Anti-Slavery Statement

Open eLMS has a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain. 


To this end Open eLMS the following information is supplied:


a. Organisation’s Structure, Business, and Supply Chains: 

Open eLMS Ltd. is a company dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and skills of learners in both business and education sectors. 

Open eLMS Ltd has a flat management structure which empowers all employees to make decisions and have ownership for their product areas. The company is run for the benefit of its employees, with half the staff having significant shares in the business and all staff sharing in the profits. This structure supports high staff retention rates, with most employees having worked for the company for more than 5 years.

Open eLMS has it’s main operations in the UK with a head office in central London. Satellite offices exist in Latvia and India. Open eLMS does not generally use sub-contractors to deliver its core programming services and Open eLMS; an exception to this is Microsoft Azure, who supply cloud computing services and Google who provide Workspace Cloud systems for internal documentation and communication.

The company offers a comprehensive suite of services including learning management, performance management, ePortfolios, online authoring software, and video conferencing learning. Our supply chains are aligned with the SUSTAIN Supply Chain Code of Conduct, ensuring ethical practices throughout.


b. Policies in Relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking: 

Open eLMS has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in all business dealings, and to implementing effective systems and controls to safeguard against any form of modern slavery within our business or supply chain. This information and supporting checklist are found in the company’s Modern Slavery Policy.


c. Due Diligence Processes: 

We conduct thorough due diligence processes to prevent exploitation of workers and ensure compliance with relevant laws and standards, including modern slavery prevention. Open eLMS has a Modern Slavery Checklist it asks any sub contractors to complete before engagement.  Note Open eLMS is a single solution provider and as such does not routinely engage subcontractors, it can however evidence this form with any subcontractors used in the past.


d. Risk Assessment and Management: 

We recognize that certain parts of our business and supply chains may be at risk of slavery and human trafficking. To mitigate these risks, we regularly audit our business processes and supply chains, ensuring visibility and compliance with our ethical standards.


e. Effectiveness Measurement: 

Our effectiveness in preventing slavery and human trafficking is measured through regular annual audits as part of ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 compliance, maintaining records of suspected instances, and having a process for escalation. 

We also ensure that our suppliers provide evidence of their commitment to preventing modern slavery via the checklist completion.


f. Training and Capacity Building: 


We provide training to our staff via the company’s internal Learning Management System on the signs of modern slavery and what actions to take if suspicions arise. This includes specific training for recruitment teams and security staff to identify signs of modern slavery and understand their obligations.