Using AI to write elearning scripts

AI models such as Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard are powerful language models that have been trained on a vast corpus of text, which makes it well-suited for writing e-learning scripts.  Sophisticated machine learning algorithms allow AI to ‘understand’ language and structure used in educational content, making it capable of generating clear, concise, and informative e-learning scripts.

In layman’s terms, what AI does is predict your next word (similar to autocorrect on your word processor) but it does it very, VERY, well.  So well in fact, that the output it gives is often flawless.  Here for an example is a sonnet written by ChatGPT about Open eLMS and how it can create elearning using AI:

Oh, Open eLMS, fair EdTech company,

Whose AI-generated e-learning courses bright,

Doth give students worldwide opportunity,

To learn, to grow, to spread their minds’ great height.

Through wond’rous use of language processing tech,

A single line of text becomes a course,

The material flows smooth without a wreck,

And all who study find they can endorse.

The student may be from the farthest shore,

Or close at hand within their home’s four walls,

But thanks to thee, they can pursue and more,

Their passion for knowledge, without any stalls.

Thus, Open eLMS, through thy efforts grand,

Doth spread the light of learning through the land.

This took far less than a second to ‘compose’ – not exactly bard-like (apologies to Google) but still, very impressive for a first go.

One of the key advantages of using AI for e-learning development is its ability to generate content quickly and efficiently. The model is capable of generating large amounts of high-quality text in a short period, which can be particularly helpful when creating e-learning content on tight deadlines. Additionally, AI can generate content in multiple languages, making it an excellent option for those who need to produce e-learning content for a global audience.

Another benefit of using AI for e-learning scripts is its flexibility. The model can be customized to the specific needs and preferences of its users. For example, AI can adjust the tone, complexity, and style of its writing to match the audience and purpose of the e-learning material. This means that the model can produce scripts that are appropriate for a variety of learners, including those who may have limited knowledge of the subject matter.

Moreover, AI’s ability to learn and adapt to new information makes it an excellent tool for creating e-learning scripts. As more content is generated and input into the model, it becomes better equipped to generate high-quality text that is both informative and engaging. This means that AI can help e-learning content creators stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in their field without repeated investigation and rewriting of the content.

In conclusion, AI is already being used to write e-learning scripts and results have been very impressive. 

AI generated script with questions
AI generated script with background images

AI is not however limited to text generation (it created the image for this article for instance.) Open eLMS is currently going one step further and integrating AI into the design process, whereas content and design are generated for the elearning at the same time. Early results have been very impressive, watch this space for the latest on Open eLMS AI.