The following is a list of frequently asked questions about the company and its product: Open eLMS.

tenders > Open eLMS > system setup > data transfer > live imports
Can Open eLMS run concurrent systems which share data?
Should the historical data still be ‘live’ (i.e. running concurrent systems) then a non standard offering which be to create a CRON task to regularly import data as described earlier in this section. Other custom options involve using third party APIs, etc.
tenders > Open eLMS > system setup > data transfer > overview
What process are in place is manage data migration from a legacy system to Open eLMS?
Open eLMS has an interface for transferring training records from third party systems. This is usually carried out as a one off task carried out immediately prior to launch.
Open eLMS will build a sandbox environment which is used for testing during the deployment phase of the project. The sandbox environment is used to:
• Test data migrations from existing systems
• Set up CRON (server side) tasks for the importing/synchronisation of data
• Create learning resources (elearning/microlearning)
• Curate the learning library
• And test the ‘going live’ procedure
When the system is ready to launch:
• The database is cleared of user and test data
• The old site is taken down
• The migration process is ran so a fresh copy of HR data and imported learning is completed
• A redirect is set up to the new Open eLMS system
This process is conducted outside office hours to ensure a minimum of down time. The process should take 15-30 minutes to complete. The costs of the Open eLMS service includes the importing of:
• Live accounts
• Archived accounts
• Live courses
• Archived courses
• Data in CSV format