The following is a list of frequently asked questions about the company and its product: Open eLMS.

tenders > Open eLMS > Open eLMS Bespoke > 3D content > bespoke elearning
Does Open eLMS allow for the development of 3D content?
The Open eLMS Bespoke service can develop 3D content upon demand – see demonstration here –
Note no time is included within this quote as it would involve work outside the scope of this tender.
tenders > Open eLMS > Open eLMS Bespoke > 3D content > interactions
With Open eLMS can learners interact with 3D virtual worlds?
Open eLMS elearning is based on the concept of building virtual environments and then placing learning objects (presenters, animation, text, etc.) into that space. Learners can interact with these objects anywhere in the learning space.
As a result it looks different (aka salient), which tends to be remembered better (98% of 250 respondents claimed to have understood the subject matter).
tenders > Open eLMS > Open eLMS Bespoke > 3D content > record interactions
Can Open eLMS record 3D interactions?
This is assuming that the 3D interactions will be able to be tracked used the Tin Can API which will be integrated into the system.
tenders > Open eLMS > Open eLMS Bespoke > 3D content > replace interactions
Can the Open eLMS LXP record 3D interactions?
More information would be needed to understand this requirement and the limitations of the associated software used before giving a quote for any customisation work involved.
tenders > Open eLMS > Open eLMS Bespoke > design > accessible
What is the Open eLMS elearning design approach?
elearning is not ereading
Open eLMS have pioneered the use of green screen presenters in elearning. Since 2003 Open eLMS has used this technology to ensure that video and audio learning is the norm in its systems. Learning which relies on audio and video has clear advantages over text based learning for those with accessibility issues.
tenders > Open eLMS > Open eLMS Bespoke > elearning development > summary
Does Open eLMS develop elearning content?
Open eLMS Bespoke is the company’s internal elearning and video development service. Open eLMS started off in producing bespoke elearning and still creates learning for a number of high profile clients.