Open eLMS

Case Study Estio Training

Name of the company for which the work was performed:
Estio Training (Suppliers of training services to BAE Systems) – Part of BPP Group
Project title:
Provision of Comprehensive Learning Management Solutions
Contact person’s name, title and e-mail address:
Idris Fabiyi
Manager of Curriculum, Innovation and Technology
Start and completion date:
January 2021 – [Ongoing]
Scope, relevance and scale of contract delivered
The project involves the provision of a complete Learning Management System (LMS) suite, including eLearning content, authoring tools, smart classroom technology, and digital forms. The project greatly streamlined Estio Training’s curriculum management and virtual training offerings. The requirement was to cover the additional needs for Apprenticeship standards reporting and data collection.
The robustness and versatility of our LMS platform make it highly relevant to the services requested by all potential clients looking for a LMS. Our proven track record in implementing large-scale, complex LMS solutions demonstrates our capacity to meet the Authority’s needs. Whether it’s compliance training, skills development, or workforce management, our platform offers a one-stop solution that can be customised to fit the specific requirements of a multi-disciplinary organisation.
The estimated project value is currently £400k+ with the licence numbers equalling 2,000 for an average term of 18 months each.
Ability to deliver in line with the specification
Open eLMS were able to deliver the project in line with every aspect of the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) which evolved from the Estio’s initial tender. This involved the development of a new smart classroom system to manage the booking and processing of live learning events both on and offline. Headlines deliverables included:
Open eLMS Classroom – development of new Smart Classroom Add on including:
- Trainer interface for setting up the live lesson and blending learning resources into the session
- Trainer running the lesson online via Teams or Zoom.
- Synchronous learning, allowing for recording completion for all attendees when learning is shared online.
- Whiteboard for sharing learning experiences
- Gradebook attached to each lesson to compare performance across the class.
- Progress monitoring on classroom events tracked at the management and learner levels
- Discussion forums, allowing students and trainers to share ideas adjudicated by the classroom trainer.
- Booking of learning events, allowing learners to enrol via a calendar interface
- Customised reports to include events created by smart classroom add-on
- Power BI – custom reporting produced for client
Ability to deliver in line with the agreed outcomes
Open eLMS delivered the customisations within 3 months in line with the agreed launch date. The delivered product met all stipulations by the client in the RTM and was delivered with no additional cost on time for a successful launch.
Although there were no contractual obligations concerning non-functional performance levels, the response time metrics met exceeded the Desktop Performance scores of 90 and mobile score of 50 as detailed below, metrics were provided by PageSpeed Insights:
Condition | Description | URL | Desktop Perf Score | Mobile Perf Score |
Login | Login Page | | 95 | 77 |
Learner | Standard learning screen using admin1 user | | 92 | 78 |
Manager | Standard management dashboard using admin1 user | | 94 | 60 |
Curriculum Developer | Opening the Curriculum Developer’s management dashboard | | 92 | 61 |
Administrator | Opening the Administrator’s management dashboard | | 97 | 65 |
Quality Assurer | Opening the Quality Assurer’s management dashboard | | 96 | 66 |
The Performance score is a weighted average of the metric scores. Naturally, more heavily weighted metrics have a bigger effect on your overall Performance score.
Overall performance against KPI or service levels
Open eLMS delivers its KPIs under its Quality Level Metrics document which specifies the service levels against which it will maintain and operate the Open eLMS system. These metrics have been tracked for each client since July 2021 and are made available to each client on a Power BI dashboard.
To date Open eLMS have resolved all issues raised by the client, an overview of service metrics show issues have never risen above 10 in a given month and in most months are less than 5. In an installation this large this is encouraging. The service satisfaction rating has only ever been 5/5.

Open eLMS has steadily increased the time to meet SLA targets for first response and resolution, approaching 100% for both metrics in 2004.

The average response time was 2 hours 00 minutes, whilst issues were resolved on average after 108 hours (including non-work times).
Accuracy of information and service provided
Open eLMS keeps clients informed about system performance, planned outages, and any incidents that may occur. It undergoes regular testing for bugs and issues, ensuring a high level of accuracy and reliability.
The server was up more than 99.9% of the time, only slipping below the 99.99% mark once for the client at the start of the contract.

Communication with stakeholders
Open eLMS has weekly catch up meetings with Estio, as the client has continually added functionality to the system, this has been a necessary part of the relationship and is far more than average.
In addition to this there are regular conversations with the client’s main point of contact and the assigned account manager via email and phone at least once a week.
Added / Social value or innovation delivered
The Estio system was designed to enhance the learning experience of apprentices, allowing people to enter the job market. This work would have increased social inclusion although no metrics are available for this benefit.
Ability to improve the environmental impact of delivering services / goods / works
Estio have moved the vast majority of their face to face training online as a result of the efficiency of the Open eLMS system in delivering their smart classroom goals. This has had a positive impact on reducing travel and heating costs involved in running a non-remote training model for education.
The figures have been taken from the Estio instance of Open eLMS:
Carbon cost of streaming
- Average number of face to face classroom sessions per person replaced by smart classrooms per year = 90
- Average number of students = 1,980
- Average size of classroom (students) = 15
- Equivalent of running 132 classrooms.
- Carbon cost saving of running a single virtual classroom v’s a face to face classroom = 270 kg per year
Total carbon saved = 270*132 = 35,640kg CO2
Saving 35 tonnes of CO2 would be equivalent to the emissions from approximately 21 round-trip flights between New York and London.