New Version of Open eLMS Announced – Aphrodite

The new version of Open eLMS is out – code name Aphrodite. We could say something cheesy like “Aphrodite was the goddess of Love and you will love this LMS”, but there is no need. As usual we will let Open eLMS speak for itself.

The quarterly improvements are too numerous to list in this article, but a full list of new features are available on the site. Thanks to feedback from our wonderful clients and the skills of our ergonomic designers we have produced something that truly meets the company’s credo of combining comprehensiveness and ease of use.

Open eLMS Aphrodite Screenshot

eLearning WMB have never thrown more resources at development to ensure that the product is as good as it can be.

We are confident in predicting that Open eLMS is simply the best Learning Management System on the market. Not convinced? Then please contact us today and let us show you why.