eForms, eSignatures and the LMS

The International Data Corporation (IDC) – the premier global provider of market intelligence – forecasts that spending on e-signature technology will grow annually by at least 20% over the next five years.

e-signature solutions and form creation provide dramatic cost-effective productivity improvements, for instance one global bank has reduced the average time for circulating and approving procurements from 2-3 days to minutes.

So how is this relevant to Learning Management Systems such as Open eLMS?

Legal Compliance

Learning is often the fundamental step in any legal compliance system. Companies need proof that learners have attested to having completed any compliance training or carried out certain tasks prior to their accreditation.

Standards Conformity

ISO standards require personnel to sign off on having carried out the necessary training as well as having read company policies and procedures in order to gain adherence to that standard.

Personnel Management

Learning Management Systems such as Open eLMS incorporate personnel management features such as 360 feedback, review meetings etc. Within these meetings it is necessary to complete forms and sign them off to all parties satisfaction.


Learners often need to supply a wealth of information prior to starting induction training or a structured learning programme etc. Apprentices for instance need to complete an Individualised Learner Record comprising of over 200 fields. A structured form filling in process which validates individuals via photo recognition and passport/driving licence ID validation is a vital component of a smooth onboarding process.

Open eLMS Forms is a completely customisable solution for:

  • Legal Compliance
  • Standards Compliance
  • Personnel Management
  • And Onboarding

Open eLMS Forms automatically fills in forms from data already collected – thereby saving time and money. Furthermore it ensures that the right forms are emailed to the right people at the right time, the workflow, forms and documentation are customizable to suit each company’s needs.

To find out how we can tailor eForms to work for you please contact sales@elearningwmb.com to discuss your ideas further.