The following is a list of frequently asked questions about the company and its product: Open eLMS.

tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > events > automatic enrolment
Can administrators and curriculum developers schedule learning events, where approval is not required?
Approval by default is not required for learning events and learning resources. The interface below shows a learning resource (elearning, video etc.) which is enrollable and does not require management sign-off.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > events > automatic enrolment
Can learners be made to enroll on (or withdraw from) a course automatically, based on business logic?
Queries can remove, as well as add, enrollments depending upon business logic set on attached queries.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > events > business rules
Can management approve/reject requests for enrollment in (or withdrawal from) courses?
Courses when set up can be set up to require management approval or direct booking.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > events > manual enrolment
Can students enroll in a course?
Students can enrol on courses (or be enrolled on them by managers.)
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > events > waiting lists
Can curriculum developers, managers and trainers manage wait lists?
Waiting lists can be accessed from the Curriculum Developers’ dashboards.
Curriculum developers can manually move people off the waiting list if required.
Users. for whom payment is waiting, remain on the waiting list until the payment process is completed.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > feedback > 360-degree feedback
Can the Open eLMS LXP be integrated with 360-degree feedback (peer observations) which produces a tailored suggested development map as a standard output?
A 360 degree feedback containing peer observations will be created using Open eLMS Forms to replicate any existing process. The standard output would utilize existing formatting and contain digital signatures as required.
The reporting can be customised to meet organisational requirements with a completely flexible report builder.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > feedback > access feedback
Does the LMS/LXP track feedback made on content?
All feedback is tracked by the LMS and will appear on the appropriate management dashboards.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > feedback > self-assessments
Can self assessments be added to the Open eLMS LXP to create a development plan?
Open eLMS Creator enables the building of custom forms which can create a customised self assessment for each user.
The results from this data can be input into a customised report which will form the development plan for each user. Business logic can be added to the forms to determine the content of the development plan.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > feedback > self-assessments
Can surveys be added to the Open eLMS LXP to automate the construction of a learning pathway?
Open eLMS Creator enables the building of surveys which can ask the learner a series of questions. In accordance with their answers a series of learning resources, modules, and learning programmes can be assigned to learners automatically.
These assessment questionnaires are ideal for initiating learning pathways that create a learning plan for the user.
Learning resources, modules, and learning programmes can be linked together to create suitable pathways customised to the unique characteristics of each learner (location, existing skills, learning completed etc.) This is currently achieved using queries, the graphical user interface shown below will be released soon.
With learning programmes, certain sections of each programme can be blocked off or opened – again in accordance with the characteristics of each learner.
This produces a highly customised development plan from the initiation point of a single survey.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > feedback > survey
How does Open eLMS measure satisfaction?
Tools also exist within Open eLMS to measure satisfaction and ROI:
Audits can be created using Open eLMS Creator to create a Kirkpatrick evaluation questionnaire;
Learning Resources and lessons can be rated (5 stars) and reviews left;
The underlying improvement in skills, knowledge and behaviour can be evaluated by periodic skill scan questionnaires;
And improvements in competencies and CPD points can be reported over time to spot performance improvements as a result of Open eLMS implementation.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > feedback > tracking L&D
How does the L&D (Learning and Development) team track learning?
The L&D team will be able to track, report and issue notifications for any recurring certification, training requirements, so that the Authority can ensure compliance requirements are met.
Learning resources can be defined so that they are periodically repeated (a new record is created and the old one is archived). In the example below the GDPR course is carried out every year, for a maximum of 3 years. A customised email is sent out when the course should be retaken (further emails are sent out after a defined period of days if the course is not completed).
This data can be reported on for the most recent training requirement as well as an audit of all training carried out in the past.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning library > auditing learning
How can users of Open eLMS LXP audit learning information?
Learning progress is tracked and auditable, and audit reports are available for continuing refresher training.
All inputs and outputs are also saved by the system, providing a complete log of all system activity. This can be used in the case of any nefarious activity to discover the perpetrator or to demonstrate GDPR compliance.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning library > delegated learning
Can management (e.g. from course organiser, leader and/or line manager) assign learning to learners?
Course organiser/leader (AKA ‘Curriculum Developers) and line managers can assign learning to people, groups, departments, etc. via the learning library button (this functionality can be added to any role by editing role permissions).
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning programmes > assigning with queries
Is the Open eLMS LXP able to automatically assign a learning journey to a user according to their job role?
Queries can be enhanced to apply any learning journey to a particular job (such statements can be combined via an ‘AND’ statement i.e. all Engineers who have a Manager role else used as a stand alone condition with an ‘OR’ connector, so all Engineers are assigned the learning journey regardless of their role.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning programmes > role mapping
Is Open eLMS able to map learning journeys to role profiles?
Learning journeys (aka ‘programmes’) can be mapped to role profiles using queries (e.g all line managers should undertake a ‘Team Leader’ learning programme.)
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > content providers
What content partnerships are integrated into the Open eLMS API?
Open eLMS Catalogue
Open eLMS Catalogue contains elearning modules that are built to be engaging and interactive; with video presenters, they look like video documentaries but work like elearning. This unique methodology produces elearning which is uniquely engaging with a 99% approval rate in independent studies.
All these courses are editable using Open eLMS Creator, this includes audio narration which can be substituted with Amazon Polly’s voice engine (as used in Amazon Alexa).
The standard cost for this for 1400 users is £ 20,495.53 per annum. Open eLMS will offer this for free.
Open eLMS Classroom
The Open eLMS smart classroom/webinar conferencing platform is included in the Open eLMS Suite of products and services. As with all Open eLMS products and services, the provision of Open eLMS Classroom includes full account management services.
The cost of Open Classroom for 1400 learners is £5,667.90 per year. Open eLMS will offer this for free. Note this does not include the cost of Zoom, Teams, etc.
GO1 Catalogue
Open eLMS has a partnership with GO1 to offer elearning content through the Open eLMS system. This is a completely integrated offering.
Open eLMS will use its long standing relationship with GO1 to negotiate the best price possible and will commit to take no commission for this sale.
Anders Pink News Feeds
Anders Pink gives Open eLMS the ability to integrate the very latest articles on topics related to subjects of your choice. These are curated using the Anders Pink AI engine, which are displayed seamlessly at the top of searches within Open eLMS.
Open eLMS will similarly take no commission for this sale to keep costs to a minimum.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > curation
What configuration options are available?
There are +200 configuration options available which will ensure the system is ideally suited to ONR’s requirements.
Features that can be changed are too numerous to list but they include:
Branding/look and feel
Activation/deactivation of functionality
Default values
Addition of fields
Interface options
Security features
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > curation
What options to users have to add learning content to the Open eLMS LXP?
Users can create course content in a number of ways without resorting to external authoring software. Options include:
Utilising the elearning supplied with Open eLMS via the Open eLMS Catalogue
Adding learning from document repositories (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, websites etc.)
Importing YouTube
Importing elearning scripts (Word/Google Docs) directly into Open eLMS
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > curation
What reporting options are available?
Activity, evaluations, attendance etc. reports are produced either as custom reports (built using the system) or default reports (provided from launch.)
Learning Programme Default reports include:
Cost analysis
Manager progress
Managers falling behind
Learner progress
Learners falling behind
Training impact
Learning Resource Default Reports
Learning performance
Skill scans
Task assessment reports
Training impact
Training schedule
This data can be filtered using the filters at the top of the screen and is then printed out, exported to Excel or used to create an email list to send a bulk email.
These reports can be produced that are customisable via frequency. (reports to be customisable via frequency i.e. weekly, quarterly , yearly and to be both raw data (excel format) as well as dashboard/graph format)
The report data is available in a tabulated format, else it can be used to produce graphs or be integrated (with graphs) into full report templates (editable by system administrators.) A full set of reports is provided to users during the implementation process.
Data dashboards can be created within Open eLMS (in preference over Power BI). The widgets selected and their layout are configurable.
Intuitive report building functionality for non-technical users:
Report building is as easy as selecting fields (for filters and the report body) and saving the results.
This adds a new custom report to the list.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > demand learning
Can Open eLMS identify demand for corporate wide learning?
A skills matrix, as identified by employee development plans/1:1s (linked to Manage Performance & Development is produced which will allow L&D team to review skills in the company and where learning is required.
These skills matrix also show which skills are required by learners to effectively carry out their jobs and where additional training is needed to meet requirements.
This information can be printed out as a report or used as the basis for an email alert to encourage further training.
Custom reports can also be distributed to the learner population to determine a learning needs analysis.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > document repository
Does Open eLMS have a document repository?
Integration with other third party repositories (e.g Google Docs, Sharepoint documents) can be inserted as web links or bulk imported via a spreadsheet.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > email feedback
Does Open eLMS allow for the creation of customised evaluation emails?
Upon completion of the learning activity, Open eLMS will automatically send a customised evaluation email.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > external learning
Can Open eLMS embed external elearning repositories?
The content repositories (Open eLMS Catalogue (included with tender), Go1, and Anders Pink) are available out of the box. This elearning can be drawn down directly from within the system via the learning library.
Moodle learning objects can be linked directly with the embedded Moodle integration in Open eLMS (items can be launched from Open eLMS within Moodle and tracked back to Open eLMS).
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > file uploading
Does Open eLMS allow for the uploading of PowerPoints, videos and other files?
Open eLMS can host a range of learning resources including PowerPoint files with integrated video. PowerPoint files are uploaded and metadata (keywords, description, promo images, etc. are added to make it searchable.
These PowerPoint files can be added to the system directly, else they can be blended together with other types of learning and used for either asynchronous learning (online study appearing on the learning portfolio when needed), or synchronous learning (e.g. face to face tutorials, online lectures, etc.) which learners enrol on and feature a blend of these learning resource types …
Any learning lesson resources in the lesson can be set for pre- (background knowledge) or post-session study (assigned as homework).
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > induction
Does Open eLMS Catalogue contain an onboarding eLearning course?
The Open eLMS Catalogue includes a course called “e-start” which is a company onboarding elearning template. Customise the working, images, and any animation to produce an employee induction course ideally suited to the client. This learning can be supplemented by elearning created by the client using Open eLMS Creator or an alternative.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > Open eLMS Catalogue
Does Open eLMS provide elearning courses?
There are +200 configuration options available which will ensure the system is ideally suited to each client’s requirements.
Features that can be changed are too numerous to list but they include:
Branding/look and feel
Activation/deactivation of functionality
Default values
Addition of fields
Interface options
Security features
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > refreshed learning
Does the Open eLMS LXP allow for refresher training?
All Learning in the system (Learning Resources, Lessons (collections of learning resources usable in events), learning events and learning programmes (aka ‘pathways’ or ‘warrants’) can be refreshed after a certain period of time. This time period will automatically assign the learner events and other learning (e.g. learning resources) – in this case the refresher email is customised specifically for this learning resource.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > surveys
Can Open eLMS promote learning content based on needs, search preferences, and group interests?
Open eLMS Creator enables the building of surveys which can ask the learner a series of questions. In accordance with their answers a series of learning resources, modules, and learning programmes can be assigned to learners automatically.
These assessment questionnaires are ideal for initiating learning pathways that create a learning plan for the user.
Learning resources, modules, and learning programmes can be linked together to create suitable pathways customised to the unique characteristics of each learner (location, existing skills, learning completed, etc.). This is currently achieved using queries on the learning resource/lesson/learning programme. The user interface shown below will be released soon which will give a graphical representation of this relationship.
With learning programmes, certain sections of each programme can be blocked off or opened – again, in accordance with the characteristics of each learner.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > learning resources > YouTube playlists
Can the Open eLMS LXP import YouTube Playlists?
A very popular way of adding a lot of learning resources very quickly to the system is to import YouTube playlists. This has the benefit that metadata (images, description, author, name, etc.) are taken from YouTube, so all the curator needs to do is add YouTube videos to a playlist and then import that playlist.
YouTube videos are tracked in Open eLMS using xAPI.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > manage instructors > falling behind
How do administrators manage instructors/trainers/managers using the Open eLMS LXP?
Administrators can manager instructors by filtering to see who is falling behind etc. They can also assign users, departments etc and oversee work.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > programmes > archives courses
Can courses be archived?
Courses can be archived by selecting to disable them (they can be restored at any time).
Courses can also be:
• Duplicated (if new courses are needed based on the old content); and
• Versioned (copies of any version of a course is saved and the version taken is recorded against each learner’s record.)
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > programmes > capabilities framework
Does the Open eLMS LXP platform host capabilities framework with diagnostic assessment tools?
Open eLMS can host capabilities frameworks as a framework programme, with associated skills, knowledge, and behaviours. Curriculum developers can edit these frameworks and set work times and associated learning against the criteria.
Such frameworks require evidence to be uploaded against the outcomes and criteria of the framework. This can be done by managers and the learners themselves.
When uploading content, learners need to map the uploaded file(s) against the criteria of the framework as shown (number of evidence types are defined within the framework).
Management has functionality to check and sign-off the framework for the learner.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > programmes > learning pathways
How do learning pathways operate in the Open eLMS LXP?
Learning Pathways
Pathways are created by combining the three units of learning in Open eLMS:
• Learning resources
• Modules (collection of learning resources)
• Programmes (a scheduled learning programme last months/years mapped against learning goals)
New Starter Example
Anyone recently registered on the system can be automatically added to a New Hires group which has some standard induction modules added. The learning of each learner can be tailored to their unique needs depending upon their department, location, job, group (they can be in more than one group), skills, etc. All learning can be assigned based on queries which will automatically assign learning dependent upon these characteristics.
For instance, in the example of this learning resource below, it will be assigned to any new hires in the account department OR any library assistants.
Questionnaires can also be added to the system (using Open eLMS Creator) which will assign learning dependent upon answers to questions (e.g. in the example below “Do you have aspirations to become a management accountant?” If “yes” then appropriate learning is added).
Gas Fitter Example
Queries can be added together to form a pathway. This allows the construction of a training AI which dictates which parts of any learning programme each learner receives.
For instance at a juncture the system analyses job characteristics, experience, job role, and grouping (e.g. gas fitter vs office workers).
Different learning will then be assigned to each (e.g. ‘manual handling’, ‘lone working’ for the gas fitter vs ‘Office Safety’, ‘Display Screen Equipment Safety’ for the office worker).
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > programmes > specific groups
Is learning designed specifically for certain groups (i.e. line managers, academic staff, others) and easily identifiable as such?
All learning (Learning Resources, Modules, Learning Programmes, Learning Pathways) can be applied to certain job types (e.g Leadership, Managers, and FOH).
The system has additional functionality to create learning pathways dependent upon any learner characteristic (including job types). These additional parameters include:
• City
• Company
• Country
• Department
• Location
• Role
• CPD Points achieved
• Date Registered (after or before the date)
• Days since registering (targets new starters etc.)
• Learning resource/lesson status (e.g. if completed another course)
• Learning time spent
• Percentage of learning completed
These parameters can be combined (e.g. apply courses for New Starters at a certain department(s) etc).
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > programmes > suggested learning
Does the Open eLMS LXP include a ‘suggested for you’ learning plan?
A learning plan (or pathway) will can be suggested to the learner by the use of a diagnostic assessment (questions will attach learning to each learner’s record) or via a query – assigning learning dependent upon features of the learner such as their:
Previous learning
The learning pathway(s) can be accessed directly by the learner from their dashboard and activated by enrolling on the pathway (note the pathway has been automatically edited for the learner with options removed that do not apply to this learner).
Machine learning can also be used to include ‘suggested for you’ learning resources on the learners’ main dashboard.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > reporting > drill down
Is the Open eLMS LXP able to view the list of delegates for a learning event that has taken place?
The Curriculum Developer (and manager) can review past and future training (using a list of calendar view) …
Drilling down on each event yields the register for each event yields all the data attached to that event (learning data, linked programmes of learning, attendance etc.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > schedule > event enrolment
How does Open eLMS schedule classroom offerings?
Open eLMS includes a full class scheduling system which allows learners to enrol and managers to assign learning to classroom events (virtual of otherwise).
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > skills > skills matrix
Does the Open eLMS LXP have a skills matrix?
A skills matrix is produced which will allow L&D team to review skills in the company and where learning is required.
These skills matrix also show which skills are required by learners to effectively carry out their jobs and where additional training is needed to meet requirements.
This information can be printed out as a report.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > surveys and polls > learning survey
Can different user feedback surveys be attached to different learning resources?
Open eLMS can assign different surveys depending on the learning event. The survey can be ‘attached’ to the learning module so it must be completed to complete the entire module.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > surveys and polls > summary
Does Open eLMS host evaluations, surveys and polls?
Open eLMS Creator (embedded elearning creation tool) enables the building of surveys which can audit the user population to find out valuable information. This includes open, closed, and scaling question options.
These surveys will be configured by Open eLMS initially but can be created by the client at any time. Open eLMS Creator survey maker shown below.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > terms used > category
What are ‘categories’ when used in the Open eLMS LXP?
These are simply categories of learning and can be used to group any learning or lessons on the learner’s ePortfolio.
The use of learning programmes, events and lessons is not mandatory and very much up to each client whether to structure their learning in that way. Open eLMS has over 200 configuration options which allows systems to switch on/off any of these features.
tenders > Open eLMS > curriculum developer > terms used > certificates
How are learning certificates are designed?
Administrators of Open eLMS have complete control over the certification process, allowing certificates to be switched on/off.
Certificates can default to use the client’s logo and standard messaging else it can be customised using certification logos, messaging etc.