What really is a Learning Management System?


Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what is a Learning Management System? Simply put it is a comprehensive software platform designed to facilitate the delivery, administration, and tracking of online learning courses and training programs, adding an eLMS into your eLearning program can have many benefits.

I’m sure  eLearning already plays a crucial role in your workplace by offering cost-effective and scalable training delivery. This has the knock on effect of fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability in your ever-evolving workplace.

In this article, we will delve into the diverse range of LMS available in the modern business world, exploring the essential features to consider when choosing an LMS. We also provide you with valuable insights on optimising the LMS use within your organization and how your LMS administrators can effectively implement both new and existing LMS platforms.

Types of Learning Management Systems

There are three main types of Learning Management Systems (LMS) available in the market, each catering your different needs and preferences. Some common types of LMS include:

  1. Cloud-based LMS: These LMS solutions are hosted on the cloud, allowing your LMS administrator(s) to access and manage learning content remotely. They offer you scalability, easy updates, and reduced infrastructure requirements. These systems rapidly became the most common LMS solution for SMEs to large corporations. Examples include Cornerstone, Saba and Open eLMS.

  2. Self-hosted LMS: Self-hosted LMS systems are installed on local servers, giving organizations full control over the software and data. They offer customization options but require your LMS administrators to have technical expertise for setup and maintenance. Such systems are often open-source as there is no limitation on their distribution. This low cost option is common in academic institutions where there is often available resources to set up and manage such systems. Although often nominally free, you will find hidden costs however with interface add-ons and support, so free is not always 100% free. The most popular example would be Moodle.

  3. Mobile LMS: Mobile LMS solutions will suit you if your learners prefer accessing training content on mobile devices. They provide responsive interfaces, offline access, and mobile-specific features like push notifications and in-app assessments. An example of such a system would be EdApp or TalentCards, although many LMSs also provide mobile apps for offline learning.

It’s important to assess your organization’s specific requirements and choose an LMS type that aligns with your goals and learning objectives. Roughly speaking Cloud-based LMS are a B2B solution, Self-hosted are B2E and Mobile are B2C – where there is a strong mobile learning requirement.

We would highly recommend that you opt for a cloud-based solution for the following reasons:

  1. Accessibility: Cloud-based LMS allows each learner and LMS administrator to access the system and training content from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is especially beneficial for remote employees, distributed teams, or learners on the go.

  2. Scalability: Cloud-based LMS solutions offer scalability, allowing you to flex with growing training needs. You can quickly scale up or down based on the number of users, courses, and content without requiring significant hardware or infrastructure investments.

  3. Reduced IT burden: With a cloud-based LMS, the vendor handles maintenance, updates, and system upgrades. This relieves your IT department from the responsibility of managing and maintaining hardware, software, and server infrastructure.

  4. Cost-effectiveness: Cloud-based LMS typically operates on a subscription-based pricing model, eliminating you needing to address hardware and software expenses up front. You will find that when you consider initial setup costs, ongoing maintenance, and IT support, it is a more cost-effective option.

  5. Seamless updates and feature enhancements: Cloud-based LMS providers regularly release updates and new features to enhance the platform’s functionality. These updates are seamlessly delivered you, ensuring you have access to the latest features and improvements without any manual intervention.

  6. Data security and backups: Cloud-based LMS providers prioritize data security and often employ advanced security measures, including encryption, secure data centers, and regular backups. This ensures that your PII data is protected and can be restored in case of any unforeseen events.

    Cloud-based LMSs offers you convenience, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to focus on your core training activities rather than IT infrastructure management.

Key Features of e-Learning Management Systems

So we have discussed what type of LMS to choose, so what can you expect from your brand new LMS:

  1. Course Authoring: Course authoring is the process of creating and designing educational content within an LMS. LMSs typically offer tools and features that allow your LMS administrator to create courses. These authoring features may include:

  • Content Curation: LMSs often provide tools for compiling multimedia-rich content such as text, images, videos, and audio) for use within the LMS.

  • eLearning Authoring: Some LMSs may also include authoring tools for creating and editing online training which combine text, quizzes, images, video and animation into a single learning experience. Some LMS’s even integrate with AI to create eLearning courses from text prompts e.g. openelms.ai.

  • Course Structure: LMSs allows the LMS administrator to organize content into modules, lessons, or chapters, making it easier for learners to navigate through the course.

  • Multimedia Integration: LMSs support the integration of various multimedia elements to enhance the learning experience, such as embedding videos, audio recordings, or interactive simulations.

  • Assessments and Quizzes: LMSs often include tools which allow your LMS administrator to create quizzes, tests, or assessments to gauge learners’ understanding of the course material.

  1. Assessments: Assessment features in an LMS enable you to evaluate learners’ progress and knowledge acquisition. Some common assessment features include:

  • Quizzes and Tests: LMSs provide tools for creating and delivering online quizzes and tests. These assessments can be in the form of multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, fill-in-the-blanks, or essay questions.

  • Grading and Feedback: LMSs allow you to automatically grade assessments or manually grade subjective questions. They also provide options for providing feedback to learners on their performance.

  • Rubrics: LMSs may support the use of rubrics, which provide a set of criteria for evaluating learners’ assignments or projects. Rubrics can help ensure consistency in grading and provide clear expectations for learners.

  1. Reporting: Reporting features in an LMS enable all users (LMS administrators, instructors, and learners) to track and analyse various aspects of the learning process. These features typically include:

  • Learner Progress Tracking: LMSs track learners’ progress through the course, capturing information such as completed modules, quiz scores, and time spent on each activity.

  • Performance Analytics: LMSs provide analytics and reporting dashboards that allow the LMS administrator and instructor to analyse learner performance at various levels, such as individual learners, groups, or the entire class. This information can help identify areas where learners may be struggling or excelling.

  • Compliance and Certification Tracking: In corporate or regulated environments, LMSs may include features for tracking compliance training and certifications. They can generate reports to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Custom Reporting: LMSs often provide options for generating custom reports based on specific criteria or metrics required by the organization or institution.

It’s important to note that the features and capabilities of an LMS can vary depending on the specific platform or software you select. Different LMS providers may offer additional features beyond the essentials mentioned here, such as discussion forums, social learning features, collaboration tools, personnel management and off the shelf integrations with other systems.

How do e-Learning Management Systems Work?

There are several functions which combine to make up a Learning Management System. Here’s an overview of the minimum of what you can expect your LMS to do:

  1. User Management: The LMS has user management capabilities to allow your LMS administrator to create and manage user accounts. User roles and permissions are assigned to control access to different features and content within the LMS.

  2. Content Creation and Management: The LMS provides tools for course authoring and content creation. Instructors or course developers can compile multimedia-rich content, such as text, images, videos, and assessments or combine the media into a single interactive eLearning experience. The content is organized into modules or lessons, and the LMS allows for easy management and editing of the content.

  3. Course Enrollment: Learners can enroll on training courses offered within the LMS. This can be done through self-enrollment or by the LMS administrator enrolling learners manually. Learners may have access to a course catalog or be provided with enrollment codes to join specific training courses.

  4. Course Delivery: Once enrolled, learners can access the course materials and content through the LMS. They can navigate through the modules or lessons, view multimedia content, participate in discussions, and complete assessments or quizzes.

  5. Assessments and Grading: The LMS provides tools for creating and delivering assessments, such as quizzes or tests. Learners can submit their answers electronically, and the LMS may automatically grade objective questions. Instructors can manually grade subjective questions and provide feedback and scores to learners.

  6. Progress Tracking: The LMS tracks learners’ progress throughout the course. It records completion of modules or lessons, assessment scores, and time spent on each activity. This information is stored and used for tracking learners’ performance and generating reports.

  7. Communication and Collaboration: LMSs often include communication and collaboration features. Learners can interact with instructors and peers through discussion forums, chat systems, or messaging tools. Instructors can provide announcements, updates, or facilitate online discussions.

  8. Reporting and Analytics: LMSs generate reports and analytics based on the data collected. LMS administrators and instructors can access these reports to monitor learner progress, track performance, and identify areas for improvement. Reports may include completion rates, assessment scores, learner engagement, and other relevant metrics.

  9. Integration and Customization: LMSs may offer integrations with other systems, such as student information systems or HR systems, to streamline data management and user authentication. LMSs also provide customization options, allowing organizations to brand the platform, tailor settings, and adapt the LMS to their specific needs.

It’s important to note that the exact functionalities and workflows can vary depending on the specific LMS platform or software you use. However, the overall process typically involves user management, content creation, course delivery, assessments, progress tracking, communication, reporting, and customization.

Benefits of an e-Learning Management System

A Learning Management System (even an average one) will offer you several benefits that positively impact organizations and learners. Here’s an explanation of four key benefits showing why a learning management system is important:

a. Reduced Training Costs: Traditional training methods often involve expenses like venue rentals, travel, printed materials, and instructor fees. With an LMS, organizations can deliver training online, eliminating or reducing these costs.

b. Scalability and Efficiency: LMSs enable organizations to deliver training to a large number of learners simultaneously, regardless of their geographical location. This eliminates the need for multiple trainers or physical classrooms, resulting in cost savings and improved efficiency.

c. Time Optimization: Learners can access training materials at their convenience, eliminating the need for scheduling and coordinating training sessions. Additionally, automated grading and reporting features in the LMS save instructors’ time by reducing manual grading and administrative tasks.

d. Content Reusability: LMSs allow organizations to create and store online training in a centralized location. This content can be reused and repurposed for future training needs, saving time and resources spent on content creation.

You can further improve the effectiveness of the learning process by providing a structured and engaging learning environment. Here’s how you should be looking to achieve this:

a. Personalized Learning: LMSs offer flexibility for learners to progress at their own pace. Learners can access relevant content, track their progress, and focus on areas where they need improvement. Personalized learning paths increase engagement and understanding, leading to improved learning outcomes.

b. Multimedia-rich Content: LMSs support various media formats, including videos, interactive simulations, and gamified elements. These engaging resources enhance learner comprehension, retention, and overall learning experience.

c. Continuous Learning Opportunities: LMSs enable organizations to offer continuous learning opportunities through the availability of on-demand courses, microlearning modules, and knowledge repositories. Learners can access these resources whenever they need to refresh their knowledge or acquire new skills.

You will also find secondary benefits in that an effective LMS will have a positive impact on employee engagement and retention via the effectiveness of the learning process. Here’s how your learning should become more effective in creating a learning culture in your organisation:

a. Accessible and Convenient Learning: LMSs provide learners with anytime, anywhere access to training materials. This accessibility allows employees to engage in learning at their own convenience, reducing barriers to participation and increasing engagement.

b. Gamification and Rewards: LMSs often incorporate gamification elements, such as badges, leaderboards, and certificates. These elements promote healthy competition, recognition, and achievement, fostering a sense of motivation and engagement among employees.

c. Career Development Opportunities: LMSs facilitate career development by offering a wide range of courses and learning paths. Employees appreciate opportunities for professional growth and advancement, which can lead to higher job satisfaction, increased loyalty, and reduced turnover.

d. Performance Tracking and Feedback: LMSs provide tools for tracking learner progress and generating performance reports. Employees can monitor their own growth, receive feedback on their performance, and identify areas for improvement, enhancing their engagement and motivation.

e. Social Learning and Collaboration: LMSs often include social learning features like discussion forums, chat functionalities, and peer collaboration tools. These features promote knowledge sharing, communication, and networking among employees, fostering a sense of belonging and engagement.

It’s important to note that the specific benefits to you will vary depending on your organization’s implementation of the LMS and the engagement of your organisation in backing the LMS implementation.

Examples of Learning Management Systems

There is a vast array of Learning Management Systems available to you to suit different types of industry and budget. Price is no guarantee of quality though, it is important to examine the feature list of all vendors under consideration for a true like-for-like comparison. We have included some solutions from software and technology companies below so you can see the diversity of each offering:

  • Moodle is an open-source LMS widely used in educational institutions and organizations. Moodle is highly customizable but can be fairly opaque from a usability point of view.

  • Canvas is popular in higher education with integration with third-party applications. Canvas offers features for assessments, collaboration, and analytics.

  • Docebo provides tools for course creation, assessments, social learning, and gamification. Docebo also offers extensive reporting and analytics capabilities.

  • Open eLMS: Open eLMS is a cloud based LMS known for its innovative approach to learning management. Open eLMS is rated both as the top LMS and top eLearning Authoring system on Slashdot and Source forge.

  • SAP Litmos: SAP Litmos is a cloud-based LMS suitable for corporate training. SAP Litmos offers integrations with CRM systems, HR platforms, and other business applications.

  • TalentLMS is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, it supports blended learning, assessments, collaboration tools, and integration with third-party systems.

Why you will need LMS Administrators

LMS administrators play a crucial role in managing and maintaining the Learning Management System within an organization or educational institution. Their responsibilities vary depending on the size and complexity of the LMS implementation, but generally, the LMS administrator is responsible for:

  1. LMS Configuration and Integrations

  2. User Management

  3. Content Management including eLearning and gamification development

  4. System Maintenance and Upgrades

  5. Reporting, Certifications and Analytics

  6. Training, Support and Documentation

The LMS administrator plays a vital role in enabling smooth and efficient learning experiences for both instructors and learners. Their expertise and support contribute to the overall effectiveness and success of the organization’s training or educational initiatives.

The Importance of Learning Analytics

Learning analytics in LMSs can provide you with valuable insights into learners’ progress, engagement, and overall performance. By tracking your learners’ activities, interactions, and outcomes, you can gather data to improve the learning experience and make informed decisions.

Personalized Learning Experiences

AI can be instrumental in crafting personalized learning experiences within Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Through learner profiling, AI analyses data on preferences, performance, and interactions to create individual profiles for each learner. This allows you to push out adaptive learning experiences, tailoring learning materials to match learners’ needs. Intelligent recommendations suggest relevant resources and courses, while personalized assessments adapt to learners’ abilities and offer targeted feedback. AI algorithms provide intelligent feedback and support, while learning analytics generate insights for instructional improvements. Natural language processing can also enhances communication within the LMS. By leveraging AI, LMSs can deliver even produce tailored content, support, and reporting for learners and management alike,

LMS Implementation Strategy

When implementing a Learning Management System you will need to adopt careful planning, execution, and post-implementation assessment. Here’s a concise overview of tips and best practices for each stage:

  1. Planning:

  • Clearly define your organization’s learning goals and objectives to align the LMS implementation with your strategic objectives.

  • Involve your key stakeholders, such as HR, IT, trainers, and learners, in the planning process to ensure their needs and requirements are considered.

  • Conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the specific features and functionalities required in the LMS.

  • Set a realistic budget and timeline, considering factors like customization, integration, and training requirements.

  • Choose an LMS vendor that aligns with your organization’s needs, has a track record of successful implementations, and provides good customer support.

  1. Execution:

  • Develop a detailed implementation plan, including tasks, responsibilities, and timelines.

  • Customize the LMS to reflect your organization’s branding and incorporate relevant features and modules.

  • Integrate the LMS with other systems, such as HRIS or Single Sign-On (SSO), for seamless data exchange.

  • Ensure data security and privacy by implementing necessary measures, such as encryption and user access controls.

  • Provide comprehensive training to LMS administrators, trainers, and learners to ensure smooth adoption and usage of the LMS.

  • Gradually roll out the LMS to small groups or pilot programs before implementing it organization-wide.

  1. Post-implementation Assessment:

  • Regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the LMS through key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your learning goals.

  • Gather feedback from aLMS dministrators, trainers, and learners to identify areas for improvement and address any issues or concerns.

  • Continuously update and enhance the LMS based on user feedback, emerging technologies, and changing organizational needs.

  • Establish a system for ongoing technical support to promptly address any technical or functional issues that arise.

  • Analyze data and reports generated by the LMS to gain insights into learner engagement, course effectiveness, and overall ROI.

Remember, a successful LMS implementation requires your ongoing commitment, communication, and continuous improvement to ensure its alignment with your organization’s learning objectives and to maximize its benefits.

LMS Integration with Other Systems

Integrating a Learning Management System (LMS) with your other systems, such as HR (Human Resources), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and other business applications, is important for several reasons and offers several benefits:

  1. Streamlined Data Management: Integrating the LMS allows for seamless data exchange and reduces the need for manual data entry and duplication when filling in forms (should your LMS have personnel management capabilities) and producing certificates.

  2. Enhanced User Experience: Integration enables a unified user experience by eliminating the need for learners and LMS administrators to switch between different platforms or log in separately using Single Sign On (SSO) and APIs.

  3. Efficient Workflow: Integration facilitates the automation of various processes, such as user onboarding, course assignment, and reporting. For example, when an employee is added to the HR system, the integration can automatically create a user account in your LMS and assign relevant training based on their role or job profile.

  4. Improved Training Management: Integrating the LMS with CRM or other business applications allows organizations to link training activities directly to customer or sales data. This helps identify skill gaps, target training based on customer needs, and track the impact of training on sales performance and customer satisfaction.

  5. Data-driven Decision Making: Integration enables comprehensive reporting and analytics by consolidating data from multiple systems. Organizations can gain insights into learner progress, training effectiveness, compliance, and other key metrics. These insights inform decision making, optimize training strategies, and measure the return on investment (ROI) of learning initiatives.

  6. Cost and Time Savings: Integration reduces manual administrative tasks and eliminates the need for duplicate data entry, leading to time and cost savings. It also minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual data handling.

  7. Scalability and Flexibility: Integrating the LMS with other systems supports scalability as organizations grow. It allows for easy adaptation to changing business needs and the integration of new applications or systems as required.

By integrating the LMS with HR, CRM, and other business applications, you can leverage the power of data synchronization, streamline processes, enhance user experience, and can then make data-driven decisions to optimize training outcomes and improve overall business performance.

Common LMS Pitfalls to Avoid

When implementing a Learning Management System (LMS), you should be aware of common mistakes that can hinder the success of the implementation. Here’s a concise overview of these mistakes and how to avoid them:

  1. Insufficient Planning: One of the common mistakes we find is not investing enough time and effort in the planning phase. To avoid this, you should conduct a thorough needs assessment, involve key stakeholders, set clear goals, establish a realistic budget and timeline, and create a detailed implementation plan.

  2. Lack of User Involvement: Neglecting to involve end-users, such as the LMS administrators, trainers, and learners, in your decision-making process can lead to resistance and poor adoption. Engage stakeholders from the beginning, gather their input, address their concerns, and ensure the LMS aligns with their needs and preferences.

  3. Failure to Customize and Test: Implementing an LMS without customizing it to fit your organization’s specific requirements can result in a suboptimal user experience. You should be able to customize the LMS to reflect your branding, incorporate relevant features, and conduct thorough testing to ensure it functions as intended before deployment.

  4. Inadequate Training and Support: Insufficient training for your LMS administrator and trainer personnel can hamper adoption and utilization of the LMS. You should ensure your supplier can provide comprehensive training sessions, user guides, and ongoing technical support to ensure users are proficient in using the system and can troubleshoot common issues. The learner should not need excessive (or any) training to use the system. If they do – then I’d advise you look for another system.

  5. Overwhelming Content: Overloading the LMS with excessive content can confuse your learners and make it difficult to navigate. Prioritize relevant and high-quality content, organize it logically, and ensure it is easily searchable and accessible for learners.

  6. Lack of Integration: Failing to integrate the LMS with other systems, such as HR or CRM, can lead to manual data entry, data inconsistencies, and inefficient workflows. It is important to identify your integration opportunities to enhance user experience.

  7. Neglecting Evaluation and Improvement: Not assessing the effectiveness of your LMS and neglecting to make necessary improvements can limit its impact. Regularly evaluate the LMS through user feedback, analytics, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Use the insights gained to continuously enhance the system, address issues, and optimize the learning experience. Your LMS provider may be ISO 9001 or ISO 20000 certified, if so then they should keep records of such measures.

If you avoid these common mistakes and take a proactive approach to planning, customization, user involvement, training, integration, and evaluation, you will maximize the benefits of your LMS and ensure its successful adoption and utilization across your organization.

LMS Comparison Guide

Here’s the comparison of different LMS options you may wish to consider, including their features, pricing, and support:

  1. Moodle:

  • Features: Open-source, customizable, robust course management, assessments, forums, collaboration tools, multimedia support.

  • Pricing: Free and open-source. Additional costs may include hosting, customization, and support.

  • Support: Community support through forums, user groups, and online documentation. Commercial support available at an additional cost.

  • 5 star rating: 2 stars (technical and difficult to implement, low on features)

  1. Canvas:

  • Features: User-friendly interface, collaborative features, multimedia support, mobile app, analytics, integration with third-party tools.

  • Pricing: Pricing based on the number of users and specific requirements. Contact vendor for a quote.

  • Support: 24/7 phone and email support. Community support through forums, knowledge base, and training resources.

  • 5 star rating: 4 stars (not cutting edge, but solid LMS for education with good support)

  1. Blackboard Learn:

  • Features: Comprehensive course management, assessments, collaboration tools, multimedia support, grading, analytics, integration options.

  • Pricing: Pricing based on the number of users and specific requirements. Contact vendor for a quote.

  • Support: 24/7 phone, email, and chat support. Online knowledge base and training resources.

  • 5 star rating: 4 stars (similar to Canvas, not cutting edge, but suitable for education)

  1. Open eLMS:

  • Features: Intuitive interface, Artificial Intelligence, automated eLearning generation, learning content management system, customisable dashboards, gamification, social learning, mobile app, custom reports. Excellent ongoing customer training resources.

  • Pricing: Pricing based on the number of active users. Contact vendor for a quote.

  • Support: 24/7 email support + account manager phone support 8 am to 6 pm. Online knowledge base, tutorials, and user community.

  • 5 star rating: 5 stars (feature rich and easy to use)

  1. Docebo:

  • Features: AI-powered learning, social learning, gamification, content management, certifications, analytics, mobile app. Good LMS administration.

  • Pricing: Pricing based on the number of active users and specific requirements. Contact vendor for a quote.

  • Support: 24/7 phone and email support. Online knowledge base, training resources, and user community.

  • 5 star rating: 4 stars (excellent reporting, solid LMS)

  1. TalentLMS:

  • Features: Easy setup, course creation, assessments, e-commerce integration, gamification, mobile app, analytics, integrations.

  • Pricing: Pricing based on the number of users and specific requirements. Offers a free plan for up to 5 users.

  • Support: 24/7 email support. Priority support available with higher-tier plans. Online knowledge base and training resources.

  • 5 star rating: 3 stars (very standard LMS low on imaginative features, well marketed)

Remember to thoroughly evaluate each LMS option based on your organization’s specific requirements, budget, and support needs to choose the best fit for your business. A good idea is to ask the LMS vendor what percentage of its work comes from competitive tenders. If this is high, you can tell it compares favourably with the competition.


OK, you should now know what a LMS is, why it will be beneficial to have one and have some idea of how to go about selecting and implementing a LMS in your organisation.

e-Learning management systems (LMS) are vital for revolutionizing learning by providing flexible access to educational content, centralizing resources, and enabling personalized learning paths. They streamline administrative tasks, promote collaboration and social learning, and offer performance monitoring and analytics for data-driven decision-making. With their ability to enhance accessibility, efficiency, and engagement, LMS platforms play a critical role in transforming the learning experience and driving organizational success.

When looking for a LMS, it is important to select one that is suited for your target market. We would recommend Open eLMS for business and professional use due to the ease of use (it’s designed by an ergonomist) and the range of features inherent in the LMS. Open eLMS has been going since 2003 and is the top rated LMS and CMS by both Sourceforge and Slashdot.

If your view of LMSs has been shaped by large enterprise systems such as SAP and Cornerstone, we invite you to look again at the possible.