FAQs: Reporting and exporting

helpdesk > reporting and exporting > how to > apprenticeships > Export ILR data to the hub


how to export ilr data to the hub?


This functionality is only available in the Open eLMS for Apprenticeships version of the system. It is designed specifically for drawing down funds from the hub for the payment of apprenticeship placements.


Exports are scheduled monthly, these are used to connect to the UK Government Hub to draw down funds directly into the training provider’s bank account. To do this, follow these steps.

Login as an Administrator (or a Manager with reporting rights) and access the green Review on the top right hand corner of the screen.

Click on the Export ILR button and follow the instructions on screen.

Each of these exports, once made, are stored in the system. You can access them by logging in as an Administrator and access the Export link on the main dashboard. Here you can find your ILR exports ready to export.

For further details see https://emil-reisser-weston.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/topic/65051a20-f9a5-4025-8b66-eb6aad86126f/article/1638468

helpdesk > reporting and exporting > how to > emails > Send out emails to let users know the system is launched


how to send out emails to let users know the system is launched?


You have set up the system and ready for launch. What is your next step?


There are three options available to you to launch the system. Login as an Administrator and carry out one of the following:

send out default welcome emails one by one;

send out the emails by reimporting the user list;

create an email report that contacts all learners; or

use your own systems for informing people the system is launched.

See https://emil-reisser-weston.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/topic/65051a20-f9a5-4025-8b66-eb6aad86126f/article/950733 for more information.

helpdesk > reporting and exporting > how to > emails > Turn on emails



how to turn on emails



By default emails are switched off in the system. These need to be switched on prior to launching the system, your account manager will often do this for you, but please check.


Login as an Administrator and follow the following steps.

Go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration.

Type ‘enableEmailFunctionality’ into the search box at the top of the ‘Key’ column.

Edit this parameter and change the Configuration Value to true (if set to false).

Emails must be turned on before you launch the site otherwise passwords cannot be sent out to learners when they first use the system.

For further information see https://emil-reisser-weston.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/topic/65051a20-f9a5-4025-8b66-eb6aad86126f/article/950642

helpdesk > reporting and exporting > how to > programme reports > Add ‘Programme Status’ Fields


how to add ‘programme status’ fields?


You can use the Programme Status feature to report on how learners are progressing and use as an internal reporting measure.


Login as an Administrator and go to System Setup/Defaults/Configuration

Type ‘programme status’ in the name box – this will reveal ‘Custom Programme Status’

Click on the ‘Actions’ button and choose ‘Edit’ – Change the Configuration Value to ‘True’

Press Control + F5 to refresh the system and you will now see the option to add Custom Programme Status in the Learning Tab (System Setup)

You can now add your own Programme Status options with colour codes.

See https://emil-reisser-weston.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/topic/65051a20-f9a5-4025-8b66-eb6aad86126f/article/48365569 for more information.

helpdesk > reporting and exporting > how to > reporting > Use default reports


how to use default reports?


Open eLMS has a series of default reports supplied with the system.


Access reports as an Administrator or Manager via the green review button at the top left of the screen.

If you have the option, select whether to use reports associated with Learning Programmes or Learning Resources.

Select any of the default reports in the list.

Filter the data using the fields at the top of the screen.

Options to print or export the resultant report are available at the top of the screen.

Field Descriptions

The following is a full description of each field used in the report and details of when it should be used.

Personal Information


This is the city to which the learner belongs – note that the city and country are linked.


This is the name of the person(s) to whom this leaner has been assign responsibility for. This is usually a line manager, HR, teacher etc.


This is the company which the learner works for. Any installation can have several companies (sub divisions, group company names, clients etc.)


This is the country to which the learner belongs – note that the city and country are linked.

Date of Birth

The date of birth of the learner


The department to which the learner is assigned.


This is a group to which a collection of learners can be assigned. e.g. New Hires, Senior Management Team. Assigning people to groups makes it easier to assign learning across departments at the same time.

Job Title

This is the learner’s job title

Last login Date

This is the last time the learner used the system.

Learning Categories

These are the learning categories to which learning resources are assigned e.g. Health and Safety, Leadership etc.

Learning Resource – Expiration Date

Some learning resources have expiry dates (you can no longer access them after that date).

Learning Resource – Last updated

This is the last time the learning resource was edited or progressed by the learner.

Learning Type

This is the type of media (e.g. elearning, Youtube, classroom training etc.)


This is a selectable location of the learner (note this is not the training location but where the learner normally is located.)

Prior Attainment

This is a field defined in the Individualised Learner Record (a learner data standard used with apprenticeships). This is a multiple selection from Level 1 to Level 7 and above.

Report Type

There are two types of report: audit and latest view to select from. Audit shows all incidences of training (useful for a long term record of repeat – or refresher – training.) Latest view shows the last training record for that learner.


This is the security role of the person in the system – e.g. learner, manager, teacher, admin etc.

User status

A learner can have a status assigned to them (Not Started, In Progress, Completed). Most learners will be ‘In Progress’ – managers can manually set learner to completed once they have done all necessary training. A learner is ‘Not Started’ if they have not done any training yet.

Teacher responsible for asset

This is the teacher/manager/coach(es) etc who has responsibility for the listed learner. If there is more than one person responsible for the learner, then they will be listed as a separate record in the report.

Learning Resource Specific FIelds (Open eLMS Basic, Open eLMS for Business, Open eLMS for Education )

Timings and Scores


Active Date Range

This filters the information displayed in any report by the last week, month, year etc. So you can look at data in a defined time window.

Approval Status

Some learning resources that are no automatically set to complete, will require approval by managers/teachers etc. this enables reports to filter for learning that has been approved or is waiting for approval.

Date submitted by learner

This is the date the learning resource has been submitted as completed or ready for approval by the learner. This would be typically be used by homework/uploads or classroom courses which require approval.

Days since last accessed

This is the number of days since the the learning resource was accessed by the learner. This is similar to the ‘Last Learning Access Date” but measured in days.

Due Date

Learning resource – NOT assigned to a learning programme etc.- becomes due a set number of days after it has been assigned to the learner. This time is period defined by the administrator in the System Setup > Timings and is different for different learning resource types.

Expected Completion Date

Due dates for learning resources are defined only if a learning resource is added to a programme/curriculum, then it becomes due at the end of the learning window (defined by editing the programme)

Last Learning Access Date

This is the date which the learning resource was last accessed. This is similar to the ‘Days since last accessed’ parameter but instead displays a date rather than days.

Learning Resource Start Date

This is the date when the learning resource was first accessed.

Programme Fields (Open eLMS for Business, Open eLMS for Education Only)

Programme Data

Duration Completed (%)

This is the percentage of the learning programme/curriculum etc. completed by expected time spent (not resources completed).

Gateway Readiness for Outcomes

For each outcome (or topic) of a learning programme/curriculum managers can state whether the learner is ready to proceed to the next stage. This filters for the readiness of each outcome.

Gateway Readiness for Programmes

For each learning programme/curriculum assigned to a learner, managers can state whether the learner has completed that programme.

Planned End Date

This is the scheduled end date for that programme.

Planned Hours

This is the planned number of hours the learner is expected to spend on the selected learning programme.

Programme – (Standard, qualification etc.)

This is the name of the learning programme/curriculum.

Start date

This is the start date of the learning programme.

Visit Date

This is the date of any visits made to the learner. Visits are any kind of meeting where the manager/teacher etc has a meeting with the learner where progress is discussed and learning reviewed.

ILR Data

Adult (19+)

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.

Aim Type

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.. This is the Higher National Certificate to Higher National Diploma (HNC to HND) Conversion Code

Apprenticeship financial code

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The financial details code being recorded.

Apprenticeship financial record date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The financial details record date of recording.

Apprenticeship financial type

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The type of financial details being recorded.

Cost Breakdown Date Range

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.

Date employment status applies

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.


This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.

Exclude from Final Report

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Checking on this allows you to select this learner to exclude from any ILR Reporting – used to draw down funds from the government.


This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Filter to see if funded or not.

Funding Model

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Identifies the funding model to be applied when calculating funding for this learning aim.

Learner Destination and Progression – Outcome collection date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Indicates whether the date the learner collected the learning aim

Learner Destination and Progression – Outcome end date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Indicates whether the date the learner achieved the learning aim

Learner Destination and Progression – Outcome start date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Indicates the date the learner started upon the learning aim

Learning Actual End Date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The date that the learner completed the learning activities necessary to achieve the learning aim or the date the learner withdrew from the learning activities, accurate to within a week.

Learning End – Achievement date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The date that the learner completed the learning activities necessary to achieve the learning aim or the date the learner withdrew from the learning activities, accurate to within a week.

Learning End – Completion status

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. An indication of the degree of completion of the learning activities leading to the learning aim.

Learning End – Outcome

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. To indicate where a funded employment outcome is gained.

LLDD and health problem

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.

LLDD and health problem category

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.

Original learning start date

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The date on which the learner first started the learning aim.

Planned End Date on the ILR

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The date by which the provider and learner plan to complete the learning related to this learning aim.

Planned Start Date on the ILR

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The date by which the provider and learner plan to start the learning related to this learning aim.

Programme Outcomes

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. Indicates whether the learner achieved the learning aim, achieved partially or had no success.

Programme type

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. The type of programme which the learner is undertaking.

Provider specified delivery monitoring A

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. This entity collects data specified by the provider for their own use.

Provider specified delivery monitoring B

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. This entity collects data specified by the provider for their own use.

Provider specified delivery monitoring

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. This entity collects data specified by the provider for their own use.

Provider specified delivery monitoring D

This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships. This entity collects data specified by the provider for their own use.


This is a field from the Individualised Learner Record – a learner standard commonly used for apprenticeships.

For more details see https://emil-reisser-weston.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/topic/65051a20-f9a5-4025-8b66-eb6aad86126f/article/1704198

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