


FAQs: Administrator

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > administrators > custom company statuses


How to edit the custom company status options (for CRM)?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called addCustomCompanyStatus (Custom Company Status). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true allows each company in the system to be defined by additional customisable statuses.

You can go in as admin and edit a company status (Admin > Organisation > Company > Edit) and add from the drop down selection menu after ‘Name’.

Company status is listed to the right of Programme Status on the employee record and can be included in reports.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > administrators > impersonate learners


How to Enable Impersonate Learners by Admin functionality.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableImpersonate (Enable Impersonate Learners by Admin functionality.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow Administrators to impersonate Learners. This is useful if the administrator needs to Login to troubleshoot a learner’s issues.

This functionality can be accessed by the administrator from the System Setup > Organisation > Users > Actions > Impersonate User.

We recommend setting this value to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > administrators > learner approval


How to Approve learners before use.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isApproveLearners (Approve learners before use.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this is set to true, then any user who registers on the system will need to be approved before using the system.

Administrators can track the approval status on their dashboard by viewing the ‘Approved’ column on the ‘Administer Learning > Add Learners’ data view.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > AIM reference service url


How to change the Learning Aim Reference Service URL to Open eLMS in the ILR?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerAimReferenceURL (Learning Aim Reference Service URL). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Direct link to Learning Aim Reference Service ZIP file within each learner’s ILR.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > dates


How to use dates in ILR record for standard.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called linkIlrToUserProgramme (Uses dates in ILR record for standard.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is true, then the programme dates entered into the system will be replaced by the ILR record dates. This setting applies to UK Government apprenticeships.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > Learner Reference Number iteration


How to change the Learner Reference Number iteration?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerReferenceNumberIteration (Learner Reference Number iteration.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Suffix iteration for the Learner reference number (part of the ILR). e.g.: “domain000001”.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > Learner Reference Number Prefix


How to set the first part of the Learner Reference number?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerReferenceNumberId (Learner Reference number first part.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Default prefix number (first 6 numbers) in Learner reference number (part of the ILR) is changed by altering this value.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > lock ILR


How to Allow or prevent a Learner from editing the ILR (Individualised Learner Record)?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowLearnerEditILR (Allow Learner Edit ILR). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > on the job raito


How to vary the prescribed training/work ratio used for calculating on-the-job training requirements?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Training/work ratio (Training/work ratio). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the proportion of work time for every programme where training is carried out – this is 0.2 or 20% of UK apprenticeships.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > apprenticeships > user code replacement


How to set a custom functionality to replace usercode field value data?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called fixUserCodeOnImport (Custom functionality to replace usercode field value data). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Should you need to replace an employee ID that starts with 1xxx…into 01xxx… then activate this option.

This is required in many council HR systems in the UK, where the first ‘0’ is stripped from the import by Excel during processing.

It is very rare that this value will need to be made true.

See fixUserNameOnImport too.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > company > CRM fields


How to add CRM Fields to Company data


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called companyCrm (Add CRM Fields to Company data). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This adds fields to the Company(e.g. products and contact details) which allows administrators to monitor sales activity for each company.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 Auth token


How to edit the Go1 Auth token?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called go1AccessToken (Go1 Auth token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the GO1 learning repository API. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 authorisation code


How to edit the Go1 authorization code?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called go1GrantCode (Go1 client secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This code connects the GO1 learning repository API. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 automatic install


How to automatically install resources from authenticated GO1 library?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called go1InstallResourcesCron (Automatically install resources from authenticated GO1 library). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the GO1 learning repository API. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 client ID


How to edit the Go1 client ID?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called go1clientID (Centre category labels). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This ID connects the GO1 learning repository to Open eLMS via OAuth. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 refresh tokens


How to edit the Go1 Refresh token?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Go1 Refresh token (Go1 Refresh token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the GO1 learning repository API. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 secret


How to edit the Go1 client secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called go1clientSecret (Go1 client ID). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This password connects the GO1 learning repository to Open eLMS via OAuth. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 token expiry


How to edit the date Go1 Access token expires on?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Go1 Access token expires in (Go1 Access token expires in). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the GO1 learning repository API. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > Go1 token type


How to edit the Go1 Access token type?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Go1 Access token type (Go1 Access token type). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the GO1 learning repository API. GO1 has the largest library of digital learning content globally.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to purchase Go1 and set this setting.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > import YouTube playlists


How to enable YouTube playlist import into learning library?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called importYoutubePlaylist (Enable youtube playlist import into learning library). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow management to import YouTube playlists into the learning library. This method of adding video is much quicker than adding YouTube videos manually, as it automatically imports thumbnail images, titles and keywords directly from the video author.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Curriculum Developer > reset/refresh programme dates after editing programmes


How to show the reset custom completion dates button?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showResetCustomDatesButton (Show reset custom completion dates button). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Selecting the role level (admin or manager) which will add a button to allow the user to edit all custom completion dates for all users in a given programme. The button shows up in the learning program/edit modal window.

This is useful for bulk editing the dates assigned to learners on the learning programme, normalising them for all learners. It is advised that this is only used to correct data errors, rather than making it a permanent feature of the system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > elearning > SCORM in new window


How to Allow SCORM Container to be played which allows authors to set learning to be opened in a new window?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowSCORMContainerPlayer (Allow SCORM Container to be played). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Allow SCORM container downloaded from site to be enabled/functioning.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > attach files


How to allow the adding of files to email templates.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableEmailAttachments (Allows adding files to email templates.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When activated, multiple files can be added to email templates as attachments.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > attachment size


How to Maximum size allowed to be added to templates (MB).


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called emailAttachmentsSize (Maximum size allowed to be added to templates (MB).). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The amount is the limitation set on the combined file size per email template in MB. If file or files exceed specified limits, no new files can be added to template.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > audit report


How to allow the system to send Civica a data audit report?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowSendCivicaData (Send Civica Data). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If set to true, then a data dump of all sales via civica are sent to a named party. Define CivicaManagerEmail to receive this data. Define CivicaFrequencyDays to define how frequently this csv file is sent.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > civica email frequency


How to set how often Civica audit reports do get sent to managers?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CivicaFrequencyDays (Civica Frequency Days). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Define CivicaFrequencyDays to define how frequently this csv report is sent out. See allowSendCivicaData to activate this functionality. Define CivicaManagerEmail to record where the data is sent to.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > civica manager audit email


How to define the Civica manager email?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CivicaManagerEmail (Civica Manager Email). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Define CivicaManagerEmail to receive Civica data periodically. See allowSendCivicaData to activate this functionality. Define CivicaFrequencyDays to define how frequently this csv file is sent.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > directly assigned email alerts


How to send emails when directly assigned learning is overdue?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Allowemailalertassignedlearningoverdue (Send emails when directly assigned learning is overdue.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value set to true, then any learning which has been directly assigned to a learner (i.e. not through a programme) becomes overdue if not completed by that time and the learner gets a periodic email with details of all overdue learning..

If not using learning programmes for the majority of learning (which schedules alerts) then it is advisable to change this value to ‘true’.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > frequency of alerts


How to change the the Frequency in days by which automated system email alerts are sent out?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called apprentixEmailReminderFrequency (Frequency in days by which automated email alerts are sent out). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This applies to learning resources assigned to standards, programmes and qualifications only. The number represents how often in days emails will be sent out as reminders for resources that are not completed. First email will be sent out set days before expected completion date. Look in timings configuration for more information.

Setting value to 0 will disable this functionality.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > include line breaks in Outlook


How to replace line breaks in Outlook calendar emails with HTML tags?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called UseHTMLLineBreaksInOutlook (Replace line breaks in Outlook calendar emails with HTML tags.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Line spacing in event descriptions (e.g. for bullets in the description text box) will appear on a single line in Outlook emails. This can be corrected by replacing new lines with <BR/> tags by setting this value to true.

In order not to ruin the formatting of email templates in existing systems, set this value to false; else if a new system, set this value to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > mandatory training


How to activate email alerts for mandatory training?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowMandatoryTrainingEmailAlert (Email Alert for Mandatory Training.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will send each course recipient an email telling them of the assigned learning.

If learners are using the system infrequently (annual training etc.) then it is a good idea to activate this feature. Most clients will want to set this value to false to avoid information overload.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > overwrite all emails


How to overwrite the email field of all users to a single sent out from system?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultEmailFromName (Overwrites email from field to all emails sent out from system). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is left empty then the name used in the ‘from’ field in automated emails uses the email address of the user who enters the email .

Alternatively enter an email address so all emails are sent from a group email address e.g.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > refreshed learning notifications


How to Send email alerts to learners when learning is due to be refreshed or repeated?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called sendRefreshEmail (Send refresh learning emails). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When learning resource is refreshed, send email to learner as reminder.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > set time before meeting to send


How to set how many minutes before to send email reminder about starting scheduled event to users?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called scheduleReminderLead (How many minutes before to send email reminder about starting scheduled event to users). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the time before a scheduled event is about to start when an email reminder is sent to the learner. The system checks every 5 minutes as to whether to send the email, with this in mind, it is advised that the time should always be in excess of 10 minutes.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > switch off


How to switch off all emails from the system?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableEmailFunctionality (This will turn on all email sending features). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If you want to enable all emails on the system, set this to true, to disable, set to false

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > test email account


How to set the test email account?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called testEmailAccount (Test Email Account). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is set then all emails generated by the system will go to this account. This field is populated when in testing mode to prevent all test accounts getting emails when setting up and testing the system.

Empty this field when you are ready to launch the system and are happy with the way the system is sending out emails.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > email > unique emails


How to Allow Unique Email For User.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called uniqueEmailPerUser (Allow Unique Email For User.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The email field is unique in user table by default, set this to false to allow importing multiple users with same email.

In most cases this value should be set to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > emails > CRON alerts


How to send alerts to system administrator if there is problem with any Cron task?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called cronTaskDebug (Sends alerts to system administrator if there is problem with any Cron task.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this to true will send an email alert to the Open eLMS system administrator if there are problems with any Cron task.

This is a setting controlled by Open eLMS and set to true in cases where there are issues with the Open eLMS CRON tasks.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > billing


How to change the billing contact name?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingContactName (Contact Name). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This sets the billing company name

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Civica ledger code


How to Civica Default General Ledger Code


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called civicaDefaultGeneralLedgerCode (Civica Default General Ledger Code). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the default general ledger code used for third party Civica payments. The system otherwise records the ‘Learning Resource Code’ if it is defined.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Civica payments


How to Enabled the Civica Payments Engine


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isCivicaPaymentsEngine (Enabled the Civica Payments Engine). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will allow learning to be purchased from the system using the Civica payments engine.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Civica request URL


How to Civica Payments Engine Request URL


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called civicaPaymentsEngineRequestURL (Civica Payments Engine Request URL). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the request URL for the third party Civica Payments Engine. Contact Civica for this URL if required.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Civica VAT code


How to Civica Vat code relating to product


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called civicaPaymentsEngineVatCode (Civica Vat code relating to product). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the VAT payment code for the third party Civica Payments Engine.

Vat code relating to product, default to use is 05 zero rated [01|Standard|20.00] [03|Fuel rate|5.00] [04|Out of scope|0.00] [05|Zero rated|0.00] [06|Exempt:0.00]

Contact Civica for further details if required.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero charge by time


How to set billing by Charge by Time


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingisChargebyTime (BillingisChargebyTime). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This means that the system is charged for by the time period, rather than per student registered (only set true for Apprentix charging agreements pre Aug 2019.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero contact ID


How to Contact ID


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingContact_ID (Contact ID). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the ID which links the system to the Xero billing system API.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero currency


How to Currency


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingDefaultCurrency (Currency). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This sets the default currency

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero demo


How to Demo Version


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingisDemo (Demo Version). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This decides whether the system is in a demo state or is ready for billing.This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero email


How to Billing Email Address


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingEmailAddress (Billing Email Address). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the email of the person dealing with invoices.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero first name


How to Billing Contact First Name


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingFirstName (Billing Contact First Name). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the contact first name for the person to whom invoices are sent.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero frequency of billing


How to Frequency of Billing


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingRepeats_Months (Frequency of Billing). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This sets the frequency of when invoices are sent out in months. A value must be set – minimum 1 month.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero last name


How to Billing Contact Last Name


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingLastName (Billing Contact Last Name). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the contact last name for the person to whom invoices are sent.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero membership


How to Membership


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingisMembership (Membership). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This sets up membership and all the related services. For a full description see

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero next invoice date


How to Next Invoice Date


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingNext_Invoice (Next Invoice Date). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This sets the date of the next invoice, leave blank if you want the system to calculate this for you from the date the system goes live.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero set unlimited courses


How to Unlimited Courses


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingisUnlimitedCourses (Unlimited Courses). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This enables the client to full access to all e-learning WMB curated courses.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > finance > Xero telephone number


How to Billing Telephone Number


This is a Xero Accounts Package setting only. This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingTelephone (Billing Telephone Number). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the number of the person dealing with invoices.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > adding credits to uploads


How to Allow Learners and Managers to define Credits at the upload level.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnersDefineEvidenceCredits (Allow Learners and Managers to define Credits at the upload level.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will allow managers and learners to both set how many course credits any work is worth when it is being uploaded. Set this to true in cases where you want to give learners undertaking qualification programmes to have the maximum control over awarded credits.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > automatically add all events to Outlook


How to Add all events to Outlook.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called addAllEventsToOutlook (Add all events to Outlook.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true to automatically add all a learner’s enrolled events to their Outlook calendar.

This will only work if enableGlobalOutlookIntegration is true and GlobalOutlookIntegrationSecurityToken contains a valid security token.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Badgr API for badges


How to add the key for Badgr API?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BadgrApiKey (Data for Badgr API). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the API key for connecting your installation of Open eLMS with the Badgr open badge standard. Use Badgr to create badges which you can award to learners through achievements in Open eLMS (completing elearning resources, programmes or gaining competencies via CPD points) and can then display them on third party applications e.g. LinkedIn, websites, CVs etc. These badges act as lifelong learning achievements which learners can take with them when they leave the LMS.

Badgr uses OAuth2 for most operations. As an API client user, you may obtain an OAuth2 Bearer Token on behalf of your own Badgr user account using a password-based grant, or you can obtain such auth tokens on behalf of many users by registering your own Connected App. See more about registering for an app key and secret here –

Your first step is to visit the site to create an account or Login to find your API key (if outside Europe you will need to select the appropriate region).

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > browser tab title


How to edit the Tab Title


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called LMSTitle (Tab Title). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the title used in the browser window or tab at the top of the screen. This will identify your company name when accessing the system.

Use an entry such as “Acme – LMS”.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > CPD


How does one add or remove Competencies and CPD points from the LMS?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called competenciesGamification (Enable Competencies/”Gamification” functionality.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The learner board demonstrates to the learner how they are performing (in terms of CPD points awarded) when compared with their tot ten cohorts.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > cron timeout


How to set the maximum time a cron task is allowed to run before it is killed?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CrontTaskKillTime (Maximum time cron task is allowed to run before it is killed, minutes). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. CRON tasks are server side automated tasks which generate data within Open eLMS.

In some cases CRON tasks can run for a long time, or even indefinitely. THis is bad since it will take up server resources and eventually cause the system to go down.

Open eLMS will close any CRON task after a period of time in order to prevent this from happening. The default time is 2 hours, this can be increased to a ceiling of 5 hours, or reduced to a minimum of 20 minutes.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > custom programme statuses


How to set up custom programme statuses?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called addCustomProgrammeStatus (Custom Programme Status). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow each user to be defined by additional customisable statuses. The status is attached to the learner (not programs) and can be seen at the top of each learner’s Progress page (obtained by managers drilling down into each learner’s details.)

This allows more granularity to the standard Not Started, In Progress and Completed statuses applied to learners; this does not replace these core statuses.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > data retention


How to limit the number of years logging data is retained


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called loggingDataRentention (How many years logging data is retained). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Login data is deleted after the amount of years shown in the configuration value.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Define the badges’ region


How to edit the Badgr API region (badges)?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called badgrRegion (Badgr API Region). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Ensure your region (which matches where you registered Badgr) matches the values of either: Us (defaulT), AU, CA or EU.

European clients would register at , whilst canadian clients would register at

If you have not already done so, your first step is to visit the site which matches your region and register there:

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > domain permission for embedding


How to specify domains that can embed Open eLMS on the site?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowIframeEmbedFromDomains (Specify domains that can embed site.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If you are allowing third party sites to embed registration forms, for security reasons you may want to validate the URLs first.

Do do this add the list of URLs which are allowed to embed the registration from in an iframe e,g. ‘self’,, *

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Enable badges status


How to enable the status of Badges via the API?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called badgesEnabled (Status of Badges API). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This enables badges on Open eLMS. Ensure badges are enabled first by defining the configuration key BadgrApiKey first.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > enable outlook


How to enable the global Outlook integration?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableGlobalOutlookIntegration (Enable Global Outlook integration.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Add all events to a single (global) Outlook calendar. The GlobalOutlookIntegrationSecurityToken options must also be set.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > enabled Google Analytics


How to add Google Analytics?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called googleAnalyticsCode (Make Resources link to Home). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Google Analytics can be linked with Open eLMS by adding Google Analytics tracking code here.

To do this you will need to first sign up for a Google Analytics account. (You’ll need a Gmail account to do it!)

Then copy your Google Analytics tracking ID/code:

In your GA account, head to Admin in the bottom left corner of the page.

Click ‘Create Property’ and follow the instructions until you click ‘Create’ (unless you already have a property connected)

Under ‘Choose a platform,’ select Web. Add your URL and stream name under ‘Set up your web stream.’

Click the settings icon, click ‘Show advanced options’ under ‘Page views.’ Deselect the ‘Page changes based on browser history events’ checkbox.

Disable the ‘Site search’ toggle and click save.

Click ‘Create stream’ and copy the tracking code/measurement ID and paste it here to track activity in Google Analytics.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Enforce default role


How to enforce the default role when first logging in (e.g. always Login as learners)?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called EnforceDefaultRole (Enforce Default Role). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If set to true, then the default role (see defaultIlrRole) is used the first time a learner logs in.

Set this value to true if you want users to all have a consistent experience when logging in.

It is advised that in most installations to leave this value as false, since users will usually remain using the same role each time they Login.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > fields monitored for completion


How to List of fields in user table, monitored for completion


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called userFieldAlertSystemMonitoredFields (User field alert system alert sent time/date). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If the registration field alert system is enabled (i.e. enableUserFieldAlertSystem = True) then the fields for checking are added here. if any of the fields have not completed been, then a reminder email will be sent to the selected users.

Some sample field names are: ‘DateOfBirth,fname,lname,email,extended_Gender__c,extended_Salutation,extended_Year_of_Onset__c,extended_Employment_Status__c,extended_Health_Consent__c,country_id,Postcode” – do check with Open eLMS prior to setting these variables’.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Google Analytics code


How to Enable Google Analytics code.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableGoogleAnalytics (Google Analytics). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this to true will enable the Google Analytics code. The key googleAnalyticsCode will need to be defined first, check out this configuration option first.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > H5P client id


How to set the H5P client Id?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called H5P_CLIENT_ID (H5P client Id). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. H5P is a gamification authoring system which allows users to create learning to add to the Open eLMS Learning Library from directly within Open eLMS.

Change the LTI configuration if H5P is purchased by your organisation to your own client ID. You will need to obtain this ID from H5P.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > H5P client lti url


How to set the H5P LTI 1.1 Url?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called H5P_LTI_URL (H5P LTI 1.1 Url). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. H5P is a gamification authoring system which allows users to create learning to add to the Open eLMS Learning Library from directly within Open eLMS.

Change the configuration if H5P is purchased by your organisation to your own LTI url You will need to obtain this url from H5P.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > H5P client secret


How to set the H5P client Secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called H5P_CLIENT_SECRET (H5P client Secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. H5P is a gamification authoring system which allows users to create learning to add to the Open eLMS Learning Library from directly within Open eLMS.

Change the configuration if H5P is purchased by your organisation to your own secret key. You will need to obtain this key from H5P.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Integrations


Anders Pink


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called AndersPinkApiKey (Private API key for Anders Pink). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Adding this key will add the Anders Pink news feed into the Open eLMS system for the learners to review. Anders Pink will need to be purchased through Open eLMS, this key can be obtained from .

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > IP range


How to Block specific IPs or range.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called ipBlock (Block specified IPs or range.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. For security reasons (ISO 27001, GDPR compliance etc.) it is advisable – where there is a security concern – to limit access to the site to pre-designated IP addresses.

Specify IP or IP range to block from accessing site.



helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Jamboard client secret


How to edit the Google Jamboard client secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called GoogleJamboardclientSecret (Google Jamboard client Secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This allows learners and managers to access a shared Google whiteboard in events (i.e. Jamboards).

Make sure allowJamboards is true and GoogleJamboardclientId is also defined.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Jamboard ID


Where to add the Google Jamboard client Id?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called GoogleJamboardclientId (Google Jamboard client Id). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This allows learners and managers to access a shared Google whiteboard in events (i.e. Jamboards).

Make sure allowJamboards is true and GoogleJamboardclientSecret is also defined.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Jamboard redirect URL


How to Jamboard Redirect Url


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called JamboardRedirectUrl (Jamboard Redirect Url). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Make sure allowJamboards is true to activate this feature.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Jamboard template


How to a Jamboard template field?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called JamboardTemplateFileId (Jamboard Template FileId). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This loads in a default starting template which is then used as a shared Google whiteboard in events (i.e. Jamboards). Add the URL for the Jamboard you want to use as a template.

Make sure allowJamboards is true to activate this feature.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Jamboards


How to add Jamboards


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowJamboards (Use Jamboards). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This allows learners and managers to access a shared Google whiteboard in events (i.e. Jamboards).

Make sure the values of GoogleJamboardclientId and GoogleJamboardclientSecret are set before enabling this feature.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > leaderboard visible


How to show the leaderboard list/table.?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableLeaderBoardList (Show leaderboard list/table.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to show a leaderboard on the learner’s data page. Accessed via the ‘Progress’ button in the top right hand corner of the learner’s interface.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > link teams and sub-teams


How to group teams and sub teams together?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isGroupCountries (Group Teams). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true to create a link between Teams and sub-Teams, so if a team is selected, then only sub teams from that team can be selected.

By default this is set to ‘false’ and cities are grouped by country instead.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Microsoft Application client Id


How to define the Microsoft Application client Id?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called MicrosoftAppclientId (Microsoft Application client Id.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. You need to define the MicrosoftAppclientId and MicrosoftAppclientSecret to integrate MS Services. Currently these values are set using eLearning WMB’s MS Azure values for demonstration purposes only.

To create the app, Login to and create an app. Then set the value in Open eLMS Configuration settings for the MicrosoftAppclientId to its client id and set MicrosoftAppclientSecret. Give this app the correct permissions (i.e. accessing Teams, One Drive, PowerBi, Outlook calendar, etc.) and set up the following redirect urls: (to enable teams integration) (powerbi) (outlook) (one drive, needed to fetch teams recordings)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Microsoft Application secret


How to define the Microsoft Application client secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called MicrosoftAppclientSecret (Microsoft Application client Secret.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. You need to define the MicrosoftAppclientId and MicrosoftAppclientSecret to integrate MS Services. Currently these values are set using eLearning WMB’s MS Azure values for demonstration purposes only.

To create the app, Login to and create an app. Then set the value in Open eLMS Configuration settings for the MicrosoftAppclientId to its client id and set MicrosoftAppclientSecret. Give this app the correct permissions (i.e. accessing Teams, One Drive, PowerBi, Outlook calendar, etc.) and set up the following redirect urls: (to enable teams integration) (powerbi) (outlook) (one drive, needed to fetch teams recordings)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > moodle


How to Moodle Link


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called moodleLink (Moodle Link). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Open eLMS can be combined with Moodle so it can use the learning resources in that LMS but track them in Open eLMS (progress is tracked in both systems.) Enter the URL of the Moodle location to enable this functionality.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > MS Teams client ID


How to MS Teams App client Id


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called TeamsclientId (MS Teams App client Id). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the ‘Microsoft Teams client Secret’ string connecting the system to Teams. Do not change this value – i.e. 68a2742e-92f8-471a-b1c4-7251ca5b2fa9

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > MS Teams Secret


How to add the MS Teams App client Secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called TeamsclientSecret (MS Teams App client Secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the ‘Microsoft Teams client Secret’ string connecting the system to Teams. Do not change this value – i.e. 3yrR[RZ_2nuF82gwtKTUBMJjYCstxw]:

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > nightly export


How to set up a nightly user data export?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableMightlyUserDataExport (Nightly user data export). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will export enabled user data as a CSV file, every night. Contact Open eLMS for more information on how to receive this file.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Olark code


How to Enable Olark code.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableOlark (Enable Olark code.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This adds the Olark chat integration to the Open eLMS system. Olark needs to be purchased separately.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Olark integration


How to integrate Olark chat engine?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called olarkCode (Script from Olark). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This will integrate the Olark chat engine within Open eLMS. Add the integration code from Olark in Value field to activate this feature.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Open eLMS API


How to Enable the Open eLMS API?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowApi (Enable API for site.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Allow Learner to add Blog Entry as new learning type. That can be assigned to other learners by managers

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Open eLMS API setup


How to add an API Access Token?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called APITokenAccess (API Access Token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the access token for using the Open eLMS API.

More details on the API can be found at

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Open eLMS Creator Version


How to Jackdaw Version


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called BillingJackdawVersion (Jackdaw Version). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the maximum Jackdaw version of the system which the administrator is allowed to assign to anyone.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > outlook security token


How to enter Global Outlook integration security token?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called GlobalOutlookIntegrationSecurityToken (Global Outlook integration security token.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This security token used to add all events to each users’ calendars. Use this link to generate a token

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > password attempts


How to set the maximum number of password attempts?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called PasswordMaxAttempts (Password Maximum Attempts). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Only use this option if you are using manual logins (i.e. not single sign-on – SSO.)

Entering a number here will limit the number of access attempts allowed. After exceeding the number of tries the user will get the following message “You have unsuccessfully tried to access this account too many times. You will need to reset your password by accessing the forgotten password link in order to gain access to this account again.”

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > RAG settings


How to edit the RAG or Traffic light system timings?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called nextDueTrafficLight (Traffic light system for next Due Date). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When a line manager views the ‘Check Progress’ table, green indicates the ‘Next Due date’ is more than 4 weeks from when viewed, amber represents the ‘Next Due date’ to be less than 4 weeks away, whilst red signifies the due date has been passed (overdue)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > responsibilities and committees


How do you record Responsibilities and Committees to Open eLMS?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showResponsibilitiesAndCommittees (Manage Responsibilities and Committees for non-SMCR sites.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Responsibilities and committees functionality allows managers to assign a record of these responsibilities to learners. This assists managers identify training needs of their assigned personnel.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce access token


How to edit the Salesforce access token?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Salesforce access token (Salesforce access token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce client ID


How to edit the Salesforce client_id?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Salesforce client_id (Salesforce client_id). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce client secret


How to edit the Salesforce client secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Salesforce client secret (Salesforce client secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce code


How to edit the Salesforce code?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Salesforce code (Salesforce code). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce completion percentages


How to Show Criteria completion percentages


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showCriteriaCompletion (Show Criteria completion percentages). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce expiry token


How to edit the Salesforce access token expiration time, unix?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceAccessTokenExp (Salesforce access token expiration time, unix). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce ID


How to edit the Salesforce ID?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceId (Salesforce ID). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce ID token


How to Salesforce Id Token


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceIdToken (Salesforce Id Token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce instance url


How to edit the Salesforce instance url?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceInstanceUrl (Salesforce instance url). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce issued at date


How to edit the Salesforce issued at date?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceIssuedAt (Salesforce issued at). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce refresh token


How to Salesforce Refresh Token


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceRefreshToken (Salesforce Refresh Token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce scope


How edit the to Salesforce scope?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceScope (Salesforce scope). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce signature


How to edit Salesforce signature?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceSignature (Salesforce signature). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce SOAP


How to Salesforce SOAP credentials


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceSoapCredentials (Salesforce SOAP credentials). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce token type


How to edit the Salesforce token type?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceTokenType (Salesforce token type). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Salesforce URL


How to edit the Salesforce base url for accessing API services?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called salesforceApiURL (Salesforce base url for accessing API services.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting connects the Salesforce API so data can be written to and read from this CRM system.

Contact Open eLMS for details on how to set up Salesforce from within Open eLMS.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > schedule calendar


How to Enable Schedule.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableSchedule (Enable Schedule.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Enable the calendar feature in the manager interface. The calendar allows managers to schedule training events.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > schools


How to School Field when adding a new user?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called schoolField (School Field). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting gives the option to specify ‘school’ when adding a new user

A false setting does not give the option to specify ‘school’ when adding a user

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > set up payments engine


How to activate the payments engine?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called PaymentsEngine (Payments Engine.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If set to true then cost settings are enabled to interact with the system’s configured payments engine.

If this is set to false, then costings will not be visible for all learning items.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > sorting task list by completion date


How to configure the task list so it is sorted by the expected completion date by default?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called TasksSortedbySoonestExpectedCompletionDate (Task list sorted by expected completion date). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will sort these tasks by the latest task first, if false then the earliest task will be the first listed (i.e. the one that the user is most behind with.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > Task list calendar entries


How to configure the task list so it shows calendar entries only?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called TasksShowByDefaultCalendarEntriesOnly (Task list shows calendar entries only). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true limits the tasks shown on the learners’ calendar to events.

Setting this value to false will include all deadlines (as well as events). These entries will not appear on the manager’s event calendars.

It is advised to set this value to true, otherwise the number of entries can overwhelm some learners (especially if many learning resources are due on the same date.) Remember learning resource warning will appear in email alerts and in the Assignments section of the learners’ interface – so including them in the calendar is largely unnecessary.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Teams redirect URL


How to edit the Custom Microsoft Teams redirect URL


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called TeamsRedirectUrl (Custom Microsoft Teams redirect URL). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting is defined by Open eLMS. Should you need to change this value, contact your Open eLMS account manager first.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > time out


How to edit the session timeout for inactivity


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called sessionTimeout (Session timeout for inactivity). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Number of hours after which a user is logged out of the system due to inactivity.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > time tracking


How to track time for learning resources?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isTrackLearningResourceTime (Track Time for Learning Resources.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to track time on each learning resource.

Time tracking is a necessity for some types of learning programmes (e.g. apprenticeships) and can provide useful data.

Do not use this functionality however if not committed to tracking all learning times (i..e enforce the requirement for learners and course administrators to enter the completion times for each learning resources undertaken, otherwise the data will be unreliable.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > time zone


How to Default time zone


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultTimezone (Default time zone). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The time zone is used for Used for interface adjustments. Time zone settings require the

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > general > upload type


How to display the type of dropdown for uploads.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableUploadType (Shows type dropdown for uploads.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Zoom client ID


How to Zoom App client Id?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called ZoomclientId (Zoom App client Id). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the ‘clientID’ string connecting the system to the Open eLMS Zoom web app. Do not change this value – i.e. xXqoQMhdS0mcTnt4UeTQw

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Zoom secret


How to Zoom App client Secret?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called ZoomclientSecret (Zoom App client Secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the ‘client Secret’ string connecting the system to the Open eLMS Zoom web app. Do not change this value as it is set by Open eLMS..

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > General > Zoom verification


How to add a Zoom Verification Token?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called ZoomVerificationToken (Zoom Verification Token). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the ‘Zoom Verification Token’ string connecting the system to the Open eLMS Zoom web app. Do not change this value – i.e. JXrY2wj0TFafy7yioW3mzw

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > hiding reports > QA reports


How to Hide QA Reports


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called HideQAReports (Hide QA Reports). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to hide all system references to old style QA reports (made by Quality Assurers but now phased out). This functionality can be switched on to reference QA data pre 2022 (Aphrodite release) if required.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > alert interval


How to edit the interval for on screen alerts in the user interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called userFieldAlertSystemInterval (Enable User field alert system.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the interval at which the user fields are checked (in minutes) to see if any alerts need to be sent.

Only adjust this setting if enableUserFieldAlertSystem is true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > alert system


How to enable the user field alert system?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableUserFieldAlertSystem (Maximum items per row in Learner category landing page.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true if there is a requirement for learners to be automatically be chased up to complete their registration details.

List of field names which – when empty – will create a monthly alert asking the user to complete all registration fields.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > allow to upload files


How to allow learners to upload files?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowLearnerUploads (Allow Learner Uploads.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Making this value false will prevent any learners from uploading files to the system. This will hide the upload (plus) button to the right of the search box for the learner.

If you are not using Open eLMS as an eportfolio system then this value can be set to false. Most clients will use the system to upload data even if not part of a formal learning process, it is recommended to keep this value as true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > blog entries


How to Allow Learners to add their own Blog Entries?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowAddBlogEntry (Allow Learner to add Blog Entry). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting allows a user to add upload ‘blog entry’

A false setting does not give the option for a user to add upload a ‘blog entry’

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > calendar tasks only visible


How to show calendar tasks to the learner?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showCalendarTasksOnly (Show calendar tasks). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. On the learner’s Assigned Tasks, setting this value to true will list only the calendar tasks in this list by default.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > categories listed by programme


How to Enable Learner landing page grouping categories using Programme.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableProgrammeTitlesLearnerLandingPage (Enable Learner landing page grouping categories using Programme.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If the landing page is activated for the learner (i.e. isLearnerLandingPage = true) then this option will group all categories on that landing page by the respective assigned programme for the learner.

It is advised to set this to true if you envisage most learners to have more than one programme of learning to attend to.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > category filter


How to add a category filter in the learner’s interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isCategroyFilter (Category Filter in Learners interface). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true to add a category filter to the learner’s interface. This allows the learner to select and then display one expanded category at a time.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > category landing page


How to add a learner’s category landing page?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isLearnerLandingPage (Add learner landing page). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this to true will set a landing page showing pictures of all learning categories which have an image assigned to them. Ensure there are images attached to all categories first (via Admin > System Setup > Organisation > Companies > Edit.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > colour scheme


How to Black Colour Scheme


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isBlackColourScheme (Black Colour Scheme). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This colour scheme shows the training with a dark background – making this false will show a light background and dark icons/writing.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > contact colleagues


How to show “contact your colleagues“ section in the learner interface when Launch Conversation is clicked?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableContactYourColleagues (Show “contact your colleagues“ section in Learner interface When Launch Conversation is clicked.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this to true makes a button visible in the top left of the learner’s interface which allows them to contact learners (on the same learning programmes) and trainers (assigned to them).

The system shows the contact details including Teams, Zoom, Skype and email where applicable.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > curriculum matching


How to hide curriculum matching when uploading files?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideCurriculumMatching (Hide Curriculum Matching). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will hide the functionality to allow learners to match their submitted work to parts of the curriculum.

Set this to true if you want managers to match work to programme criteria or are not using programmes (i.e. allowing learners to simply upload learning resources directly to each learning portfolio.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > Curriculum Menu


How to hide the curriculum for learner?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideCurriculumLearner (Enable Google Analytics code.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This hides the programme breakdown on the left hand side of the learner’s interface. Learners can still select a learning programme, but the breakdown of outcomes and criteria for each programme are not listed.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > Curriculum visible


How to Hide Curriculum


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideCurriculum (Hide Curriculum). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This hides the calendar feature for all users. The calendar allows managers to schedule training events and learners to enrol on training. Do not hide this if using Open eLMS Classroom features for arranging webinars or blended classroom lessons.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > default type in task list


How to edit the task list so it is filtered by a selected type when loads?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called TasksDefaultSelectedTaskType (Task list filtered by a selected type when loads). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The list of assigned tasks in the Assignments section (navigate by selecting the Assignments button in the learner interface) wil be filtered by the selected field by default.

Use this when you want learners to focus on particular assignments over others (e.g. ‘Uploads’ which can be more indicative of homework tasks or a ‘Training’ review etc.)

It is generally advised to leave this entry as blank unless you have a specific requirement for this screen.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > delete uploads


How to Allow Learners to delete uploaded evidence


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowLearnersToDelete (Allow Learners to delete uploaded evidence). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true to allow Learners to delete uploaded evidence once it has been uploaded.

If this value is false, then only managers can delete evidence once it has been uploaded. You may want to leave this value as false to prevent learners from accidentally deleting work.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > edit refresh periods


How to allow learners to change refresh interval?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowLearnerChangeRefreshInterval (Allow learner to change refresh interval.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow the learner to edit the interval (in days) during which the learning resource must be completed again. (i.e. the status resets to ‘Not Started’ and a new record is created.)

Normally this value will be set to false if refresher dates are statutory requirements (i.e. security and safety training needs to be repeated annually). Setting this to true will give the learner additional control over the learning experience but is only advised if the system is not being used to meet statutory training needs.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > feedback form


How to enable the feedback form and list for learner?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableFeedback (Enable feedback form and list for learner.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow learners to give feedback on learning resources. This consists of a comments field and a 5 star rating system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > feedback visible from others


How to enabled the system to see a list of feedback by other users.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableFeedbackList (When this is enabled, learner will also see list of feedback by other users.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When this is true, learner will see any feedback submitted by other learners.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > gauge visible


How to Show gauge in Learners interface


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerProgressGauge (Show gauge in Learners interface). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will display the programme progress gauge for learners. This widget will appear at the top left of the learner`s interface next to the search text box.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > help video URL


How to change the URL of the help video?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called HelpVideoURL (Help Video). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the help video which plays when a learner presses on the help button on the header of the learner’s interface.

This video can be replace with any other, it is recommended that this is done if there are particular issues with needing to change the branding on the video, or the installation involves customisations not reflected in the standard help video.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > hide events after a period of time


How to Hide events on Learners view after x days, after completion.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called EventsVisibleDays (Hide events on Learners view after x days, after completion.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This number indicates the number of days after which any event (lesson/meeting etc.) on the learner’s view and calendar will be hidden. The Progress view will continue to show all events/learning resources.

Note this is important to implement with a large data set as it will greatly speed up response times. It is recommended that this value is set at the most to 50 days.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > hide home button


How to edit the Hide Home Button


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideHomeButton (Hide Home Button). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is true then the home button in all manager’s top menus is no longer visible.

The explainer screen to which this link leads (which gives an overview of each role) is no longer used.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > hide learning after a period of time


How to configure the system to hide learning on the learners view after x days, after completion?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called LearningResourceVisibleDays (Hide learning on Learners view after x days, after completion.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This number indicates the number of days after which any learning on the learner’s view and calendar will be hidden.

The Progress view will continue to show all events/learning resources view.

Note this is important to add this number with a large data set as it will greatly speed up response times. It is recommended that this value is set at the most to 90 days.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > hide programme statuses


How to hide programme statuses from the learner progress view?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideProgrammeStatusFromLearnerProgressView (Hide Programme status from learner progress view). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to hide the programme status from learner Progress view (obtained by selecting the ‘Progress button at the top right hand corner of the learner’s screen.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > hide resources in lessons


How to Hide learning resources in lessons


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideResourcesInLesson (List of fields in user table, monitored for completion). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to hide the hide learning resources which are otherwise listed in lessons.

It is advised to set this to true in order to clean the interface and avoid confusion (where a learning resource can be access directly and via a lesson.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > hide zoom and teams


How to Hide Teams and Zoom from the learner?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideMeetingAndZoom (Hide Meet and Zoom). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to hide Teams and Zoom from the learning resources (‘Netflix style’) learner view. Learners do not need to browse these meetings in the interface and as such this value should be kept at true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > home button


How to Hide Home Button


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideHomeButton (Hide Home Button). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to false to make visible the home button in the top menu of all management dashboards. This home button will lead to an explainer screen that lists all roles assigned to the user, with details on what each role does.

It is advised to set this to true UNLESS the majority of managers have not had training on what each role does.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > Home Link on Menu


How to make resources menu link to Home


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called makeResourcesLinktoHome (Disable Look Overs button/functionality in Learners profile for managers).

You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this variable to true will allow the learner to navigate to the Home screen (where categories are displayed if activated) when pressing on the resources link in the header bar. If this value is false then the user navigates to the standard ‘Netflix-style’ interface. It is recommended that this value remains false.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > interface change


How to enable changes to the learner interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerInterfaceV2 (Enable changes to learner interface.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to false will remove the Schedule, Assignments and Progress buttons in the top right hand corner of the learner interface. Set this value to false if the requirement is for a simple interface which does not incorporate learning programmes or booking on learning events.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > Landing Page


How to Centre category labels?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerLandingPageNameCentered (Startup Course ID). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Should this value be set to true, then the category landing page will have its name centred, if false then the label will be left justified.

This setting only takes effect if isLearnerLandingPage is set to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > Landing page columns


How to set the maximum items per row in Learner category landing page?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerCategoryLandingMaxColumns (Hide Curriculum for Learner). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This configuration items contains the number of columns on the learning category page. Select a number from 2 to 4.

Only set this value if the key – isLearnerLandingPage – is set to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > landing page description


How to edit the learner landing page description?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerLandingPageDescription (Learner landing page description). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This text is displayed on the learner’s interface on the first screen after logging in. The text is positioned below the logo and above the landing page category images.

This does require the configuration item “IsLearnerLandingPage” be be true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > latest releases


How to make the Latest Releases of learning get prominant position in the learner interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showLatestReleases (Show Latest Releases). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This shows the latest 10 learning resources added to the system which have promo images attached to them. Edit a learning resources to add a promo image (jpg : 330 wide, 600 high).

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > launch button text


How to Launch button text in Learners interface


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called launchResourceText (Launch button text in Learners interface). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the default button text which launches a learning resource within the learner’s interface.

Suggested alternatives are “Open”, “Run Learning” etc. Remember, this button serves many different purposes from opening elearning to editing an uploaded document, so make this label as generic as possible (unless Open eLMS is being used for a highly specialised requirement.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > lazy load


How to Disable lazy load functionality?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called disableLazyLoading (Disable lazy load functionality). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > log time


How to add a time field to the learning that must be completed before it can be signed off?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called mandatoryDuration (Mandatory duration). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This ensures that a duration for resources that learner wants to sign off is entered when adding learning resources to the system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > login to last open learning resource


How to configure the system to open the last Learning resource on login?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isBrowsebyDefault (to not open last Learning resource on login). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is set to true, then this puts the system in browse mode when first loading in (i.e. this hides a promo image of the last selected learning resource when the user first logs into the system.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > message text on submitting assessments


How to change the text message when learners submit assessments?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called submitAssessmentText (Submit Assessment Text). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Change this text to alter the feedback given in the dialogue box to the learner once an assessment has been submitted. This can include risk assessments/audits, surveys and skill scans.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > non programme learning visible by default


How to make learning outside the learning programme visible when first logging in?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isLearningOutsideProgrammeVisibleonFirstLogin (Learning outside the learning programme is visible when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

Set this value to false if you want to focus the learner purely on learning programmes i.e. learning resources assigned directly to each learner (not part of the selected programme) will not be visible when first logging in.

The learner can subsequently make such learning resources visible themselves by checking on the filter checkbox.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > number of recommendations


How to show the number of recommendations made to the learner by AI?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called RecommendationsNumber (Number of recommendations to show). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This limits the number of recommendations generated by machine learning (not the number of recommendations can be below this number on any given day.)

Remember to set showRecommendations to true to see any recommendations.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > only assigned categories


How to Show only assigned categories for learner.?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showOnlyAssignedCategories (Show only assigned categories for Learner.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true to only display categories that are linked with resources assigned to each learner.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > password expiry


How to set the time for password expiry in days?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called PasswordExpiryDays (Password Expiry in Days). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Entering a number here will set a number of days after which a password will need to be refreshed for each user of the system.

The user will get warned of this on logon and will need to press on Forgotten password to generate a new password..

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > Peer to peer video


How to activate peer to peer Video?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called Multi-factor Authentication (Peer to Peer Video). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true, will enable learners to communicate with each other with Teams, Zoom, Skype and/or email from within the Open eLMS learner interface via the chat button at the header of the learner interface to the right of the search text box.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > profile picture


How to Show profile picture in leaderboards or random assigned icon.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableLeaderBoardImages (Show profile picture in leaderboards or random assigned icon.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is set to true the leaderboard list will show either a profile picture or, if that is not available, a randomly assigned icon.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > programme selection on uploads


How to make a matched programme selection when uploading a document either optional or mandatory?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called optionalResourceProgrammeLink (Optional Programme selection). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When a learner uploads a document etc. – if using programmes and this value is false – then the document must be matched to a programme before the upload can be completed.

Set this value to false to allow documents to be uploaded without this being necessary.

Set this value to true if not using programmes to sort your ePortfolio, instead relying on the filtering of learning by categories. It is a good discipline to leave this value false, to mandate the proper sorting of the eportfolio by the learner.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > promo image gradient


How to edit the Promo Image gradient


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called promoGradient (Promo Image gradient). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will display a fading out on any learning resource promotional images visible to the learner. This makes the ‘Netflix style’ learning experience appear more professional BUT it can be flagged up as an accessibility problem. Set this to false if you are worried about failing any automated accessibility checks.

Note that in real life scenarios setting this to true will have little effect on accessibility.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > recommendations using AI


How to Show learning recommendations


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showRecommendations (Show learning recommendations). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Open eLMS uses heuristics to examine what learning your peers have undertaken and make recommendations for future learning based on that data.

This is the basis for the creation of machine learning generated recommendations, which can be shown by making this option true. Recommendations will be visible at the top of the learner’s view of all learning in the system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > redirect back to lesson


How to redirect the learner back to lessons upon closing learning resource that is part of lesson?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called redirectBackToLesson (Redirect learner back to lesson upon closing learning resource that is part of lesson.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to return learners to the lesson (if opening a learning resources within a lesson) rather than the learning resource summary view.

It is advised that this value remains true since otherwise it can confuse the learner since there is no direct route back to the lesson after closing the learning resource.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > refreshed learning behaviour


How to set the time to for learning to be refreshed (or repeated) so the time is set from when the learning or training is completed rather than set to be repeated from the date when it was first assigned.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called refreshCompletedAt (Refresh training when resource completed not first assigned.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting calculates the due date as the refresher time period added onto the date the course was completed

A false setting calculates the due date based on the refresher time period after the course was assigned

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show completed learning on login


How to show Completed learning is visible to learners when first logging in.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isCompletedLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Completed learning is visible to learners when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If set to true then completed learning resources are visible to the learner when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show enrollable learning on login


How to Enrollable learning is visible to learners when first logging in.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isEnrollableLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Enrollable learning is visible to learners when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the learning which is enrollable (i.e. anyone using the system can browse such learning and use it) is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show expected completion date


How to configure the system to display and edit expected completion dates by the learning details?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showEditExpectedCompletionDateResource (Display and edit expected completion date inside resource view). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to display the due date with the learning resource details.

It is advisable to leave this value as true as this is valuable information for the learner.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show in progress learning on login


How to show In progress learning is visible to the learner when first logging in?.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isInProgressLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (In progress learning is visible to the learner when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the learning which is in progress is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show locked learning on login


How to show learning which is locked is visible to learners when first logging in?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isLockedLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Learning which is locked is visible to learners when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the learning which is locked (unti precursor training is completed) is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show mandatory learning on login


How to Mandatory learning is visible to learners when first logging in.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isMandatoryLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Mandatory learning is visible to learners when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the learning which is mandatory (i.e. learning in a mandatory category or which has been defined as mandatory at the learning resource level) is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show no started learning on login


How to show Not started learning resources are visible when first logging in?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isNotStartedLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Not started learning resources are visible when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the learning which has not been started is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show nudged learning on login


How to Nudged learning is visible to learners when first logging in.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isFavouriteLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Nudged learning is visible to learners when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the learning which is nudged (i.e. any learning which has been made as a ‘favourite’ by the learner or manager) is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show programme filter on login


How to ensure the Programme filter is displayed when first logging in?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isProgrammeFilterVisibleonFirstLogin (Programme if assigned is displayed when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then the programme filter is visible to learners when first logging in. Use this if the emphasis of the learning is on completing learning programmes.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > show refresher learning on login


How to Refresher learning is visible to learners when first logging in.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isRefresherLearningVisibleonFirstLogin (Refresher learning is visible to learners when first logging in.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting affects the learner’s filter on the learning interface.

If this is set to true then Refresher learning (i.e. learning which needs to be repeated periodically) is visible to learners when first logging in.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > small promo images


How to make promo images smaller?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called setSmallPromoImage (Set Small Promo Image.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When the learner selects any thumbnail image of any learning, a promo image will then display at the top of the screen.

If this is set to true then a smaller promo image will be used, allowing for more space for the text describing the selected learning.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > start up course


How to Startup Course ID


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called startupCourseID (Remote Registration in iframe). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The start up course is usually used to add an orientation course to the system so learners will know what to do first.

If this value has been defined then this course will play on start up whenever a new user accesses the system i.e. This will no longer show IF the course status = Completed. If this is the case, the user will go into the home page as normal.

Go to the Learning Library and look at the first column, this will list the course ID.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > start up screen


How to set the default learner screen?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called DefaultLearnerScreen (Default Learner Screen.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. The default learner screen is “Learning”. Set to “Calendar”, “Tasks” or “Learning” to change the screen the learner loads in once logged in or presses the home link.

Consider these other configuration options which affect the learner’s user experience:

1) startupCourseID – by specifying resource ID, user will be redirected to it and it will be auto-played.

2) isLearnerLandingPage – if this is set to true, learner will be redirected to category landing page.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > thumbnail font


How to change the font used in thumbnail redesign, learners interface?


If this value is set to true, the learners’ interface displays learning thumbnails with an image on one side and the learning title on the other. This option is selected if a cleaner, whiter interface is required. Alter the connected configuration item: thumbnailRedesignFont to change the font to match company branding.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > thumbnail style


How to redesign thumbnail style in the learners interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called thumbnailRedesign (Thumbnail redesign in Learners interface). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is set to true, the learners’ interface displays learning thumbnails with an image on one side and the learning title on the other. This option is selected if a cleaner, whiter interface is required. Alter the connected configuration item: thumbnailRedesignFont to change the font to match company branding.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learner > upload text


How can I edit the text seen by users when signing off work or uploads?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called signOffText (Sign off text). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When the configuration description is altered, the newly altered text appears when a user is signing off

A default setting is ‘I agree that the information provided here is an accurate account of what has taken place.’ when signing off

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > Upload to existing learning


How to Skip the “existing learning” prompt in Learners interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called learnerSkipUploadPrompt (Skip “existing learning” prompt in Learners interface.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true to NOT show the “Select an existing learning resource or add new” dialogue box when uploading in Learners interface.

For usability reasons, it is recommended to set this value to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Learner > YouTube title on thumbnail


How to show video title over thumbnail for YouTube resources?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called forceYoutubeTitleOverThumbnail (Show video title over thumbnail for YouTube resources). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is true, the learning title will be shown over thumbnail in the learners’ interface. It is recommended that this value is set to true if importing YouTube playlists.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learners > assign managers to uploads


How to allow learners to assign managers to review uploads?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called AttachManagerstoUploads (Attach Assigned Managers to Uploads). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow learners and managers to assign managers to an upload so they can deal with issues such as offering advice on the work or marking it.

The four options will allow users to assignors at different access levels applied universally to all uploads:

* Any manager – assigned by learner or manager

* Any manager – assigned by the manager only

* Assigned managers only – assigned by learner or manager

* Assigned managers only – assigned by the manager only

A blank value will remove the option to assign a manager completely.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learners > customise programme dates


How to allow learners to customise dates on their programmes?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowLearnerAdjustDates (Allow Learners to customise dates on their programmes). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow learners to customise dates on their programmes.

Generally you will want management to control delivery dates, but you in case you want users to select their own deadlines from the Progress view of their data, then set this to true.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learning > disabled resource types


How to disable specific resource types?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called disableResourceTypes (Disable specific resource types). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. To disable specific resource types input slug, separated by comma. Ex: “e_learning,youtube,webpage,classroom,book_cd_dvd,on_the_job,upload,blog_entry,reflective_log,vimeo,moodle_course,google_classroom,zoom_meeting,microsoft_teams,event,h5p,jamboard”

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > learning > refresher period on


How to Allow Learners to refresh or repeat Learning their own learning, rather than waiting for the system to refresh the training automatically?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowLearnerRefreshLearning (Allow Learner to refresh Learning). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting indicates when a learning has been completed and asks to reset quiz score

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > login > default username


How to change the “Default Username” label which is used on login screen?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultUsernameLabel (Default Username label on login screen.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Leaving default configuration blank maintains the label ‘username’ on the login screen. Adding value to Configuration value will change the label “username” to the new value.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > login > guest access


How to allow demo or guest access to the system?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isDemoAccess (Demo User Interface). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This will allow any user to access to a site without registering using a demo or guest account. A demo button will be added to the login screen to allow this.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > login > guest account


How to alter the account used for the demo or guest account?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called demoUserId (Demo User ID). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If demo User Interface is enabled, valid user’s ID must be specified. Demo user will be logged as that user.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > login > login screen text


How to edit the Welcome text in login screen


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called DefaultWelcomeText (Welcome text in login screen). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the html text entry which will replace the default text on the login screen.

This text can contain HTML code (e.g. <p>, <href> etc.).

You do not need to define this if using Single Sign On as the sole method of accessing the system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > login > MFA


How to set up multifactor authentication?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableMFA (Multifactor Authentication). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Make this value true to enable Multi Factor Authentication for all role types. Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) will require users to authenticate their identity using the Google or Microsoft Authenticator app on their mobile phones.

Only make this value true if you consider the data collected to be important in line with GDPR and other privacy requirements. Not all users will have access to their mobile phones or find this form of authentication confusing, so do bare this in mind.

if you want to disable this feature for particular roles, then edit the role and select to “Disable MFA for this role”

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > login > SSO button


How to add Single Sign On Button URL to the login screen?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called SingleSignOnButtonURL (Single Sign On Button URL). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Add a URL here to create a button on the login page which will take users to the system via SSO ( e.g.[YOURDOMAIN]/saml ).

If you have SSO activated on your system then it is recommended to define this value. There will be situations where users who have SSO access will reach this registration page and need an access point to the system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > manager > booking approvals


How to add or remove the approval of bookings from the managers’ interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isManageBookings (Make Manage Bookings Optional). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true configuration value gives the option for a line manager to make and manage bookings on the ‘Modules and Learning Resources’ page

A false configuration value does not give the option for a line manager to make and manage bookings on the ‘Modules and Learning Resources’ page

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > manager > edit refresh periods


How to Allow manager to change refresh interval.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowManagerChangeRefreshInterval (Allow manager to change refresh interval.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow the manager to edit the interval (in days) during which the learner’s learning resource must be completed again. (i.e. the status resets to ‘Not Started’ and a new record is created.)

Editing of this refresher period gives managers flexibility in customising when learners need to repeat any mandatory training etc. Set this value to true if you do not feel you need to standardise the training refresher period across the entire organisation.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Manager > Lookovers Disable


How to Disable Look Overs button/functionality in Learners profile for managers


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called disableLookOvers.

You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration.

It is recommended that this item should be false. This function will become obsolete and won’t be used for new clients.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > manager > meetings


How to add or remove Meetings from the manager’s interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isMeetings (Make Meetings Optional). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A false configuration value gives the option for a line manager to confirm scheduled meetings with learners when on the ‘Modules and Learning Resources’ page

A true value does not gives the option for a line manager to confirm scheduled meetings with learners when on the ‘Modules and Learning Resources’ page

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > manager > off the job hours visible


How to display off the job hours toggle for reviews.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called offTheJobHoursForReviews (Off the job hours toggle for reviews.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This setting generally only needs to be switched on if monitoring UK Government Apprenticeships. Setting this value to true will display a checkbox for the manager when signing off work to mark the work as ‘of the job’ so it is not counted towards apprenticeship completion calculations.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > manager > quality assurance


How to show a quality assurance (QA) filter in the learners interface?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isLearnerQAFilter (Show QA filter in learners interface). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This shows QA feedback to the learner if set to true in the ‘Progress’ button.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > manager > show all events


How to make all events visible to all managers


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called listAllEventsToManagers (Show all events to all Managers). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true to allow managers to see all events (even those not assigned to them) within the list view of events.

This should be set to true, as it allows managers to assign their own personnel onto courses ran by third parties.

The calendar view still allows managers to administer their own learning courses that they are running themselves.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Classroom > default end time


How to set the default end time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CalendarEndTime (This is the end time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the end time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS. This value defaults to 1800 if not set.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Classroom > default start time


How to set the default start time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CalendarStartTime (This is the start time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the start time of shown in all calendars throughout Open eLMS. This value defaults to 0800 if not set.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Classroom > enable smart classrooms


How to enable the Open eLMS Classroom?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called isOpeneLMSClassroom (Open eLMS Classroom ). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value is true then the system is able to schedule Smart Classroom events within the calendar scheduling system.

Only set this to false if you are not using any part of the Open eLMS Classroom functionality – i.e. running the system as a traditional LMS and not tracking or scheduling live events.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Classroom > lesson duration


How to set the default lesson duration when assigning lessons to class/departments?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called lessonDuration (Default Lesson duration when assigning lessons to class/departments). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. When creating a new leaving event (e.g. lesson, meeting etc.) in the calendar, the system will set the length of the learning event to this duration.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Classroom > Outlook request response mandatory


How to make an Outlook request response mandatory when logging in to an event?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called OutlookRequestResponse (Outlook Request Response). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If set to true, then Outlook will request all participants on an event to inform the event owner whether they will attend or not. This process will be handled by Outlook automatically.

enableGlobalOutlookIntegration must be true and the system connected, before this feature can be used.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Classroom > visit types not mapped to programmes


How to ensure all visit types not mapped to programme?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called VisitTypesNotMapped (Visit types not mapped to programme.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Specify any meeting visit type which should NOT be mapped to learning programmes. Some meeting types will contain no formal learning, for example, and therefore not needed to be counted towards on the job learning (a necessary requirement for some programmes of learning e.g. apprenticeships).

The default values only allow Development Coaching Session or Training visits to be mapped,

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Open eLMS Creator > Commercial version


How to activate the Open eLMS Creator billing version?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called jackdawVersion (Jackdaw Billing Version). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the Open eLMS Creator billing version, do not change this value as it will result in the authoring system not working.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > register > company field


How to Show Company field when registering new user..


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called registerShowCompany (Show Company field when registering new user..). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This adds the ‘Company’ field to the registration page if this value is set to true.

If manual registration is not being used (i.e. Single Sign On is used exclusively or ‘allowRegistration’ = false), then do not worry about this value since registration will not be accessible.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > register > disabled users in a department


How to ensure when a user is imported with a specified department, they are automatically disabled?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called DisableUserDepartmentOnImport (When user is imported with specified department, they are automatically disabled.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Specify the exact department name in the value field if you wish to automatically disable users, with that department, during import. This is the opposite of EnableUserDepartmentOnImport which can be used in concert with this configuration setting.

This functionality is used to disable users during a single import process – without having to run a separate leavers import.

This import process can be set up to run automatically via a CRON task which looks for data from an SFTP location and imports the data.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > register > enabled users in a department


How to ensure when user is imported with specified department, they are automatically enabled?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called EnableUserDepartmentOnImport (When user is imported with specified department, they are automatically enabled.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Specify the exact department name in the value field if you wish to automatically enable users, with that department, during import. This is the opposite of DisableUserDepartmentOnImport which can be used in concert with this configuration setting.

This functionality is used to disable users during a single import process – without having to run a separate leavers import.

This import process can be set up to run automatically via a CRON task which looks for data from an SFTP location and imports the data.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Register > Maytas import


How to Show old MAYTAS import option


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called enableMaytasImport (Show old MAYTAS import option). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Maytas is a third party IRL system related to Government Apprenticeships. This value should be set to false unless there is a specific need to import users from the Maytas system.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > add username prefix


How to add custom prefixes to username field value data?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called fixUserNameOnImport (Custom functionality to replace username field value data). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Should you need to replace an user name that starts with 1xxx…into 01xxx… then activate this option.

This is required in many council HR systems in the UK, where the first ‘0’ is stripped from the import by Excel during processing.

It is very rare that this value will need to be made true.

See fixUserCodeOnImport as well.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > allow registration


How to add or remove the option to allow users to register on the site. Registration


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowRegistration (Allow Registration). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This adds registration button on the login screen.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > alternative user IDs


How to Alternative User IDs.


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called alternativeIdsEnabled (Alternative User IDs.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. If this value equals true then this allows more than one account to be shown on the same learner interface which share the same Alternative ID.

So the same learner interface could show learning for multiple employee IDs at the same time. This may be used if – for example – an employee is employed by the same organisation but for different jobs (e.g. local councils employing the same person in a groundskeeper and gardener job but with different employee IDs for each job.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > default ILR


How to set a Default role for imported ILR users


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultIlrRole (Default role for imported ILR users). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Default role for imported users using ILR import.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > default role


How to create a Default role for registered or new user imported into the system?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultRegisterRole (Default role for registered user). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This is the default role ID given to every new user when registering.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > emergency contact


How to add or remove Emergency contact details from a user’s details?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showEmergencyContactDetails (Emergency contact details). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting gives the option when adding a new user to add ’emergency contact details’

A false setting does not give the option when adding a new user to add ’emergency contact details’

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > enabling imported users


How to enable disabled users when importing?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called reEnableUsersOnImport (Enable disabled users on Import.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true of there is a requirement to enabled users on the system as a result of an import (both automated or manual.) For if set to true, if a user was disabled on system, then that user will be enabled back to an active status.

If this is set to false, then any duplicates in the import will be kept as disabled.

Set this to true if your imports will only ever include active user accounts.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > Google/Facebook login


How to remove or add social login buttons on login page such as Google or Facebook?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showSocialLoginButtons (Show social login buttons on login page.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Show “Login with Facebook” and “Sign in with Google” buttons on login page

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > ignore username on import


How to import a username is its missing from the user import file?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called importUserCodeForMissingUsername (Use usercode if username is missing during user import.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this to true if users are imported without the username being present in the import file AND there is usercode in table. This then sets up the username using the user code instead of the email.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > mandatory company field


How to set the company field in the registration page as mandatory?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called registerMandatoryCompany (Company field in registration page is mandatory). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will make the company field in the registration page mandatory.

Remember to activate the registration (allowRegistration = true) for this setting to come into effect.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > nested departments


How to Show 6 sublevels of department


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showSevenDepartmentSubLevels (Show 6 sublevels of department). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Set this value to true will create 7 nested levels of each department location, each connected to each other e.g. London, Southwark, Tooley Street, Building A, Zone B, Room 2, Desk Y)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > no emails


Can we allow the importing of users without email


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowEmptyEmailImport (Allow importing users without email). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting assigns a computer generated email for an imported user.

A false setting does not assign a computer generated email for an imported user.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > registration iframe


How to Remote Registration in iframe


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called allowRemoteRegistration (Hide learning resources in lessons). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This allows users to register on a remote site. To enable this the following code will need to be inserted into the third party website:

i.e. <iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”100%” frameborder=”0″ title=”Registration form, embedded”></iframe>

Change “SITEDOMAIN” with your LMS’ domain name (usually you company name – “acme” etc.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > UKPRN


How to set a Default UKPRN – as used in the ILR?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultUKPRN (Default UKPRN). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. UK provider reference number (UKPRN).

Must contain a value in the range 10000000 to 99999999

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > UKPRN previous year


How to set the Default UKPRN used in the previous year?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called defaultPrevUKPRN (Default UKPRN in previous year). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. UK provider reference number (UKPRN).

Must contain a value in the range 10000000 to 99999999

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > registration > visa eligibility


How to Visa Eligibility Checks to user accounts?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called showVisaEligibilityChecks (Visa Eligibility Checks). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. A true setting gives the option when adding a new user to add ‘Visa Eligibility checks’

A false setting gives the option when adding a new user to add ‘Visa Eligibility checks’

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > reporting > certificate first bottom message


How to edit a certificate’s bottom first message?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CertificateMessageBottom1 (Certificate bottom first message.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This message appears on each certificate in the bottom left hand corner. This text is usually the company’s address, but can be anything required.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > reporting > certificate second bottom message


How to edit the certificate’s bottom second message?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CertificateMessageBottom2 (Certificate bottom second message.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This message appears on each certificate in the bottom right hand corner. This text is usually the company’s email and web address, but can be anything required.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > reporting > certificate top message


How to edit the certificate’s top text message?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called CertificateMessageTop (Certificate top message.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This message appears on each certificate below the logo. This text is usually the company’s strapline or details about the Learning Management System (e.g. ‘Every little helps’, ‘Acme LMS’ etc.)

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Reporting > date of last screen alert


How to User field alert system alert sent time/date


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called userFieldAlertSystemIntervalRunTime (User field alert system alert interval/check.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Holds the date (in string form) when the last alert was sent. This is used in reporting and does not need to be edited.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > reporting > hide review button


How to Hide review button


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called hideReviewButton (Hide review button). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. This hides the old style ‘Review’ reporting functionality from the Manager’s view of the learner record which has been superseded by customised events.

Do NOT set this value to false unless you have been using this functionality previously, consult Open eLMS before doing so as it is highly unlikely that it will be needed and will otherwise cause users to be confused.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Reporting > Power Bi Azure password


How to Power Bi Azure password


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called powerbi_azure_password (Power Bi Azure password). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Linking Open eLMS to Power BI will create the datasets used within Open eLMS directly within Power BI. This means that live data can be shared with Power BI from the Open eLMS data source. Management Information dashboards can give a live view on learning progress without ever needing to open Open eLMS.

To activate this functionality log into Microsoft Azure.

Search for App registrations and select the App registrations link.

Select the Azure AD app you’re using for embedding your Power BI content.

From the Overview section, copy the relevant parameter into this field.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Reporting > Power Bi Azure username


How to Power Bi Azure username


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called powerbi_azure_username (Power Bi Azure username). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Linking Open eLMS to Power BI will create the datasets used within Open eLMS directly within Power BI. This means that live data can be shared with Power BI from the Open eLMS data source. Management Information dashboards can give a live view on learning progress without ever needing to open Open eLMS.

To activate this functionality log into Microsoft Azure.

Search for App registrations and select the App registrations link.

Select the Azure AD app you’re using for embedding your Power BI content.

From the Overview section, copy the relevant parameter into this field.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Reporting > Power BI client ID


How to Power Bi client ID


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called powerbi_client_id (Power Bi client ID). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Linking Open eLMS to Power BI will create the datasets used within Open eLMS directly within Power BI. This means that live data can be shared with Power BI from the Open eLMS data source. Management Information dashboards can give a live view on learning progress without ever needing to open Open eLMS.

To activate this functionality log into Microsoft Azure.

Search for App registrations and select the App registrations link.

Select the Azure AD app you’re using for embedding your Power BI content.

From the Overview section, copy the relevant parameter into this field.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > Reporting > Power Bi client Secret


How to Power Bi client Secret


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called powerbi_client_secret (Power Bi client Secret). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Linking Open eLMS to Power BI will create the datasets used within Open eLMS directly within Power BI. This means that live data can be shared with Power BI from the Open eLMS data source. Management Information dashboards can give a live view on learning progress without ever needing to open Open eLMS.

To activate this functionality log into Microsoft Azure.

Search for App registrations and select the App registrations link.

Select the Azure AD app you’re using for embedding your Power BI content.

From the Overview section, copy the relevant parameter into this field.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > reporting > show legacy review reports


How to configure the system to show the checkbox “Schedule Periodic Reports” for programmes?


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called (Shows checkbox “Schedule Periodic Reports” for programmes.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Setting this value to true will show a checkbox “Schedule Periodic Reports” which will allow these now redundant reports to be seen on the Assignments’ tab in the learner’s interface.

It is recommended to make this value false unless reviewing these old-style reports is mission critical.

helpdesk > administrator > configuration key > reports > Power BI default


How to set as a default dashboard the Power BI Dashboard


This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called powerbi_dashboard_url (Default Power BI Dashboard). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. Open eLMS can be integrated with Microsoft’s Power BI so a live data feed is sent directly to the Management Information System. Use this URL for your preferred dashboard (copy from the address bar in the browser window.)

helpdesk > administrator > how to > branding > Change Branding



how to change branding



This is how you can adjust branding yourself any time.


Obtain a logo image at least 400 pixels wide by 200 pixels high (should you need to change your logo). The image should be a PNG file (transparent background).

Login as an administrator and go to the top right hand corner and press on the blue button: System Setup > Defaults > Branding.

Make changes as required – other images such as the elearning buttons and background image (1800×1200 pixels) for the login screen can also be changed.

Open eLMS will be always be branded for you when first installed, but things change.

For more details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > branding > Create Thumbnail and Promo Images for Learning Resources



how to create thumbnail and promo images for learning resources



Administrators and Curriculum Developers can customise the thumbnail and promo images of the learning resources which appear in Open eLMS. This allows branding to be applied across the system.


Follow these steps …

Create jpg images for your 1) Thumbnail (357 x 217 pixels), 2) Promo (1070 x 650 pixels) and 3) Highlight images (330 x 600 pixels) for each learning resource.

Login as an Administrator or Curriculum Developer.

Access the learning library and edit a learning resource.

Scroll down and change the images for the Thumbnail and Promo images.

Make changes and review the results.

You must make all Thumbnail and Promo images consistent sizes, otherwise the display will get messy very quickly. Also try to keep all images ‘on brand’.

See for details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > companies > Branding Multiple Tenancy Installations



In cases where a single installation is used to host multiple client instances, it is important to separate data and brand each client instance accordingly (currently this rebrands the login page, but further rebranding will also take effect shortly – Q4 2021.)


Follow these instructions to set up a new company in your multi-tenancy.

Login as an Administrator and go to System Setup > Organisation > Companies and select Add Company.

Edit the company, adding in a logo and a URL extension. Give this extension (e.g. in the example below) to anyone from the company to manually logging in (this will display the company logo.) Other branding changes will take effect shortly.

Create new Manager and Administrator roles for personnel in companies so that they do not have access to other company’s data. To do this go to System Setup > Roles > Add Role and create a new role.

Enter role details (compare with other Managers, Administrators etc.) You must however differentiate permissions by making sure that the Access to all companies and Access to All Users are NOT checked (as below).

Assign these new roles to all personnel in any company in this multi-tenancy installation – this can be done during the import process.

For more details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > Curriculum Developers > Assign resources to multiple learners (programmes)


how to assign resources to multiple learners (programmes)?


This article will explain how you can assign a resource or multiple resources to learners when they are attached to learning programmes.


Login as a manager (coach/trainer/teacher)

Click on View by Standard

Then click on +Bulk Assignment

You can define start date and expected completion date if required

Either Assign from Learning Library (from your existing library of resources) or Assign one-off project (bespoke a project specifically for a group of learners)

Once selected/created – choose a programme to assign the resource/resources to

Select which elements of the programme the resources can be mapped to

Select either departments, groups or individual learners you would like to send resources to (they will be highlighted in blue)

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > elearning > Update SMCR elearning modules



how to update smcr elearning modules



The following instructions detail how to update your elearning within the system with the latest supplied by Simmons and Simmons.


Follow these steps.

Log into the system and change your role to an administrator.

Logging in as an admin

Go to System Setup > Organisation > Jobs to list all the jobs in the system.

Selecting a job

Select Actions > Edit besides the job you want to add the training to (make sure you only edit jobs used in your installation – these are likely to be located at the end of the list).

Editing the job

Here you will see the list of jobs currently assigned to that job.

Job list

Delete any old courses no longer needed.

Select from the F&P Activities List and click on [Add F&P Activities] to add any new F&P Activity to the job that is relevant.

Selecting a new elearning course

There are 5 new courses to select from:

Conduct Rules for Portfolio Managers Analysts and Traders – replaces old training for portfolio managers & analysts AND traders (there have now been combined into the one session)

Conduct Rules training for Middle and Back-Office P1 – this is a new module so nothing being replaced

Conduct Rules training for Middle and Back-Office P2 – this is a new module so nothing being replaced

Conduct Rules training IR Marketing and Fund Distribution P1 – replaces old training for IR marketing & fund distribution

Conduct Rules training IR Marketing and Fund Distribution P2 – replaces old training for IR marketing & fund distribution

Once added, sort the F&P Activities using the arrows shown.

Press Save and Close when finished. Your users will be updated with their new elearning courses.

Once an F&P activity is removed it will no longer be accessed by the learner or appear on the learners’ reports. You can retrieve this data by adding the F&P Activity back on the learner’s job at any time.

For more details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > emails > Changing Mailserver / email domain



how to changing mailserver / email domain



This is dealt with by editing a configuration key called ipBlock (Block specific IPs or range.). You can edit configuration settings by logging in as admin and editing the key in System Settings>Defaults>Configuration. For security reasons (ISO 27001, GDPR compliance etc.) it is advisable – where there is a security concern – to limit access to the site to pre-designated IP addresses.

Specify IP or IP range to block from accessing site.



helpdesk > administrator > how to > Gamification > Add Badges



how to add badges



Badges allow you to use awards won in Open eLMS to be transferred out of the Open eLMS infrastructure and remain with learners on social media channels (Linked In, Facebook etc.) and CVs.


To set this up for your users follow these steps:

Register here if in EU for example (you can change the location for different domains). Create a number of badges as an Issuer; these badges should reflect competencies you wish to see in your organisation (e.g. Leadership, Teamwork, Health and Safety etc.) Find out more about how to issue badges on the badgr account ( ).

Email with your account details and request a “Connected App Key and Secret”.

Login as an administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration > Key = BadgrApiKey

and enter as the configuration values supplied separated by a comma (e.g.,16240107YH==).

Set the Key = badgrRegion to eu. if in Europe (or change if in USA to us. etc.)

Set the Key = badgesEnabled to true.

Link badges to competencies, in this way when a competency is awarded, its associated badge also gets awarded. Do this by going to System Settings > Learning > Competencies and linking each competency to its associated badge.

Employees and Managers can now see these badges on their accounts (Progress > Gamification).

Badgr follows the Open Badges standard and is free to set up and use. Paid for subscriptions allow pathways etc.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > general > Change the Web Address URL of your LMS



how to change the web address url of your lms



Your LMS instance will be provided by us in the form or Some clients prefer to use their own domains (e.g.


These instructions will show you how to achieve this.

Copy the server address of your LMS instance (i.e. leave out the domain name you are using as shown.) This will usually be or

Click on the Windows button on bottom left of the screen and type Command. This will launch the command prompt.

Type in ping or ping depending upon the server you are using and press enter. This will give you the IP address of the server. In the case below it is

More recent installations will have an IP of

Change the DNS settings of your domain to point to this IP Address. If you are unsure as to how to do this, contact your service provider and they will send instructions. Usually this is a self-service item for a hosting company’s clients.

Contact us at with details of the domain name in order to complete the set up.

You must contact eLearning WMB at step 5 for this process to be completed. The service will continue to run on the old URL until this is done. We can do this over the weekend but will need advance notice before Thursday on any given week to do this.

For further details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > integration > Configure Turnitin Service in Open eLMS



how to configure turnitin service in open elms



Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention service that checks writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying and also allows teachers etc. to mark and annotate work. Linking Open eLMS with Turnitin allows you to add this functionality to any documents uploaded to the system.

To do this Open eLMS forms an LTI link between the two systems.


Configuring LTI in Turnitin

You will need to own Turnitin and have administration access to the Turnitin system (contact for help with this). Instructions on how to configure LTI are available in the Configuring LTI in Turnitin instructions from Turnitin.

This will give you:

A URL based on your location (UK users only) (All other users)

Account ID (referred to as the “consumer key”)

This allows an LMS to correctly integrate with a Turnitin account. Account IDs can be found on the left-hand side of the account name on the administrator homepage in Turnitin.

Shared Key (configured by the Turnitin administrator in the Turnitin LTI integration setup)

The shared secret key is used to verify the integrity of requests sent from the institution’s LMS account to the institution’s Turnitin account. The shared secret key can be any word or alphanumeric 8-character text string, containing at least one letter and one number. The shared secret key entered in Turnitin must be identical to the shared secret key entered within the LMS. To be clear, both keys must match in order for access to be granted, otherwise, the integration will not work.

Entering Microsoft Credentials into Open eLMS

Log into Open eLMS as an administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration and enter the values for Turnitin Assignment API url (aka “URL”), Turnitin Client Id (aka “Account ID”) and Turnitin Client Secret (aka “Shared Key”).

Instructions on how to configure LTI are available in the Configuring LTI in Turnitin instructions from Turnitin.

For further details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > integration > Enable Outlook Calendar Integration



how to enable outlook calendar integration



Microsoft Outlook Calendar integration enables events to be recorded in the Outlook calendar of all relevant parties when people enrol on them. These events can be assigned for all users or the system or on a case by case basis.


Follow these steps to set up the Outlook integration …

Login as Admin and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration.

Under the Key search box enter ‘outlook’; this will list the 3 Outlook settings.

Select by enableGlobalOutlookIntegration the Actions > Edit option. Change this value to true.

Select by GlobalOutlookIntegrationSecurityToken the Actions > Edit option. You will see on screen instructions with a URL to generate the token. Copy this URL into a new browser window and you can then generate the token (you will need to Login with a Microsoft Account with appropriate permissions – contact your local administrator if any issues) and then copy all the text in the browser window and save the token as shown.

Finally select by addAllEventsToOutlook the Actions > Edit option. Here you can automatically add all events to Outlook OR leave this option in the interface which will allow managers to select whether they want to add each event to Outlook or not.

Please make sure you have appropriate permissions to make these changes – Outlook permissions are not controlled by Open eLMS and would need to be investigated with your local IT department if necessary.

See for further information.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > integration > Integrate Salesforce with Open eLMS



how to integrate salesforce with open elms



Salesforce integration enables the updating of both Open eLMS and Salesforce through a single system.



In order to connect the two systems, the Salesforce administrator will need to provide:

Enterprise WSDL XML file *

Security token

*WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. This can be generated by administrator of the Salesforce application who can also provide a suitable security token.

You will also need a valid Administrator user name and password for running the authentication procedure.

If you go to Administrator > System Setup > APIs then enter the information there as below. This will authenticate and cause a link between the two systems. The permissions granted are listed in the grey box below – this allows you to see what functionality is available to you via Salesforce API calls.

Using the API

API calls can be utilized between the two systems. Consult the Salesforce API documentation for details on how this can be done – this would usually be carried out in-house by eLearning WMB on your behalf.

For further details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > integration > Microsoft Services Integration


how to microsoft services integration?


Open eLMS is now able to combine the integration of Microsoft services such as Teams, Power BI, Outlook etc. into a single configuration setting.


Follow these steps

Login to At the top of the screen select “Azure Active Directory” icon.

Select “App registrations” on the left.

Select “All applications” on the right and click on ‘New Registration’.

Enter the name of your Azure application (e.g. ‘Open eLMS’) Click on ‘Register’, leaving out the optional ‘Redirect URI’ configuration (we will return to this at the next step).

Go to Authentication and select Add a platform and then Web..

Then add any of the following URLS. (to enable Teams integration) (PowerBI) (Outlook) (One Drive, needed to fetch Teams recordings) (Global Outlook integration)

… and then press Configure.

Repeat step 6 dependent upon the services you will be using.

Now we can link this App to Open eLMS. To do this Login as Admin and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration and search for the key MicrosoftAppClientId.

Edit this value and give it the Application (client) ID value from the Azure Service (as shown below).

Similarly locate and edit the MicrosoftAppClientSecret in Open eLMS.

To obtain the secret value that goes here press the link by Client Credentials …

Then select + New client Secret (give it any name e.g. ‘Microsoft Credentials’) and then copy the Value (NOT Secret ID) and paste this into the Open eLMS MicrosoftAppClientSecret configuration above.

You will be now ready to use whatever Microsoft integration services (Power BI, Outlook etc.) you have selected within Open eLMS.

Remember to copy over the Value and not Secret ID otherwise you will get an error (step

Remember to set up all the redirect URLs for the applications you are using (step 6). If you are using your own domain then use your own URLs e.g. replace with e.g.

For more details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > integration > Set up an automated ftp import



how to set up an automated ftp import



Open eLMS provides the capacity to import HR updates automatically via CRON (server-side) tasks which are ran nightly. This means that the data is kept up to date every


Follow these instructions to set up a server side import …

Login as admin and go to System Setup > [Import Users]

Download the template from Import Disabled Users (disabled any account on the list), Import Deleted Users or Import New Users.

Create a process to export data into those files on a nightly basis and provide ftp details to its location. Send the details to – you can send any password information separately via your account manager.

Open eLMS will create a CRON task to import data from that file nightly.

Note deleted accounts can never be returned, chose to delete accounts if unsure.

For more information see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > integration > Set up Open eLMS SSO for Azure AD



how to set up open elms sso for azure ad



These instructions demonstrate how SAML based SSO is enabled by installing the ‘Azure AD SAML Toolkit’ enterprise application and adding your users to it.


Follow these step by step instructions …

Go to Azure Active Directory/Enterprise Applications/New Application and search for ‘Azure AD SAML ToolkitSelect ‘Azure AD SAML Toolkit’, change its name to something else, e.g. ‘Open eLMS SAML SSO’ and click on ‘Create’

The new application should be selected. Go to the ‘Single sign-on’ section. Select ‘SAML’.

Click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Basic SAML Configuration’. Enter the following information:

Entity ID:

Reply URL:

Sign on URL:

Save the settings

Go to ‘SAML Signing Certificate’. Download the ‘Federation Metadata XML’ file and email it to us. You will not be able to use the SSO until we have received the federation metadata.

Go to ‘Users and groups’ and add the desired set of users/groups to the application.

Once you have the app configured and we have imported the federation metadata, you will be able to test the SSO by going to this url:

Your users can also access Open eLMS through the new application too.

(Optional) You may decide to add/change the user attributes which are used by the SSO. By default, the app will give Open eLMS access to email (this is mandatory, SSO will not work without an email), first name, last name and some other details which are not used by Open eLMS. You can control the list of attributes by going to ‘Single Sign On/Attributes & Claims’. For example, you can set up a department, location or job title attribute. Please let us know if you do this and send us the exact claims which are used to retrieve the corresponding attributes. For example, the claim name of the email address attribute is ‘’.

These are instructions for the use of third party software so the information may differ from one installation to another depending upon versioning and set up. Please check your local instructions if unsure, we do not support the running and configuration of MS Azure.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > learner interface > Change the help video used by learners


how to change the help video used by learners?


This help video can be switched with one of your own. Useful if you want to add your own advice and rebrand this video.


Follow these steps to change the video.

Login as an Admin and go to Admin > System Setup > Defaults > Configuration.

Find the key HelpVideoURL.

Edit and change this value to your help video URL (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo).

A URL must be used that is accessible to all users (i.e. not an intranet link if the system is to be used by external parties.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > learning > Create a Latest Release



how to create a latest release



At the top of the learner screen is an array of images which show the 10 latest courses released on the system.


Follow these steps to set up latest release learning.

Login as an Admin and go to Admin > System Setup > Defaults > Configuration.

Find the key in the table called ‘showLatestReleases’.

Ensure that this value is ‘true’.

Edit any learning resource in the Learning Library > Learning Resources > Edit.

Add an image in the Highlight Image. The image should be 330 x 600 pixels.

The system will show the 10 most recently updated courses with a highlighted image attached.

See for further details

helpdesk > administrator > how to > Learning library > Assign learning to individual learners


how to assign learning to individual learners?


These instructions demonstrate how a Manager/Trainer/Tutor etc can add any learning (elearning, YouTube, lessons etc.) to an individual learner from the learning resource library. This is a good way of supplementing learning resources assigned in bulk see Assigning learning to groups for learners


Login as a Manager/Trainer/Tutor etc and select the Manage Learning button (dark orange button in the top right hand corner of the screen.) Then select the Set Training button at the top of the screen.

Select the View by User button in the centre left of the screen.

Click on the eye button on the grid next to the person to whom you wish to add more work.

Examine their progress (events, gamification, learning programme progress etc.) and assign more work as needed by either pressing Add Learning (from resource library), Set Work (individual project) or Add Evidence (sign off completed work).

Most course materials will be added as bulk operations or pre-assigned when setting up learning programmes.

For more details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > learning library > Import YouTube Playlist


how to import youtube playlist?


Open eLMS will automatically play and track YouTube content, no integration is necessary.

There is also the option to import entire playlists from your YouTube library which will add videos and associated metadata (description, author etc.) to Open eLMS when importing.


Follow these steps:

To enable importing playlists in Open eLMS, log into Open eLMS as an administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration and change Enable youtube playlist import into learning library to “true”

To import YouTube playlists, Login as an Administrator or Curriculum Developer and access the Learning Library > Learning Resources and then press Import YouTube Playlists.

You will then need to sign in to your Google Account to complete the import.

Open eLMS will automatically play and track YouTube content, no integration is necessary.

For further details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > learning library > Set up periodic (aka ‘refresher’) training


how to set up periodic (aka ‘refresher’) training?


You can set up learning resources to be ‘refreshed’ so that the training is repeated periodically. This causes multiple records for the same training course to be recorded. Emails are automatically sent out and a new learning resources record with a ‘Not Started’ status is created when this is due.


To set up refresher training follow these steps …

Login as an administrator and go to Learning Library > Learning Resources.

Find and edit the Learning Resource you wish to be repeated periodically.

Check on Periodically repeat and enter the number of days till the refresher training is due.

Note you can also state how many times the course should be refreshed (leave blank if training should be repeated indefinitely.)

helpdesk > administrator > how to > Login > Set up Login/Registration in an iFrame


how to set up login/registration in an iframe?


Open eLMS should be able to accommodate any type of learning from blog entries to Zoom webinars (and everything in between). These resources can be added to a library so they can be reused, saving you time and allowing for incremental improvements in learning materials over time.


Login as an Administrator and select the learning library (yellow button on the top right of the screen) and select the Lessons tab as shown.

If a Curriculum Developer then press the second Add Lessons tab.

Select the Add Learning Resources option – as you can see other options do exist for adding more content.

Follow the prompts to add the learning of your choice.

Note there is the option to add Prerequisite learning resources – which must be completed before the learning can start and a Query Builder which you can define in order to add or remove this learning resource from those to whom the query applies.

You will need an Open eLMS Creator licence to create elearning and an H5P licence to create microlearning. Similarly you can install learning from the remote library if you have a licence to use Open eLMS Catalogue or the Go1 library of 50,000+ learning objects.

See for further information.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > Open eLMS Classroom > Add Lessons


how to add lessons?


Lessons are a collection of learning resources. These lessons can be assigned to learners directly, attached to learning programmes else added to events (e.g. Smart Classroom learning.)


Login as an Administrator and select the learning library (yellow button on the top right of the screen.)

If a Curriculum Developer then press the first Add Learning Resources tab.

Select the Add Lesson button.

Complete the form. At the bottom of form you will see a reference to the learning library. You must select suitable learning resources and add them to the lesson by pressing the green [+ Add] button.

Once the lesson has been defined, assign it directly to learners or learning programmes, else use it as a template for adding learning resources to events in the calendar (e.g. blended learning classroom sessions).

See for details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > programmes > Define a programme’s options



how to define a programme’s options



Options can be set up so that depending upon which selections are made, different parts of that programme are switched on/off.

In the case above Designer, Management and/or Programmer options can be selected.


Follow these steps to add options to your learning programme.

Select the appropriate Outcome (top level of programme) you want to make optional and select the Options > Optional Outcome selection.

Add options for the user to select. In this case Management, Designer and Programmer have already been defined.

Select for the currently chosen Outcome, which selections apply.

Repeat this process for other Outcome in the programme.

If you do not define any options for an outcome, then it will be chosen regardless of the options selected.

For further details see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > reporting > Link Open eLMS to MS Power BI Reporting Tool



how to link open elms to ms power bi reporting tool



Open eLMS gives you the option of feeding your system data via a live data link to Microsoft’s Power BI reporting tool.

Although Open eLMS has its own custom reporting engine and dashboard functionality, Microsoft Power BI brings additional advantages, namely:

View reports across multiple platforms and devices without needing to use Open eLMS

Combine data sources from other areas (HR Databases, Excel spreadsheets

Share dashboards with appropriate user groups

Drill down into data visualisations to get more meaning from the data

Just in time view of the data – no longer rely on out of date printed reports

Open eLMS’s primary mechanism for information about the system is through the company’s Knowledgebase.

Open eLMS Setup Instructions

Note the following can only be carried out by Open eLMS support staff on the company’s internal Azure instance:

Login to

Expand the menu on the left and click and select “Azure Active Directory”

Select “App registrations” on the left

Select “All applications” on the right and click on “Open eLMS” application

Select “Authentication” on the left

You will see a list of redirect URIs on the right – you need to add{SITE}/powerbi to the list and click “Save”

Power BI in Action

Play the video from the link below to see just how easy it is to integrate Power BI integration and start producing your first dashboard.

We are here to help so please contact should you have any queries.

Power BI Training

If you want to learn more about Power BI, eLearning WMB have provided this course on how to start using Power BI, working with datasets and combining them to build powerful visualizations of your data.

Click below to run each course:

Power BI Introduction

Start Using Power BI

Power BI – Searching Sorting Filtering

Power BI Visualisations

Prior to running PowerBI you will need to ask Open eLMS to enable the Open eLMS Azure App for your site to the list of possible redirects.

Dor more information see

helpdesk > administrator > how to > roles and permissions > Change a role’s settings


how to change a role’s settings?


Roles are largely pre-defined with your installation and will have been customised by the account manager following an initial briefing; the permissions behind each role can be edited if required.


Follow these instructions to alter the permissions behind each role.

Login as admin and go to System setup > Organisation > Roles

Select to Edit a role. Any of the permissions listed can be changed, each permission is clearly labelled on the left hand side of the screen and their respective permission value is on the right side of the screen.

Press the Edit button on the top right of the screen.

Here you can define the Role Group; this effects the interface

(i.e. the actions menu tabs across the screen).

The Role permissions allow you to alter some global interface settings for this role type (see all user data, hide selected menu tabs etc.)

eMail Options allow certain roles not to get email alerts.

Digital onboarding allows interfaces to be built with digital forms from Open eLMS Forms (check whether you have purchased this add-n).

Can switch to other roles allows this role to select other (e.g. an admin can select the other roles as well as the core admin role.

Do not forget to click on Save and Close after making any changes.

It is highly recommended that you do not change the default permission settings in step 2 unless you are sure you know the ramifications of the changes you are making. If you want to proceed try changing one setting at a time and then testing the effect of this change.

See for more information.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > support > Impersonate a User


how to impersonate a user?


Sometimes for support reasons or to amend a record, you may wish to impersonate a user. Open eLMS has the ability to use this.


Follow these steps to set this up on your system.

Login as an Admin and go to Admin > System Setup > Defaults > Configuration.

Find the key in the table called enableImpersonate.

Change this value to true.

Go to System Setup > Organisation > Users and click on the actions button then select Impersonate.

This will allow you to Login as that user.

Note if using this functionality to complete other users’ training it may invalidate any compliance training requirements since there is no proof who completed the training.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Add Learning Resources to the Library


how to add learning resources to the library?


Open eLMS should be able to accommodate any type of learning from blog entries to Zoom webinars (and everything in between). These resources can be added to a library so they can be reused, saving you time and allowing for incremental improvements in learning materials over time.


Login as an Administrator and select the learning library (yellow button on the top right of the screen) and select the Lessons tab as shown.

If a Curriculum Developer then press the second Add Lessons tab.

Select the Add Learning Resources option – as you can see other options do exist for adding more content.

Follow the prompts to add the learning of your choice.

Note there is the option to add Prerequisite learning resources – which must be completed before the learning can start and a Query Builder which you can define in order to add or remove this learning resource from those to whom the query applies.

You will need an Open eLMS Creator licence to create elearning and an H5P licence to create microlearning. Similarly you can install learning from the remote library if you have a licence to use Open eLMS Catalogue or the Go1 library of 50,000+ learning objects.

See for further information.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Add/remove employees from managers’ accounts


how to add/remove employees from managers’ accounts?


Managers/Tutors/Trainers etc will need to have the ability to add and remove learners from their accounts.


Login as Admin (Managers/Tutors/Trainers can also be assigned this functionality but it is not assigned by default). Go to the main dashboard and select Check Managers as shown (‘Tutors’, ‘Trainers’ will be used in other versions.)

Select Modify Access to the right of the manager that needs editing.

Select Categories, Departments, Groups and Learners to add/remove them from the selected manager.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Assigning learning programmes to groups for learners


how to assigning learning programmes to groups for learners?


These instructions demonstrate how to add any learning (elearning, YouTube, lessons etc.) to a group of learners from the learning resource library.


Login as a Administrator and select the Administer Learning button (dark orange button in the top right hand corner of the screen.)

Select the Programmes tab and then the [+ Add Learners to Programme] button.

This process can also be carried out from the Learning Library – see location of the [+ Assign Users] button below.

Select Departments, Groups, Users etc to add to a selected programme.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Assigning learning resources to groups for learners


how to assigning learning resources to groups for learners?


These instructions demonstrate how to add any learning (elearning, YouTube, lessons etc.) to a group of learners from the learning resource library.


Login as a Administrator and select the Learning Library button (yellow button in the top right hand corner of the screen.)

Select the Assign Learning button.

Select learning resource(s) and then select Departments, Groups, Jobs and Employees to assign learning to.

The learning resources will not show up on all learner’s accounts immediately, you may need to wait several minutes for these changes to take effect.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Change system labels


how to change system labels?


The labels used in the system for parameters may not match those used in your organisation (e.g. you may use the term “Cost Centre” instead of “Department”.) To rectify this you can change any of the labels used in the system.


Login as an Administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Labels.

Press [+ Add Label]

Type in the word you want changed (‘Original Text’) and the ‘Translation’ below it. Open eLMS will now make the translation once you have logged in and out of the system.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Edit the organisational structure



how to edit the organisational structure



Your organisational structure should be set up automatically as part of the importing HR data process (reimporting the HR data with amended information will also correct any errors.) Should there be an errors in the import you can also edit any of these parameters directly within Open eLMS.


Login as an administrator and press the blue button at the top right of the screen System Setup.

Under the breadcrumb you will see links for each part of the organisational structure.

Select the [Actions] button and Edit to edit the content of each.

Note there is some functionality that can be turned on via the configuration options that incorporates additional functionality which is not imported (e.g. queries attached to departments, companies etc. affecting who is assigned there, Contact Management information attached to company details, learning resources assigned to jobs etc.) These parameters will need to be edited as they will not be updated via an import etc.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Get admin access


how to get admin access?


You will need to request admin access in writing via email.


Follow these steps

Email your account manager or requesting admin access

The admin account will be added and you will be sent details

Press on the Forgotten Password link to generate a new password on the login screen (if Single Sign On is not activated).

You account manager should send you details of your account – check your SPAM email in case the email has arrived there.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Import User Data


how to import user data?


Importing data from a spreadsheet is easy to do using Open eLMS.


Login as an Administrator

Go to System Setup > Organisation > Users (can be ‘Students’, ‘Employees’, ‘Apprentices’ etc depending on version)

Press on the [+ Import Users] button and select the import selection which applies to you.

Follow the on screen instructions to import new users, delete/disable users or import users using the UK Government’s Individualised Learner Record format.

Should you have a database which acts as the master source for user data, then you may wish to export user data to a file (overnight). Open eLMS can synchronise data (either adding or removing personnel) using server side automated processing (aka CRON tasks). Contact to set this up for you.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Integrate with 3rd party software


how to integrate with 3rd party software?


Open eLMS integrates as plug and play functionality (i.e. not customisation needed) with numerous systems. Usually there is no cost involved integrating with the following – unless the API needs extending:

Anders Pink AI


Google Analytics




MS Power BI

MS Teams

Multi-Factor Authentication






To integrate with systems not on the above list, follow these instructions …

If you wish to configure your own systems to control Open eLMS, then use the Open eLMS API – full details are available on the site. Tasks such as adding users, assigning learning etc can be controlled using this API.

If you want us to change your installation of Open eLMS to use any third-party API – then contact your account manager or with details concerning of the system you want to integrate with and importantly the data you want to read from or write to the system.

Direct your IT personnel to the Open eLMS API for further details.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Set up a learning event




Open eLMS allows you to set up events on learners’ calendars.

This is different to adding learning resources or lesson directly to learners’ via the learning library since these events are scheduled on learners’ calendars – anything on a learners’ timetable (i.e. time dependent) should occur hear.

These events can be lessons (either in a classroom or online – or both!) or can be reviews or meetings with the learner(s). Attendance on these is recorded on the learners portfolios, along with a copy of the event resources and a video recording where appropriate.


Learning events are key to implementing a true blended learning experience.

Login as a Manager/Trainer/Tutor etc. and click on Assign Work in the main dashboard. You will see the calendar below which you can add events to.

Select [+Add Training Session] (the name can change with different versions).

Define the training and then press [+ Create Event].

This will allow you to then add Learning Resources, widgets, video webinars and people to the event.

These are added at the bottom of the lesson.

Press [Save and Close] and wait 5 minutes for the lesson to be processed.

Locate the lesson on the schedule and open it again. If you have added Zoom or Teams video to the session you will be able to run the lesson from this interface by pressing the [Launch Lesson] button. You should see something like below – follow the instructions on screen to run the lesson online or as a blended session in the classroom on screen.

Widgets such as Yammer and Jamboard can be added via configuration settings (see Change Configuration Options).

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Set up default emails


how to set up default emails?


Default emails enable reminders to be sent out by the system which ensures the system is actively used by the learning population.


Emails are defined out of the box – these may not always convey the information you want to send out so please check them and edit them in the following way.

Login as an administrator and press the blue round button in the top right hand corner of the screen and go to System Setup > Defaults (tab) > Emails

Select the email you wish to edit.

Edit the email – you can customise the content, add attachments and opt to copy the email to the respective manager.

Any email can be toggled as enabled/disabled at any time.

A record of all emails sent will be stored on your mail server if we are relaying emails via your company’s mail server. Contact if you would like this set up.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Set up learning default values


how to set up learning default values?


Open eLMS relies on many default values being set up in order to customise the learning experience for your organisation. This includes setting up categories, providers, branding and competencies.


If an Administrator, access the learning configuration changes via System Setup > Learning.

Else if a Curriculum Developer, access to the most essential Learning Setup options are shown on the on the Manage Learning dashboard.

Edit the changes as required. The following parameters are summarised below.

Learning Categories

These sort learning on the learner’s Netflix style interface.

Learning Providers

Used when setting up classroom training

Learning Resource Maintenance

This globally updates data and elearning course files. Other options allow you to import legacy data.

Learning Results

This allows you to hide data that is no longer relevant.

Event Types

Define options when creating events (Open eLMS Classroom options).


Vital to set up if using gamification, badging or just want to track underlying skills or CPD points.


Nothing to edit – just useful feedback on your learning resources.

e-Learning Distribution

If exporting your elearning to another LMS, use this functionality to maintain the ability to edit.

Free Open eLMS Resources

These allow you to offer free elearning courses within Open eLMS Creator for editing.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Set up SSO (Single Sign-On


how to set up sso (single sign-on?


Email your federation data (it’s an xml file) to organise a SAML SSO integration – make sure you include your company name and URL of your installation.


These instructions will show you how to get federation data to send to the Open eLMS support team.

Follow the instructions here to get federation data – Integrating SimpleSAMLphp with ADFS 2012R2

Email federation data to

This will initiate a support ticket to complete the integration.

If you have any issues, let us know and an integration expert will be in touch to organise the next step in the integration process.

See for further details.

helpdesk > administrator > how to > > Set up Trainers/Managers/Teachers etc.


how to set up trainers/managers/teachers etc.?


Administrators can assign the responsibility for managing groups, departments, learners etc to individuals within the system.


Go to System Setup > Organisation > Users\Students\Learners\Apprentices etc. Make sure any Trainers/Managers/Teachers to whom you will assign learners have the appropriate Manager permissions as shown in this example. Accounts can be edited if you need to change their role.

Go to System Setup > Organisation > Coach/Trainers (or the equivalent such as Managers, Teachers, Tutors etc.) and select Modify Access.

Select learning Categories, Departments, Groups and Learners for whom this person has responsibility for. When that person logs in as a Trainer/Manager/Teacher etc. they will only see data for the selections made.

Role permissions are usually added via the import process.

See for furthe details

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > general > assigning learning


How do users assign learning to individual learners?


These instructions demonstrate how a Manager/Trainer/Tutor etc can add any learning (elearning, YouTube, lessons etc.) to an individual learner from the learning resource library. This is a good way of supplementing learning resources assigned in bulk see Assigning learning to groups for learners.


login as a Manager/Trainer/Tutor etc and select the Manage Learning button (dark orange button in the top right hand corner of the screen.) Then select the Set Training button at the top of the screen.

Select the View by User button in the centre left of the screen.

Click on the eye button on the grid next to the person to whom you wish to add more work.

Examine their progress (events, gamification, learning programme progress etc.) and assign more work as needed by either pressing Add Learning (from resource library), Set Work (individual project) or Add Evidence (sign off completed work).

Further help information is available at

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > learning programmes > attach to programmes


How does administrators/curriculum developers share resources to multiple learners (programmes)?


This article will explain how you can assign a resource or multiple resources to learners when they are attached to learning programmes.

login as a manager (coach/trainer/teacher)

Click on View by Standard

Then click on +Bulk Assignment

You can define start date and expected completion date if required

Either Assign from learning library (from your existing library of resources) or Assign one-off project (bespoke a project specifically for a group of learners)

Once selected/created – choose a programme to assign the resource/resources to

Select which elements of the programme the resources can be mapped to

Select either departments, groups or individual learners you would like to send resources to (they will be highlighted in blue)

Press close

Further information is available at

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > learning programmes > how to add learning programmes


How to Add Learning Programmes


Learning programmes are a schedule of learning over several weeks, months and often years. Examples would be an accountancy course, a subject’s curriculum or university course. Learning on a curriculum is scheduled to appear on each learner’s dashboard as and when the learning is needed.


Go to the learning library (if an Administrator) and click on the Learning Programmes tab .

If you are a Curriculum Developer then click on the Programmes tab.

Press [+ Add Programme]

Define the programme details (Name, Expected Completion Time etc.) You can also define a query which will automatically assign, or remove, personnel from the programme which match that query. Press [Save and Close] when completed.

This now sets up the timeline attached to the programme. Scroll to the end of the list of programmes and select to Edit the new programme.

Press [+add outcome] to add the highest level of the programme’s structure. Criteria can be added below and subcriteria below that.

Learning Resources (elearning, microlearning, video etc.) can be added to the programme. Outcomes/Criteria/Subcriteria can be scheduled and the appearance of learning resources within the structure can be further refined (as shown below by checking on Customise Work Window).

If your company has bought the standard version of Open eLMS then you will not have this functionality enabled. Many courses are pre-populated by eLearning WMB – contact if you require assistance with this.

See for further information.

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > learning resources > adding learning


How to Add Learning Resources to the Library


Open eLMS should be able to accommodate any type of learning from blog entries to Zoom webinars (and everything in between). These resources can be added to a library so they can be reused, saving you time and allowing for incremental improvements in learning materials over time.


login as an Administrator and select the learning library (yellow button on the top right of the screen) and select the Lessons tab as shown.

If a Curriculum Developer then press the second Add Lessons tab.

Select the Add Learning Resources option – as you can see other options do exist for adding more content.

Follow the prompts to add the learning of your choice.

Note there is the option to add Prerequisite learning resources – which must be completed before the learning can start and a Query Builder which you can define in order to add or remove this learning resource from those to whom the query applies.

See for further information

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > learning resources > assigning groups


How to Assigning learning resources to groups for learners


These instructions demonstrate how to add any learning (elearning, YouTube, lessons etc.) to a group of learners from the learning resource library.


login as a Administrator and select the learning library button (yellow button in the top right hand corner of the screen.)

Select the Assign Learning button.

Select learning resource(s) and then select Departments, Groups, Jobs and Employees to assign learning to.

The learning resources will not show up on all learner’s accounts immediately, you may need to wait several minutes for these changes to take effect.

For further information see

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > learning resources > thumbnail images


How to Change images in the site.


There are various images on the site which have recommended sites. Prepare them in the following way.

Access the site as a Curriculum Manager or Administrator (and access the learning library > Learning Resources).

Search for and then Edit the correct resource.

Scroll down and add the following images with dimensions in pixels.

Thumbnails – 350w x 213h

Promo Images – 1070w x 650h

Category Thumbnails – 525w x 293h

Including large images will slow down the site. Save images at 72 dpi screen resolution.

For further information see

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > lessons > adding lessons


How to Add Lessons


Lessons are a collection of learning resources. These lessons can be assigned to learners directly, attached to learning programmes else added to events (e.g. Smart Classroom learning.)


login as an Administrator and select the learning library (yellow button on the top right of the screen.)

If a Curriculum Developer then press the first Add Learning Resources tab.

Select the Add Lesson button.

Complete the form. At the bottom of form you will see a reference to the learning library. You must select suitable learning resources and add them to the lesson by pressing the green [+ Add] button.

Once the lesson has been defined, assign it directly to learners or learning programmes, else use it as a template for adding learning resources to events in the calendar (e.g. blended learning classroom sessions).

See Open Elms Walkthrough Creating Learning Resources – or for further help information.

helpdesk > administrator > learning library > programmes > assigning groups


How to Assigning learning programmes to groups for learners


These instructions demonstrate how to add any learning (elearning, YouTube, lessons etc.) to a group of learners from the learning resource library.


login as a Administrator and select the Administer Learning button (dark orange button in the top right hand corner of the screen.)

Select the Programmes tab and then the [+ Add Learners to Programme] button.

This process can also be carried out from the learning library – see location of the [+ Assign Users] button below.

Select Departments, Groups, Users etc to add to a selected programme.

See for further information.

helpdesk > administrator > organisational details > check managers > add employees


How to Add/remove employees from managers’ accounts?


Managers/Tutors/Trainers etc will need to have the ability to add and remove learners from their accounts.


login as Admin (Managers/Tutors/Trainers can also be assigned this functionality but it is not assigned by default). Go to the main dashboard and select Check Managers as shown (‘Tutors’, ‘Trainers’ will be used in other versions.)

Select Modify Access to the right of the manager that needs editing.

Select Categories, Departments, Groups and Learners to add/remove them from the selected manager.

See for further information. Help information available also at

helpdesk > administrator > reporting > general > Power BI


How to Add Power BI Reports


Open eLMS gives you the option of feeding your system data via a live data link to Microsoft’s Power BI reporting tool.

Although Open eLMS has its own custom reporting engine and dashboard functionality, Microsoft Power BI brings additional advantages, namely:

View reports across multiple platforms and devices without needing to use Open eLMS

Combine data sources from other areas (HR Databases, Excel spreadsheets

Share dashboards with appropriate user groups

Drill down into data visualisations to get more meaning from the data

Just in time view of the data – no longer rely on out of date printed reports

These instructions are for setting up reports on your installation using the Open eLMS licence – should you have your own licence and wish to create your own reports then contact directly.

login as an admin and go to Review and press Export data to Power BI.

Then type into the dataset box the name of your domain (in the case below you can see how it matches the domain base_business.)

Change the type of export to Continuously updated and then press Export To Power BI.

Contact Open eLMS with the name of your domain (also your dataset name) by sending an email to

Open eLMS will send you a URL for your new report (e.g. You will need to enter this into Open eLMS. To do this login as an administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration > Key = powerbi_dashboard_url as shown below.

Return to Review and press the Export to Power BI again. Type into the Existing Datasets box the name of your domain, select Continuously updated again and press Export to Power BI.

The URL of your report will be displayed. Click on this to open the report. You do not have to repeat any of these steps again so long as you make a record of your report URL – it will always be kept up to date and can be accessed from anywhere (computer, mobile app etc.)

See for further details

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > badges > adding badges


How to Add Badges


Badges allow you to use awards won in Open eLMS to be transferred out of the Open eLMS infrastructure and remain with learners on social media channels (Linked In, Facebook etc.) and CVs.


To set this up for your users follow these steps:

Register here if in EU for example (you can change the location for different domains). Create a number of badges as an Issuer; these badges should reflect competencies you wish to see in your organisation (e.g. Leadership, Teamwork, Health and Safety etc.) Find out more about how to issue badges on the badgr account ( ).

Email with your account details and request a “Connected App Key and Secret”.

login as an administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration > Key = BadgrApiKey

and enter as the configuration values supplied separated by a comma (e.g.,16240107YH==).

Set the Key = badgrRegion to eu. if in Europe (or change if in USA to us. etc.)

Set the Key = badgesEnabled to true.

Link badges to competencies, in this way when a competency is awarded, its associated badge also gets awarded. Do this by going to System Settings > Learning > Competencies and linking each competency to its associated badge.

Employees and Managers can now see these badges on their accounts (Progress > Gamification).

Badgr follows the Open Badges standard and is free to set up and use. Paid for subscriptions allow pathways etc.

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > defaults > edit branding


How to Change Branding


This is how you can adjust branding yourself any time.


Obtain a logo image at least 400 pixels wide by 200 pixels high (should you need to change your logo). The image should be a PNG file (transparent background).

login as an administrator and go to the top right hand corner and press on the blue button: System Setup > Defaults > Branding.

Make changes as required – other images such as the elearning buttons and background image (1800×1200 pixels) for the login screen can also be changed.

Open eLMS will be always be branded for you when first installed, but things change.

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > defaults > multiple branding


How to Brand Multiple Tenancy Installations


In cases where a single installation is used to host multiple client instances, it is important to separate data and brand each client instance accordingly (currently this rebrands the login page, but further rebranding will also take effect shortly – Q4 2021.)


Follow these instructions to set up a new company in your multi-tenancy.

login as an Administrator and go to System Setup > Organisation > Companies and select Add Company.

Edit the company, adding in a logo and a URL extension. Give this extension (e.g. in the example below) to anyone from the company to manually logging in (this will display the company logo.) Other branding changes will take effect shortly.

Create new Manager and Administrator roles for personnel in companies so that they do not have access to other company’s data. To do this go to System Setup > Roles > Add Role and create a new role.

Enter role details (compare with other Managers, Administrators etc.) You must however differentiate permissions by making sure that the Access to all companies and Access to All Users are NOT checked (as below).

Note to assign these new roles to all personnel in any company in this multi-tenancy installation – this can be done during the import process.

Further detalis at

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > defaults > system labels


How to Change system labels


The labels used in the system for parameters may not match those used in your organisation (e.g. you may use the term “Cost Centre” instead of “Department”.) To rectify this you can change any of the labels used in the system.


login as an Administrator and go to System Setup > Defaults > Labels.

Press [+ Add Label]

Type in the word you want changed (‘Original Text’) and the ‘Translation’ below it. Open eLMS will now make the translation once you have logged in and out of the system.

For further information see

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > organisational setup > assign role


How to Change a user’s role


When users get imported into the system it is usually as a ‘trainee’ role. Roles can be changed manually by system administrators.

Follow these steps to change the role …

login as an administrator and go to System Setup > Organisation.

Find the person whose role you want to change then select Edit.

Scroll down to the Role and change it to the desired role then press Save and Close. The role will now be changed.

All roles should automatically contain the trainee role, so changing a trainee to a Curriculum Developer will still give that user access to their training.

For further information see

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > organisational setup > edit roles


How to Change a role’s settings


Roles are largely predefined with your installation and will have been customised by the account manager following an initial briefing; the permissions behind each role can be edited if required.

Follow these instructions to alter the permissions behind each role.

login as admin and go to System setup > Organisation > Roles

Select to Edit a role. Any of the permissions listed can be changed, each permission is clearly labelled on the left hand side of the screen and their respective permission value is on the right side of the screen.

Press the Edit button on the top right of the screen.

Here you can define the Role Group; this effects the interface

(i.e. the actions menu tabs across the screen).

The Role permissions allow you to alter some global interface settings for this role type (see all user data, hide selected menu tabs etc.)

eMail Options allow certain roles not to get email alerts.

Digital onboarding allows interfaces to be built with digital forms from Open eLMS Forms (check whether you have purchased this add-n).

Can switch to other roles allows this role to select other (e.g. an admin can select the other roles as well as the core admin role.

Do not forget to click on Save and Close after making any changes.

It is highly recommended that you do not change the default permission settings in step 2 unless you are sure you know the ramifications of the changes you are making. If you want to proceed try changing one setting at a time and then testing the effect of this change.

For further help see

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > payments > civica


How to Adding the Civica Payments Engine


Civica is a payments engine popular with local and national government in the UK. Open eLMS has an off-the-shelf integration with this method of payment.

Make sure you have Civica installed and set up and then follow these steps.

login as Admin and go to System Setup > Defaults > Configuration.

Search in the Key column for isCivicaPaymentsEngine and set this value to true.

Then search in the Key column for civicaDefaultGeneralLedgerCode and edit the value to match the default General Ledger Code used for learning.

Search in the Key column for civicaPaymentsEngineRequestURL and edit the value to match the default General Ledger Code used for learning. This value takes the following format where you will need to substitute your organisation’s name; note that the test site has been used in this incident.

Search in the Key column for civicaPaymentsEngineVatCode; use the value of 01 for the standard VAT code.

Finally search in the Key column for civicaDefaultGeneralLedgerCode and edit the value to match the default General Ledger Code used for learning.

For further information see

helpdesk > administrator > system setup > registration > allow registration


How to Allow Registration


Edit the configuration key below to change functionality within the system, there are over 200 such settings in the system.


TRUE: This adds registration button on the login screen.

See for further information.

helpdesk > administrator > troubleshooting > emails > Troubleshooting: No emails being received


How to find out why no emails are received?



No emails being received – forgotten password emails etc. not working?


There a couple of things you can check …

Go to the configuration option as an Administrator: System Setup > Configuration > enableEmailFunctionality and make sure the value is true.

Check your spam folder.

Check with your local system administrator for the mailserver settings as you may need to add the email domain to a whitelist. It could be that emails are blocked from certain domains. Emails will usually be sent from or

If you have checked options 1 to 3 then it is possible that the email server has not been set up or set up incorrectly. Contact and this will be carried out immediately.

For more details see

helpdesk > administrator > troubleshooting > learning programmes > Troubleshooting: Can’t find learning resource assigned to learner


How to find learning resource assigned to learner



Can’t find an assigned learning resource on a learner’s account.


If a learning resources has been directly assigned to a learner but cannot be found on the learner account then please check the following:

Double check the name is exactly as expected in the Learning Library (e.g. E, D & I” wont be the same as “E,D&I” or “ED&I”)

If the Learning Resource assigned via a Learning Programme, check that the learning programme is active – i.e. learning resources will be hidden till the work window appears – in this case after 86 days.

For further details see

Check to see if there is a query assigned to the Learning Resource or Learning Programme which will prevent the learning resource from being assigned to the learner.

There is usually a logical reason for not seeing the expected result, please contact support if you need help.

helpdesk > administrator > troubleshooting > quality assurer > Troubleshooting: Quality Assurer Cant See Learning Resource Details


How to find out why quality assurers cannot see learning resource details?



A quality assurer cannot see Learning Resource details. When viewing a learning resources they see Null fields (i.e. no file links, comments or descriptions).


It is necessary to give the Quality Assurer a Management role and assign personnel to that QA (if they do not have access to all people.

Login as an administrator and go to System Setup > Organisation > Roles > Page Access/Edit for the QA role.

Click the Edit button at the top of the screen.

If the Access to All Users is unchecked (bottom of screen), then you need to ensure the Manager checkbox is checked.

Now assign learners to the QA role as if he/she were a manager (System Setup > Organisation >Managers and assign learners for whom that QA has visibility.

Note default settings will assign QAs to everyone, this is only necessary if you want a QA to have access to a selected number of personnel.

See for further details.

Still need help? Raise a support issue via our incident management system. Use this system to monitor progress on issues through to resolution.

Alternatively – if you are a client – you may wish to request a future upgrade to the system