 | This is the end time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS. This value defaults to 1800 if not set. |
Show learning recommendations | showRecommendations | TRUE | Open eLMS uses heuristics to examine what learning your peers have undertaken and make recommendations for future learning based on that data. This is the basis for the creation of machine learning generated recommendations, which can be shown by making this option true. Recommendations will be visible at the top of the learner’s view of all learning in the system. |
Show all events to all Managers | listAllEventsToManagers | TRUE | Set this value to true to allow managers to see all events (even those not assigned to them) within the list view of events. This should be set to true, as it allows managers to assign their own personnel onto courses ran by third parties. The calendar view still allows managers to administer their own learning courses that they are running themselves. |
Number of recommendations to show | RecommendationsNumber | 10 | This limits the number of recommendations generated by machine learning (not the number of recommendations can be below this number on any given day.) Remember to set showRecommendations to true to see any recommendations. |
Test Email Account | testEmailAccount | | If this value is set then all emails generated by the system will go to this account. This field is populated when in testing mode to prevent all test accounts getting emails when setting up and testing the system. Empty this field when you are ready to launch the system and are happy with the way the system is sending out emails. |
Company field in registration page is mandatory | registerMandatoryCompany | FALSE | Setting this value to true will make the company field in the registration page mandatory. Remember to activate the registration (allowRegistration = true) for this setting to come into effect. |
Maximum time cron task is allowed to run before it is killed, minutes | CrontTaskKillTime | 120 | CRON tasks are server side automated tasks which generate data within Open eLMS. In some cases CRON tasks can run for a long time, or even indefinitely. THis is bad since it will take up server resources and eventually cause the system to go down. Open eLMS will close any CRON task after a period of time in order to prevent this from happening. The default time is 2 hours, this can be increased to a ceiling of 5 hours, or reduced to a minimum of 20 minutes. |
Outlook Request Response | OutlookRequestResponse | TRUE | If set to true, then Outlook will request all participants on an event to inform the event owner whether they will attend or not. This process will be handled by Outlook automatically. enableGlobalOutlookIntegration must be true and the system connected, before this feature can be used. |
Set Small Promo Image. | setSmallPromoImage | FALSE | When the learner selects any thumbnail image of any learning, a promo image will then display at the top of the screen. If this is set to true then a smaller promo image will be used, allowing for more space for the text describing the selected learning. |
to not open last Learning resource on login | isBrowsebyDefault | TRUE | If this value is set to true, then this puts the system in browse mode when first loading in (i.e. this hides a promo image of the last selected learning resource when the user first logs into the system.) |
Custom functionality to replace username field value data | fixUserNameOnImport | FALSE | Should you need to replace an user name that starts with 1xxx…into 01xxx… then activate this option. This is required in many council HR systems in the UK, where the first ‘0’ is stripped from the import by Excel during processing. It is very rare that this value will need to be made true. See fixUserCodeOnImport as well. |
Use usercode if username is missing during user import. | importUserCodeForMissingUsername | FALSE | Set this to true if users are imported without the username being present in the import file AND there is usercode in table. This then sets up the username using the user code instead of the email. |
Overwrites email from field to all emails sent out from system | defaultEmailFromName | If this value is left empty then the name used in the ‘from’ field in automated emails uses the email address of the user who enters the email . Alternatively enter an email address so all emails are sent from a group email address e.g. | |
Hide learning on Learners view after x days, after completion. | LearningResourceVisibleDays | 90 | This number indicates the number of days after which any learning on the learner’s view and calendar will be hidden. The Progress view will continue to show all events/learning resources view. Note this is important to add this number with a large data set as it will greatly speed up response times. It is recommended that this value is set at the most 90 days. |
Hide events on Learners view after x days, after completion. | EventsVisibleDays | 50 | This number indicates the number of days after which any event (lesson/meeting etc.) on the learner’s view and calendar will be hidden. The Progress view will continue to show all events/learning resources. Note this is important to implement with a large data set as it will greatly speed up response times. It is recommended that this value is set at the most to 50 days. |
Hide Meet and Zoom | hideMeetingAndZoom | TRUE | Set this value to true to hide Teams and Zoom from the learning resources (‘Netflix style’) learner view. Learners do not need to browse these meetings in the interface and as such this value should be kept at true. |
Nightly user data export | enableNightlyUserDataExport | FALSE | Setting this value to true will export enabled user data as a CSV file, every night. Contact Open eLMS for more information on how to receive this file. |
API Access Token | APITokenAccess | 06f66f21a95f09ea875b2acbfa8d375d | This is the access token for using the Open eLMS API. More details on the API can be found at |
Sends alerts to system administrator if there is problem with any Cron task. | cronTaskDebug | FALSE | Setting this to true will send an email alert to the Open eLMS system administrator if there are problems with any Cron task. This is a setting controlled by Open eLMS and set to true in cases where there are issues with the Open eLMS CRON tasks. |
Attach Assigned Managers to Uploads | AttachManagerstoUploads | Set this value to true to allow learners and managers to assign managers to an upload so they can deal with issues such as offering advice on the work or marking it. The four options will allow users to assigners at different access levels applied universally to all uploads: * Any manager – assigned by learner or manager * Any manager – assigned by the maanger only * Assigned managers only – assigned by learner or manager * Assigned managers only – assigned by the manager only A blank value will remove the option to assign a manager completely. | |
Shows checkbox “Schedule Periodic Reports” for programmes. | | FALSE | Setting this value to true will show a checkbox “Schedule Periodic Reports” which will allow these now redundant reports to be seen on the Assignments’ tab in the learner’s interface. It is recommended to make this value false unless reviewing these old-style reports is mission critical. |
Display and edit expected completion date inside resource view | showEditExpectedCompletionDateResource | TRUE | Set this value to true to display the due date with the learning resource details. It is advisable to leave this value as true as this is valuable information for the learner. |
Hide QA Reports | HideQAReports | TRUE | Set this value to true to hide all system references to old style QA reports (made by Quality Assurers but now phased out). This functionality can be switched on to reference QA data pre 2022 (Aphrodite release) if required. |
Hide forms from learner | HideFormsLearner | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the form button from learners if no forms are in the system. The functionality allows learners self-serve the processing for forms, by accessing forms via the Upload (or plus button) button on the main learning interface. |
Hides the Resources Need Attention button on the header | hideResourcesNeedAttentionHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Resources Need Attention button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. This button alerts learners when submitted work has been reviewed, this may not be needed in cases where the learning experience does not require feedback from managers (e.g. LMS only serves elearning and not manually marked work.) |
Hides the Help button on the header | hideHelpHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Help button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. You may consider that the interface does not need a learner’s help, if so then this can be removed. Note you can customise the help video by editing HelpVideoURL configuration key. |
Hides the Learning button on the header | hideLearningHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Learning button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. This does the same task as the main company logo and can be removed, so long as the configuration key ‘isLearnerLandingPage’ equals to false. |
Hides the Calendar button on the header | hideCalendarHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Calendar button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. Learners do not need this if you are not setting learning events (Open eLMS Classroom) or including deadlines within the calendar. |
Hides the Assignments button on the header | hideAssignmentsHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Assignmements button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. This is a list view of the schedule information, so it is not mission critical and can be hidden if not wanted or you are not booking any live meetings etc. |
Hides the Progress button on the header | hideProgressHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Progress button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. This allows learners to get a more detailed view on their data. If your main goal is to keep everything simple, then set this value to ‘true’. |
Hides the Reports button on the header | hideReportsHeaderButton | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the Reports button on the header of the (‘Netflix style’) learner view. This button allows organisations to distribute reports to learners, if you are not using this functionality in Admin > Review > Custom Reports > Distribute – then you can set this value to ‘true’. |
Hides the learner’s due date when selecting learning in the learning interface | hideLearnerDueDate | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the learning due date for the selected learning resoruce or lesson. This value will be set to false in almost all cases (some users of skills may not want the learner to be aware of this since they cannot effect the result.) |
Hides the learner’s sign off when selecting learning in the learning interface | hideLearnerDueDate | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the learner’s sign off for the selected learning resoruce or skill. This value will be set to false in almost all cases (some users of skills may not want the learner to have the responsiblity of signing off learning – this especially applies to skills monitoring programmes.) |
Hides the learning status from selected learning in the learning interface | hideLearnerStatus | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the learning status for the selected learning resoruce or lesson. This value will be set to false in almost all cases (some users of skills may not want the learner to be aware of this since they cannot effect the result.) |
Hides the learning details tab when selecting learning in the learning interface | hideLearnerDetails | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the learning details tab for the selected learning resoruce or lesson. This value will be set to false in almost all cases (some users may wish to do this to clean the interface for the end user.) |
Protect session against fixation | sessionProtection | TRUE | This will add more security layers to prevent session fixation. Session fixation is an attack that permits an attacker to hijack a valid user session. It is advisable to leave this value as true in order to pass penetration tests. |
All links in email templates will go through SSO | redirectAllLinksThroughSSO | FALSE | Set this to true if your company is using SSO. This will direct any link to a learning resource through the SSO system then redirect back to original URL. If this value is set to false, learners using SSO will not be able to navigate directly to files within the system from external links. |
Notify system administrator about duplicated emails being sent out. | duplicatedEmailCheck | TRUE | Set this to true should you want administrators to check for multiple emails going to the same person. It is a good idea to set this value to true to avoid email queries resulting in spamming the recipient with multiple emails. |
Set limit of duplicated emails allowed to go out in same day. | duplicatedEmailLimit | 2 | It is important to prevent automated email systems from spamming recipients. Set this to a low value to prevent multiple emails being sent out to same person with same content goes in the same day. We advise setting this value to 2. |
Help Video on the bottom of role select page | RolesListHelpUrl | If hideHomeButton is set to false, then a home screen for management is visible which allows them to see a description of each role availble to them. There is a link to a help video at the bottom of this screen. – this can be customised to link to any video or webpage that is desirable. This is useful for adding custom advice to users of the system. | |
Approve user automatically when user is paid for | ApproveEventUserAfterPayment | TRUE | This makes any management approval unnecessary if a payment has been made by the user to enrol on an event. It is advisable to set this value to true if the system is taking payments, else the system will take money off the learner but then may not be able to fulfil the service. |
Days since last review – warning threshold | daysSinceLastReviewWarningThreshold | Set this value in days, so it will warn each user so that they need to book a follow up review with their manager. For instance if leaners are required to have 3 monthly reviews, then set this value to 90. | |
Default message that is shown when user registers and needs administration approval. | userRegisterWaitingForApprovalMessage | Thank you for setting up your account, before you can begin using the site, your account needs to be approved by System Admin. We may need to contact you for further details to do this. | Should isApproveLearners be set to true, then set this message in order to warn any registrants that they will need to wait for administration approval prior to accessing the system. |
Ask the user for feedback when completing the learning resource. | askForFeedbackOnComplete | FALSE | Set this value is true to automatically directed the learner to the feedback form once the learning is completed. It is advisable only to set this value to true if you want feedback on all learning after completing each resource. |
Hides the learner’s sign off when selecting learning in the learning interface | hideLearnerSignOff | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the learner’s sign off for the learning resources or skills. This value will be set to false in almost all cases (some users of skills may not want the learner to have the responsibility of signing off learning – this especially applies to skills monitoring programmes.) |
Organisation field in registration page is text | RegisterCompanyText | FALSE | When true, this will allow that user enters free text for organisation during registration and this will be created in the system as new organisation (or if the text matches existing organisation with the same name, the user will be added to it). The default value for registrations is false so that the organisation is selected from a list. |
Show wrap specific options for graph | showGraphFilterForWrap | FALSE | Setting this value to true will show dynamic department filter for graph. It is recommended in most cases to leave this value as false. |
Enforce learners to sign off skills | isLearnerSkillsSignOff | FALSE | This setting is used on Skills Monitoring Programmes only. Setting this value to true will require learners to attest that they have achieved the skill (as well as management.) This will turn the skill green on the management interface. Setting it to false will remove the sign off from the learner interface completely. The default value for this setting is false, in line with blue light services requirements. |
Adds Yammer Integration | isYammer | FALSE | Selecting true for this option will add the Yammer social media integration; this can be added to events (forming related groups in Yammer) and accessed via the trainee’s toolbar. Note integration with Microsoft 365 is needed to enable this as well: see keys Microsoft Application Client Id and Microsoft Application Client Secret for further information. |
Sign-Off completed Skills Programme | SignOffCompletedSkillsProgramme | TRUE | Set this value to true to ensure that all skills in a skills monitoring programme are set to “Complete” before the entire programme can be signed off. This value is set to true – please note that this setting is ignored if SignOffAutomatedSkillsMonitoring is set to false. |
Disable form sign off signature in forms | formSignatureDisable | FALSE | Disable the handwritten form signature in forms, a simple checkbox will be used to sign-off forms. |
Automatic Sign-Off of Skills Monitoring Programmes | SignOffAutomatedSkillsMonitoring | FALSE | Set this value to true if you want skills monitoring programmes to automatically set to ‘Complete’ once all associated skills are set to a completed status. Setting this to false will display a manual sign-off option. This value is set to true by default in line with standard blue light settings. |
Show `share` button in learner interface for resources. | showShareResourceSsoUrl | TRUE | This button will copy the learning resource url in the user’s clipboard so it can be shared with other learners. The share button appears in the learner’s interface by the learning resource name. We recommend to set this value to true. |
Hide legacy Programmes reporting | HideLearningProgrammesReporting | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the old style programmes reporting from users who create reports. It is recommended to leave this value as False if you are upgrading from an old version of Open eLMS (pre Coeus) since you will want some functionality to be bought forward into the new version. |
Hide legacy Lesson Resources reporting | HideLearingResourcesReporting | FALSE | Set this value to true to hide the old style learning resources reporting from users who create reports. It is recommended to leave this value as False if you are upgrading from an old version of Open eLMS (pre Coeus) since you will want some functionality to be bought forward into the new version. |
Query builder on events are visible only to Administrators and managers added to event. | eventQueryBuilderRestriction | TRUE | Set this value to true to restrict access to the query builder on events to administrators and any manager added to event. It is advised to set this value to true, else other managers can edit the query and add users to the event. |
Open eLMS Creator
- New Menu added
- Integration with Artificial Intelligence (optional allows automated elearning creation)
- Increased animation library
- Increased backgrounds library
Open eLMS Chat
Release of new custom chat engine to allow organisations to implement their own AI. Applications could be:
- Company Information Desk
- Sales information to customers
- Client Help Desk
- Latest knowledge to those that need it (e.g. medical expertise to remote locations)
Further information available at Open eLMS Chat.
- Produce eLearning with a single line of text.
Further information available at
Open eLMS Catalogue
- New courses to be announced in August 2023
The following list of features has been planned for release in Autumn 2023. This work progresses the integration capabilities of the system, improves the usability of ‘out of the box’ functionality and adds further machine learning capabilities to the system …
- AI implemented to yield further enhanced learning recommendations and search
- AI to create learning programmes with created elearning and curated learning resources
- AI to implement image and learning creation in Open eLMS Creator
- AI to aid natural language reporting (e.g. “produce me a report on the top performing departments”.)
- AI to create natural language custom queries (e.g. “assign the manual handling course to everyone in the factory”.)
User Groups
We are inviting clients to create user groups where you can communicate with other clients and explore and share your ideas with us, If you are interested please contact your account manager or for further details.